What vehicle do you drive?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
EV is the hill he’s dying on. Don’t waste too much time trying to have a real conversation.
I don't care if people buy EV's or not. Buy one or don't, makes no difference to me. I'm just correcting FUD.

Also, go fuck yourself.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hitting the main breaker limit is also something that can be solved by using a smarter EV charging box that uses load balancing. Due to the way the electric system is set up in Europe, you're a bit more likely to hit the limit on a main breaker (my house has three 25A main breakers instead of one 100/200A one, and the car can pull 16A through each of those so only 9 amps of headroom per phase left)

The charging box is linked to 3 current meters that continuously measure the current going into the main breakers and will instantly lower the car's charging rate if it detects you are approaching the limit. Only cost like €150 extra for the current clamps and to run 2 UTP cables along with the power cable. I have had zero issues, plug car in and forget about it.


Vyemm Raider
The reality is if the government wants everyone to go EV, they need to build the infrastructure for it first. Don't force feed it on us unless you are prepared for and have capacity for the higher electrical demand. Don't rely on private companies like Tesla to supply your charging needs, build it using tax dollars if needed. Otherwise all you are doing is driving up the cost of electricity for everyone else if too many EVs end up on the road but you haven't prepared for it.

I'm speaking mainly here on the stupidity of California and their desire to go zero emissions by 2035. What a fucking joke. As if 1) everyone can just suddenly afford new cars, and 2) we barely have electrical capacity for our homes as is. You expect Juanita who just came across the border last year to buy an EV so she can come clean my house? You think she's going to be able to charge her car for cheap in her apartment building (at best)? Let me guess, you're going to make taxpayers subsidize Juanita. Fucking joke of a state. I'm embarrassed at times living here.
Don't expect the Government to do this.

Biden’s $7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years

...after two years, that program has only delivered seven open charging stations with a total of 38 spots where drivers can charge their vehicles, according to a spokesperson for the Federal Highway Administration. (The funding should be enough to build up to 20,000 charging spots or around 5,000 stations...
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<Prior Amod>

byd the tesla of china has now enabled full self driving w/o hand on steering wheel... oh fuck car!
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Semi-rustle, but more relevant here: Facebook marketplace. Everyone said to use it to sell a car. In 14 hours my post has gotten a couple hundred reactions and comments, all positive, but not a single buyer
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Blackwing Lair Raider
On self-driving cars, and electrics, I was recently in Phoenix Arizona, and they have "Waymo" taxis driving around. They have LIDAR, cameras, etc, and seem to function rather well. It's a bit disconcerting seeing one driving down the road without anyone in it.


what Suineg set it to
Semi-rustle, but more relevant here: Facebook marketplace. Everyone said to use it to sell a car. In 14 hours my post has gotten a couple hundred reactions and comments, all positive, but not a single buyer

Interesting. I assume it's area specific but have had great luck there.


Buzzfeed Editor
Semi-rustle, but more relevant here: Facebook marketplace. Everyone said to use it to sell a car. In 14 hours my post has gotten a couple hundred reactions and comments, all positive, but not a single buyer
I'm assuming this is tongue in cheek, it sure isn't going to be instant, though I'm impatient as well. I got my $14k motorcycle sold in a very poor area though within 2 weeks. Wasted $70 on the cycle trader listing and had far more interest off FB.

Right now I think interest rates makes private sales much harder as the hoops folks are going through to get financed and finding out interest rates the hard way, if they can't drop $50k cash like I did.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm assuming this is tongue in cheek, it sure isn't going to be instant, though I'm impatient as well. I got my $14k motorcycle sold in a very poor area though within 2 weeks. Wasted $70 on the cycle trader listing and had far more interest off FB.

Right now I think interest rates makes private sales much harder as the hoops folks are going through to get financed and finding out interest rates the hard way, if they can't drop $50k cash like I did.
Yeah, it’s still super early, lol. My extra set of Forgelines are definitely not going to sell though. They fit very few cars without spacers.


FoH nuclear response team
Central air systems use more power than charging an EV at home. Stop listening to FUD.

Texas ERCOT also forces companies that use a ton of power to shutdown during the summer months, typically from 1pm to 7pm. It made for long ass days when I worked at an ASU plant. Having to shut it down, wait for for the usage curve to drop below a certain value then get the plant back up to stable production every day sucked absolute ass. It was crazy seeing the spike in power usage at 5pm when everyone got home.