- 56,199
- 139,573
~Two U.S. officers said the White House asked for an expanded target list in recent days to include many more than the 50 or so targets on the initial list. As a result, Pentagon planners are weighing whether to use Air Force bombers, in addition to five warships now on patrol in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, to launch cruise missiles and air-to-surface missiles from hundreds of miles offshore, well out of range of Syrian air defenses.
The planned U.S. attack "will not strategically impact the current situation in the war, which the Syrians have well in hand, though fighting could go on for another two years," said another U.S. officer familiar with the latest intelligence estimates.
What? No.Its just the reverse of a euphemism. So if you frame a discussion in terms that are favorable, that's fallacious, as well, slanting a discussion into terms which are implicitly negative is also the same.
"Don't listen to Tom, he's a faggot" <- dysphemism
"Dude, Tom has straight A's in every class, he's right about everything" <-Euphemism
Both fallacies.
What if I start pulling quotes from books I have at my side and type them out? I mean, you could still just refute any and all counterarguments, so I'm honestly not sure it's even worth it. What's even worse about the entire debate is that honestly, without the Israelis themselves volunteering particularly damning information (never going to happen), there simply won't ever be enough evidence to sway anyone who is already skeptical that it was anything more than an accident or the result of gross negligence.I could cherrypick quotes from the wiki also and claim you need to educate yourself on the other end. Just remember, Lumie is on your side with this one. Think on that.
From "James Scott: The Attack on the Liberty" pp 84 - 86We had a thread on FoH about the USS Liberty. I specifically remember reading in several places and watching in a few videos government and navy people at the time saying that nuclear armed aircraft from the US Fleet were ready to go nuke Cairo when the USS Liberty was sunk, initially thinking it was a preemptive Egyptian attack. The thinking being at the time this was just another USA vs. USSR proxy war in the larger Cold War.
===========================On the bridge of the AMERICA, Captain Donald Engen chatted with NBC News reporter Robert Goralski. Engen's 77,000 ton carrier - completed less than 3 years earlier at a cost of $293 million - had become a temporary home for as many as 30 reporters from major television networks, wire services, and newspapers, all eager to cover the events of the Middle East war. When the Combat Information Center alerted Engen of the attack over the squawk box, the skipper ordered the reporter off the bridge. News of the attack had come at an inopportune time. Not only did reporters swarm the carrier, but the AMERICA also was in the middle of a nuclear weapons drill. The drill required sailors to bring nuclear weapons up the bomb elevators and simulate arming the planes. Not until the weapons could be safely stored belowdecks and planes rearmed with conventional munitions could the AMERICA launch, a process Engen estimated could take approximately one hour.
The SARATOGA's communication's officer personally delivered the news of the attack to Captain Joseph Tully, Jr., on the bridge of that carrier soon after the radioman picked up the Liberty's distress calls. Unlike the AMERICA, the SARATOGA had a strike group ready within minutes. Tully would later write that he immediately turned into the wind and launched fighters only to have his superiors order him moments later to recall the fighters and wait for the AMERICA.
==========================="We are on the way," the AMERICA's flight leader announced over the departure frequency. "Who is the enemy?"
No one knew. The LIBERTY had not identified the nationality of the attackers in its distress calls. Many of the senior commanders, who had monitored the Soviet fleet for days off Crete, doubted the USSR had done it but could not rule out Egypt. Because Egypt was allied with the Soviets, Navy commanders had to be careful. The officers wanted to protect the LIBERTY without provoking a larger confrontation with another country. Even the small number of planes launched was designed to signal that purpose. [4 A-1s from SARATOGA, 4 (?) A-4s from AMERICA]
Now don't ask me why they were running a nuclear weapons drill with actual nuclear weapons and not dummies, you would probably have to ask a squid.[Vice Admiral William] Martin waited for his fighters to reach the LIBERTY. The SARATOGA had estimated its propeller driven Skyraiders would take approximately 3 hours to cover the distance to the battered spy ship. Martin had told his superiors that he expected the faster jets to arrive in half that time. Soon after the fighters left the carriers, a flash message from the American naval attache in Tel Aviv rolled off the ship's teletype. "Israeli aircraft and MTB's [Motor Torpedo Boats] erroneously attacked U.S. ship," Commander Ernest Castle wrote in the 4:14 PM message. "IDF helicopters in rescue operations. No other info. Israelis send abject apologies and request info of other US ships near war zone coasts." The admission that Israel had attacked the LIBERTY by mistake changed everything. The assault was over. Fighters were no longer needed. Martin ordered the mission aborted before the planes ever reached the LIBERTY: "Recall all strikes repeat recall all strikes."
