What tickles your pickle


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
You're hoping to meet that chick, aren't you? Isn't that the controller in her hand?

Anything else as good as that on the card?

I mean, I wouldn't be averse to it (I have an innate weakness to bikinis) , but not bringing any females in the house at least for the time being lol.

The video quality was fantastic, I'm going to have to get one of these.

"Anything else as good as that on the card?"

Screenshot 2024-08-26 152021.png
  • 2Solidarity
  • 1Weird Boner
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<Silver Donator>
Here is an email I sent to the HR manager last week. It's to a former coworker (that she hates because he's a lowbrow problem child). He sent me an email with a KMZ that said "[BnadWagan] is gaaaaaaay.kmz" and I reported him to HR for it. Obvious joke since she's gotten drunk and complained about him to me, doesn't even work here anymore, AND I called for his execution.


Her response:
  • 4Worf
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<Silver Donator>
I'm doing big boy stuff at work more often and need to wear big boy pants more often.....but I'm a weird naked pooper and this shit is a real PITA.

I know what you're thinking, and you're correct - I wear my shoes when I shit at work, and nothing else. Anything clothes that touch porcelain are getting burned
  • 5Worf
  • 4WTF
  • 1Double Worf
Reactions: 10 users


<Silver Donator>
Don't your balls get splashed in poopy water? Snip-snip-snip!
No, I have a patented technique where I put a few squares on the surface of the water before dropping a plopper. Prevents the dreaded backsplash.

Anyone else want to know details on my poop habits? Mist Mist ?

  • 1Quality Calories
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I'm doing big boy stuff at work more often and need to wear big boy pants more often.....but I'm a weird naked pooper and this shit is a real PITA.
View attachment 544323

I know what you're thinking, and you're correct - I wear my shoes when I shit at work, and nothing else. Anything clothes that touch porcelain are getting burned
The only thing I find odd is that you wear garters. Are you a stripper?

I shit nude too whenever possible. I think it's more common than people realize. Why else would so many bathrooms have multiple hooks on the door? Looks like you got a good work bathroom there. At my last office there were only 2 bathrooms that offered this level of luxury. There was a time when one was out of order. But I had an emergency and the other was occupied so I went in anyway. That was when I discovered some other asshole had put the sign up to reserve it for himself.
  • 1WTF
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The only thing I find odd is that you wear garters. Are you a stripper?

I shit nude too whenever possible. I think it's more common than people realize. Why else would so many bathrooms have multiple hooks on the door? Looks like you got a good work bathroom there. At my last office there were only 2 bathrooms that offered this level of luxury. There was a time when one was out of order. But I had an emergency and the other was occupied so I went in anyway. That was when I discovered some other asshole had put the sign up to reserve it for himself.
For a jacket or a bag? Fucking Neanderthals
  • 1Solidarity
  • 1Worf
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm doing big boy stuff at work more often and need to wear big boy pants more often.....but I'm a weird naked pooper and this shit is a real PITA.
View attachment 544323

I know what you're thinking, and you're correct - I wear my shoes when I shit at work, and nothing else. Anything clothes that touch porcelain are getting burned
What do you do if there’s no hook to hang stuff on?


Log Wizard
If I'm at home I will 100% of the time sit down even to take a piss.
  • 1Faggotry
  • 1Seriously?
Reactions: 1 users


Blackwing Lair Raider
If I'm at home I will 100% of the time sit down even to take a piss.
I often do this as well, because phone games, unless I'm in a hurry. I also have IBS so any bathroom break could be a shit.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Chat gpt told me that's how to keep my shirt from coming untucked.
You can't afford longer shirts?

Besides, shirts coming untucked are great. It gives you an excuse to scratch your ass or play with your dick inside your pants.

Have you ever had one of those garters come off and smack you in the nuts? I fucking hate those things.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
What do you expect from a man who shits with the seat up?
My nuts hang below the seat. You trust your nuts to the nylon screws that hold a seat on? Glad it's working out for you so far. Be sure to post when the day comes that they fail.


<Silver Donator>
You can't afford longer shirts?
I have no fashion sense whatsoever and I buy what im told to buy. When a fat gay guy or a frumpy milf at men's warehouse tells me to buy something because it makes me look like Justin Timberlake's meth'd out cousin in recovery, I listen.
  • 2Worf
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