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Fanaskin argument methodology.Purposely being stubborn and refusing to budge on any issue doesn't make you right, it just makes you a Republican.
Fanaskin argument methodology.Purposely being stubborn and refusing to budge on any issue doesn't make you right, it just makes you a Republican.
uh huh, it had nothing to do with trying to avoid this.Fanaskin argument methodology.
As lawmakers weigh the prospect of potential strikes to punish Syria's regime for the alleged use of chemical weapons, both Republicans and Democrats are shadowed by a daunting political reality: not only is the public dead-set against military action, but there's also no apparent infrastructure in place to help change the voters' minds.
Only a few years ago, at the height of the national debate over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there was a robust network of groups on both the left and right organized specifically to advocate on issues of war and peace.
But since President Barack Obama's election and the 2008 financial meltdown, many of the most assertive advocacy organizations have withered away or shifted their focus to topics other than national security.
That atrophy is particularly stark on the right, where the once-prominent groups set up to give air cover to interventionist politicians have all but disappeared - a symptom both of the political aftershocks of the Iraq war, and the rise of a libertarian-leaning brand of conservatism focused more on slashing government at home than spreading democracy abroad.
Freedom's Watch, the Republican group that spent tens of millions of dollars in the 2008 campaign marshaling support for the Iraq war, disbanded after Obama's election. The conservative veterans' advocacy organization Vets for Freedom has gone dormant (the last video posted on its website is a 2010 clip from MSNBC's "Hardball.") Keep America Safe, a hawkish group founded in 2009 by Liz Cheney and others, closed up shop ahead of Cheney's decision to run for Senate in Wyoming.
Former Bush White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, one of the founders of Freedom's Watch, said there simply isn't a standing entity dedicated to supporting aggressive foreign and military policy.
"I don't know that there's ever been such a group, really, especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union," said Fleischer, who supports military action in Syria. Freedom's Watch "was supposed to go on and do other things," he recalled, but ultimately became an organization with a "one-time mission" focused on Iraq.
So do you think that Iran and NK should have nuclear weapons then, so as to prevent any aggressive action against them by the US? What about chemical weapons? Should the nations you list have stockpiles of Sarin so that they cannot be bullied my America?This is why it's important not to be a weak blubbering vagina and have power erronious, if you don't have force the strong (America) will bully the weak (Syria,Iraq,Afghanistan,Libya)
If you want peace, prepare for war
Like everything in life erronious it depends on your perspective, If I was Iran yes, getting a nuclear weapon is exactly what I would do.So do you think that Iran and NK should have nuclear weapons then, so as to prevent any aggressive action against them by the US? What about chemical weapons? Should the nations you list have stockpiles of Sarin so that they cannot be bullied my America?
I didn't ask you what Iran would think, I asked whatYOUthink.Like everything in life erronious it depends on your perspective, If I was Iran yes, getting a nuclear weapon is exactly what I would do.
I am not asking what you would think if you were a 'world dictator', nor am I asking what you would think if you were Iran. I am asking what you, fanaskin, think. Stop dodging the question.That is what I would think if I was Iran. I'm only one perspective, of ~7 billion.
what you are really asking is "if I was world dictator would you want somebody that could challenge you" and the answer would be then "of course not" i'd rather everyone around me be disarmed and weak so I could benefit from my strong position over them.
So do you think that Iran and NK should have nuclear weapons then, so as to prevent any aggressive action against them by the US? What about chemical weapons? Should the nations you list have stockpiles of Sarin so that they cannot be bullied by America?
I would feel fine if Iran got a nuclear weapon, they aren't insane people, they are acting rationally.I am not asking what you would think if you were a 'world dictator', nor am I asking what you would think if you were Iran. I am asking what you, fanaskin, think. Stop dodging the question.
Here it is again:
What makes you think I hate Iranians?The real question is why do you hate Iranians erronious
Dude, 20 minutes.If you haven't learned by now if my post is a mess gimme a few minutes to clean my shit up.
But wait a minute, doesn't that mean that the people that don't have guns will be powerless victims?!? I mean, you even made us a handy pic:It depends, should everyone have a gun? no
So only the responsible people can have guns? Who decides who is responsible? How do you determine that? And if we create an agency to oversee that, will Ron Paul want to abolish that agency too? Oh I know, we can let private enterprise handle it. Where's ScreamCo to save us?Can responsible people have guns? yes.
Passive I don't know about; America is more overt, but that's because they can be. If Iran were in our shoes, or a superpower, what then? Not to mention Iran meddling in some affairs while me meddle in others (cooperating in secret with NK, organizing terrorists in Iraq and providing training and arms such as EFPs for example).You "hate Iranians"(deliberately exaggerated) because they are clearly more passive people than Americans yet you want to keep them disarmed so Israel/Saudi/US/France/UK can exploit them and further humiliate them.
And who decides who the responsible Iranians are?they are human beings too erronious, if you can trust american human beings with nuclear weapons you can trust responsible Iranians as well.
It's just something that will always be true, it always existed (and not just humans, but between all living organisms as well, that the strong tend to dominate the weak) and it will never go away, Which is why I wouldn't advocate disarming most people. However some people are literally brain damaged and deranged though, and some people are willing to die to accomplish their goals, especially when they have nothing to lose like a country full of people that they feel they must protect. that changes the equations of game-theory and balance-of-power somewhat, would I be comfortable with Osama bin laden with a suitcase nuke? no. Am I comfortable with a rational state with a nuclear weapon sure.But wait a minute, doesn't that mean that the people that don't have guns will be powerless victims?!? I mean, you even made us a handy pic:
I mean, according to your own pic, "weak with no gun" isALWAYS THE LOSER.