The Syrian National Coalition has been working with Syrian-American organizations to lobby members of Congress to support the president's efforts to carry out limited strikes against the Assad regime. The coalition says it has always seen the strikes as a needed step to punish the regime and change the momentum on the ground.
"We believe it's way overdue but...we've been trying to engage the U.S. public to convince them this is the correct course of action," Saleh said. "We absolutely believe that a strike would change the momentum on the ground."
It's Israel that is causing the violence you dumb mother fucker, not the other way around. They invaded a land that does not belong to them and you expect everyone to just "get over it" or something? Wow you're fucking stupid.All this is a fucking distraction anyway. Araysar and many others try and use the USS Liberty as proof that Israel is evil or anti the US. That shit occurred in 1967 during the Six day war and pales in comparison to all the shitty things the countries around Israel have done to us.
The relationship between the US and Israel is much better than it was at the time and Israel is the only bright light in a sea of shitty anti-US countries in the middle east (well, lebanon isn't too bad). Yes, Israel has some radical religious problems. However, they fucking pale in comparison to any of its neighbors. I'm proud to be an ally of Israel, our only friend (though often a troublesome one) in the Middle East. The hatred of Israel by so many in the US saddens me. If we were surrounded by countries filled with religious fanatics that would rather die than live in peace with us, I hope we would be as restrained as Israel has been.
They make us look like shit on the world stage.What has Israel done for us recently besides bulldoze Palestinians?
In the context of debate, using euphemistic terms is a fallacy. Which was what I said.A euphemism is not fallacious in and of itself.
Stop being an idiot, I got an A in syllogistic logic I don't need you to educate me on what a fallacy is.Its just the reverse of a euphemism.So if you frame a discussion in terms that are favorable, that's fallacious, as well, slanting a discussion into terms which are implicitly negative is also the same.
the use of words that sound better. The lab rat wasn't killed, it was sacrificed. Mass murder wasn't genocide, it was ethnic cleansing. The death of innocent bystanders is collateral damage. Microsoft doesn't find bugs, or problems, or security vulnerabilities: they just discover an issue with a piece of software.
This is related to Argument By Emotive Language, since the effect is to make a concept emotionally palatable.
(also known as: loaded words, loaded language, euphemisms)
Description: Substituting facts and evidence with words that stir up emotion, with the attempt to manipulate others into accepting the truth of the argument.
Logical Form:
Person A claims that X is true.
Person A uses very powerful and emotive language in the claim.
Therefore, X is true.
Example #1:
By rejecting God, you are rejecting goodness, kindness, and love itself.
Explanation: Instead of just "not believing" in God, we are "rejecting" God, which is a much stronger term -- especially when God is associated with "goodness".
Example #2:
I don't see what's wrong with engaging the services of a professional escort.
Explanation: That's just a nice way of saying, "soliciting a hooker". No matter what you call it, unless you live in certain parts of Nevada (or other parts of the world), it is still illegal.
Exception: Language is powerful and should be used to draw in emotions, but never at the expense of valid reasoning and evidence.
I rest my case confirmed nutcase.Convinced that that attack was real, President of the United States Lyndon B. Johnson launched allegedly nuclear-armed planes targeted against Cairo from a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean. The planes were recalled only just in time, when it was clear the Liberty had not sunk and that Israel had carried out the attack. An information source for the aircraft being nuclear-armed, James Ennes, later stated he was probably wrong in his original book. According to Ennes, the planes were not nuclear-armed, but most likely armed with Bullpup missiles.[85] The video also provides hearsay evidence of a covert alliance of U.S. and Israel intelligence agencies.[86]
Bullpup missiles are air to ground missiles. What would be the possible consequences of US engaging Egyptian ground targets during Six Day War?
