Its far enough out I am seeing a gradual shift more into the panhandle or Alabama and away from the big bend. It continuing to move slow is good for FloridaIt headed northwest at the moment. And I ain't far from you inland.
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Its far enough out I am seeing a gradual shift more into the panhandle or Alabama and away from the big bend. It continuing to move slow is good for FloridaIt headed northwest at the moment. And I ain't far from you inland.
Being about 30 miles north when Andrew made landfall really jaded me when it comes to storms. Shit I will never forget.I've been in NE Florida for 4 years and have avoided a direct hit so far. The ones that curved east just dumped a lot of rain on us with barely any wind. Looks like the trend is staying alive. But at this rate the one that does nail us will be another Andrew
Yeah, looks like it's going to slip right between us. We might actually get some rain from it this time, but that's about it. And not even a lot of rain, which we need.Looks like the storm is slowing down. Good news forGravel and me if it continues. The more it slows the more it should end up stearing to the west.
how many houses away? man i'm glad i had my tree remover guys come yesterday, i got the tailend of that storm and while they didn't remove the whole tree (it was too big to do in a day) they removed the fallen part and the 1/3 that was facing my home, only thing left is the 1/3 facing to the street and that part shook violently today w/ the rainNeighbour's house got nailed by a tree that was blown down. All good at the lurkingdirk house. It was really close though.
how many houses away? man i'm glad i had my tree remover guys come yesterday, i got the tailend of that storm and while they didn't remove the whole tree (it was too big to do in a day) they removed the fallen part and the 1/3 that was facing my home, only thing left is the 1/3 facing to the street and that part shook violently today w/ the rain
The weather people keep talking about how the Gulf has never been warmer.The Gulf waters have been relatively cool for this time of year too.
I do a lot of fishing in the Gulf off the Texas coast and at least in our part of the Gulf water temps have been cooler late Aug/Sep than they were last year. Mullet run started a little early and the flounder run is going to pop off a couple weeks early too. Last year was actually brutal, this summer hasn't been that bad at all.The weather people keep talking about how the Gulf has never been warmer.
I'm sure my wife is tired of me bringing it up, but I've been telling her constantly about how they predict every year is going to be above average and since we've lived here, none of them ever end up being one. Especially after that category 5 in June, they've been fiending for a bunch of massive storms.
I also like to point out how a lot of the storms we actually do get are ones 50 years ago (maybe even less) we never would've known about, like one of the hurricanes that gets added to this year's tally was out in the middle of the Atlantic, thousands of miles from any land. It developed and fizzled out entirely in the middle Atlantic ocean. But it gets added as a category 2, and is then used as evidence of "more hurricanes."
They definitely try to whip people into a frenzy of panic and after a few seasons I see why people in Florida don't react anymore. If you jumped every time they predict a catastrophe, you'd be in a constant state of evacuating.
How does that work with a salt generator?Get your chlorine levels bumped up in case you lose power for a day or two.
You better have some shock as a backup. If the power goes out whatever chlorine is in the pool is not going to last long. Salt systems use the salt, NaCl, to generate chlorine via electrolysis. This is of course moot if you have your system connected to a home generator system for emergencies.How does that work with a salt generator?