It's funny how you can't help but think that groups can't govern themselves that they always have to be coerced and ruled by some Authoritarian fist of one sort or another. Nowhere was the option of self governance given in your example.So only the responsible people can have guns? Who decides who is responsible? How do you determine that? And if we create an agency to oversee that, will Ron Paul want to abolish that agency too? Oh I know, we can let private enterprise handle it. Where's ScreamCo to save us?
Man, if you're a 'weak' individual and the deemed irresponsible by ScreamCo, then you're simply fucked, aren't you?
First of all if "Iran was a superpower" we wouldn't be trying to invade Iran and they would have nuclear weapons already, so it's a really silly thing to ask. Let's deal with reality instead of some fantasy scenarios like Iran being a superpower which could never happen, they just don't have the resources and manpower to make it happen.Passive I don't know about; America is more overt, but that's because they can be. If Iran were in our shoes, or a superpower, what then? Not to mention Iran meddling in some affairs while me meddle in others (cooperating in secret with NK, organizing terrorists in Iraq and providing training and arms such as EFPs for example).
This incident was twisted into Western propaganda designed to make you be complicit with attacking Iran and you bought it hook line and sinkerAs far as my"wanting them disarmed"(though I've never said that to my knowledge), I actually am a proponent of Westphalian sovereignty and I feel they have clearly defined rights. My only issue with Iran though is the ruling regime - you can't claim that you want to, and intend (IIRC) to wipe Israel off the map then expect no resistance when you want to pursue nuclear technology (civilian or military).
Then,specialists such as Juan Cole of the University of Michigan and Arash Norouzi of the Mossadegh Project pointed out that the original statement in Persian did not say that Israel should be wiped from the map, but instead that it would collapse.
I saw that tweet too I have the same reserved hope.I lean more towards supporting the Greens than the hardliners though, but /shrug. Now if Iran were ruled by people that didn't rattle their saber left and right and surreptitiously support terrorists then I wouldn't give a fuck, and I still think that America should have caved on the nuclear fuel recycling deal Russia offered Iran that could have allowed them to move forward on nuclear power. Now this week when they were tweeting the "HAPPY JEWISH NEW YEAR" or whatever that gave me some hope that the new administration is a sign of coming change, but we'll see.
who decides who the responsible Americans are? there's no good answer to that question for obvious reasons. That's why I usually advocate to balance power and not concentrate it, it prevents one group from bullying the other, because in the end nobody is fundamentally better than anyone else.And who decides who the responsible Iranians are?
So you say the region is imbalanced by arbitrary boundaries and superpower backing, and your answer to that is a nuclear armed Iran?Specifically with Iran I think the region is currently power imbalanced(between keeping similar groups of people divided by arbitrary boundaries, and the lone world superpower backing one country over the other), and that power imbalance is what allows the area to be in a constant state of warfare, If Iran got a Nuclear weapon a very likely outcome would actually be the area becoming a lot more stable.
Afghanistan was on your list of bullied nations, and I threw Uganda in for the lols. That said, what nations would you give nukes to then? What nations do you think would benefit from having nuclear weapons and what regions would this help stabilize?Those other countries you would have to look if their pursuit of a weapon (lol Afghanistan and Uganda could never do it, what a stupid question) would make the region around them more balanced or less balanced to being to answer that question.
That's pretty damn subjective and subject to abuse. Just using Iran, tons of people would consider Iran acquiring nukes to herald WWIII itself, and I think that it's safe to say that the majority in the West would consider Iranian nukes to be something that would destabilize the region.The countries I might be uncomfortable with nukes are ones that acquiring a weapon would imbalance the region instead of balancing it, like I said before.
Yet people and nations tell others what to do on a daily basis, and that balance of power isn't really a balance at all. You yourself started this entire derail by mentioning America as a sole superpower that bullied other nations. You are contradicting yourself.Nobody has the Fundamental right to tell other people what to do, that's why a BALANCE of power has so far worked the best. isn't that funny how that works? there are no perfect solutions in life erronious.
I wouldn't claim that America has acted responsibly, I'm somewhat mixed on that. That said, I don't think the answer is to let questionable regimes arm themselves with WMD as a way to counter America.Can you claim America has acted responsibly with their power? After the soviet union collapsed and their global power went relatively unchallenged for a while we've engaged in more wars, applied more pressure and acting more antagonistically than since before the soviet union collapsed. Without somebody to keep America in check we became drunk on power.
That's a terrible litmus test, especially since you're aware, I'm sure, that for most of that 200 year period they were resisting colonization.Here is a simple litness test, how many countries has America invaded in the last 200 years, how many countries has Iran invaded in the last 200 years? it's not even close, the Iranians trained a couple militia men and you act like that's the equivalent of killing millions of people and not to mention dropping nuclear bombs on cities. Iran never dropped nuclear bombs on cities but America sure has.
It wasn't propaganda, the very article YOU LINKED went into enough depth that you should have been able to see that it wasn't propaganda at all. There's a difference between translations that are in fact literal, and those that are not literal but seek to convey more of the original meaning. This is part of the reason why using Google Translate can be a PITA, andhttp://translationparty.comis able to exist in the first place. Add in the annoying habit in the Muslim world of people using indirect and misleading language and outright attempting not to even mention Israel by name, and it's no wonder that you end up with shit like this.