Whew! A good end to this crisis, eh?Syria said Tuesday it has accepted Russia's proposal to place its chemical weapons under international control for subsequent dismantling.
Current and former Obama administration officials scrambled Monday to say the proposal should not derail plans for a punitive strike. They suggested it was a delaying tactic after more than two years of diplomatic efforts with Syria and its ally Russia, albeit one spurred by the prospect that a U.S. military attack is imminent.
hmm..."Failing to respond to this brazen attack could indicate that the United States is not prepared to use the full range of tools necessary to keep our nation secure," Rice said in an address at the New America Foundation. "Any president, Republican or Democrat, must have recourse to all elements of American power to design and implement our national security policy, whether diplomatic, economic or military."
Gee I wonder why that could be.The Syrian political opposition is dead set against the brand-new Obama-administration policy to pursue a new diplomatic negotiation with Russia in an effort to avoid a military strike on Syria, saying the delay and possible cancellation of Obama's strike would only embolden Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Doesn't matter what Obama's people want to do Congress is not going to approve a strike against Syria. So they can take the fig leaf Putin has offered them are they can take nothing and look even more foolish.SYRIA SAYS IT ACCEPTED RUSSIAN WEAPONS PROPOSAL
Whew! A good end to this crisis, eh?
"The US Used Depleted Uranium In Iraq, Israel Used White Phosphorous In Gaza, And Nobody Said Anything About "Red Lines! Assad'"
-----"Assad: in 2001 we proposed the all WMD in the middle east be destroyed
charlie rose: why aren't you a signatory of the chemical weapons ban
Assad: because Israel has WMD, is occupying our land and is also not a signatory of the chemical weapons ban."
Apparently retracting a statement in a book is now evidence of insanity according to Siddar.
Anyway back on topic, oh look who happens to be against the plan for Assad to hand over all his chemical weapons to the international community...
Gee I wonder why that could be.
Chalk more evidence up that the chemical attack was conducted by the rebels on their own people to garner international support for their cause.
THE PLOT THICKENS AGAIN!The "Nutcase" Lieutenant Commander of the US Navy James Ennes did correct himself in the 2007 reissue of the book, vis-a-vis nuclear weapons:
Eventually a message from Washington authorized the second launch of aircraft, but they were not sent until long after the shooting had stopped. These aircraft, too, were recalled moments after they were launched - this time because Israel had admitted responsibility and the aircraft were presumed to be no longer needed.
Although America could not send conventionally armed jets, reports still come in that four jet bombers were catapulted from the carrier America with nuclear bombs aboard. Even today there is no official confirmation of that launch and much high-level denial. A nuclear launch has been strongly denied by Secretary McNamara, Admiral Martin (now deceased), Admiral Geis (deceased), Admiral Moorer, and America's skipper, Admiral David Engen (deceased) and others. Yet eyewitness reports persist. Clearly no such launch could have been intended for offensive purposes. Surely nuclear weapons would not have been used in defense of the USS Liberty.
It is clear that I was mistaken about the aircraft involved, as F4s do not carry nuclear weapons. Others tell me that the aircraft that were launched carried Bullpup missiles, which might easily be mistaken for nuclear bombs. And we learned much later that the USS America was involved in a nuclear weapons loading drill at the very time the ship learned of the attack on the Liberty and that this drill is one factor that delayed America's response to our call for help. It is also possible that those were the weapons seen by our sources.
Also confusing this issue is an oral history report from the American Embassy in Cairo, now in the LBJ Library, which notes that the Embassy received an urgent message from Washington warning that Cairo was about to be bombed by US forces, presumably in mistaken retaliation for the USS Liberty attack. That strange message was never explained or cancelled.
It is because you would have to be painfully naive to think he would actually turn them over and that it isn't just a complete stalling tactic.This whole farce with the US stating that Syria could avert a strike by handing over their chemical weapons, and then promptly backtracking on that once it looked like Syria actually would do that just goes to showwhyno one in the international community trusts a word the US says any more.
You are right, he is in a different league than any western politician. He is a dictator. I will take a democratically elected weak noodle like Obama over a dictator any day.aaron_sl said:This whole crisis has also shown what many suspected before, that love him or hate him, Vladimir Putin is in an entirely different league of diplomatic statescraft thananycurrent Western politician.