What vehicle do you drive?


Log Wizard
Cost is too high for what you get. Interesting that range is only 230 miles, which is like just slightly higher than the original Teslas. 230 miles isn't *that* big a deal when it comes to range anxieity, a bigger question would be how long does it take to charge? Because such a small battery makes me think it's last gen technology, and not the faster charging batteries that are out now. I don't know anything about VW EVs, like do they even have a charging network? Are they one of the companies that are going to use Tesla's network?

And someone can correct me if I'm wrong, since I don't camp.....but don't camp sites usually have electric plug ins? If they do that should help alleviate concerns about a camper van being electric. I'm also sure if EV campers become widely adopted, then almost all campsites will eventually have electric chargers built on to the sites.
A lot of RV parks can barely run AC units. AC + charging would be a bridge too far for many of them. And then a good number of them can barely keep WIFI going. These are not the places that will be putting in chargers.

Top end RV sites though, yeah. They'll put in chargers and not even blink at the cost. They have 2+ years of reservations and print cash almost as fast as the fed.

Little Mom & Pop out in the middle of Nebraska? Not so much.


Vyemm Raider
Folks plugging their EVs into campground pedestals are causing campgrounds to rethink how they operate. What used to be just part of the fee will soon be an additional cost as electric meters at each site are coming.


Vyemm Raider
These things start at 60k and only 230 mile range. I cant see a big market for this in the US. With such little range and EV cant turn it into a camper van.

Oof, am currently in the market for a van, wanted to see how this played out. That's about 30k more than I'd pay to have that hobbled of a range. I guess now I know why they were holding back the price numbers and sand bagging range estimates. Who green lit this? I'm sure they'll sell a few just the for uniqueness, but the utility is shit.


Avatar of War Slayer
Traditional auto makers just cannot grasp at what Elon has shown them for over a decade.

Insane aerodynamics and super light EVERYTHING

Just like that post of the rocket engine revisions he has done for the cars. That Monero guy that rips this stuff apart shows you. Not only are tesla frames half the weight of others but component systems like AC etc have been scaled down in components to like 30 percent. Everything is a weight save compared to the legacy makers.

The f150 lightning has like. 100kwh battery for 250ish miles.. that can power a home for nearly a month, full on… i keep comparing power wall sizes because people just dont fathom how poorly efficient electricity is for motivating cars around and how efficient everything in your house has become.

Making EVs like they keep doing they can’t compete with tesla or even rivian
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Traditional auto makers just cannot grasp at what Elon has shown them for over a decade.

Insane aerodynamics and super light EVERYTHING

Just like that post of the rocket engine revisions he has done for the cars. That Monero guy that rips this stuff apart shows you. Not only are tesla frames half the weight of others but component systems like AC etc have been scaled down in components to like 30 percent. Everything is a weight save compared to the legacy makers.

The f150 lightning has like. 100kwh battery for 250ish miles.. that can power a home for nearly a month, full on… i keep comparing power wall sizes because people just dont fathom how poorly efficient electricity is for motivating cars around and how efficient everything in your house has become.

Making EVs like they keep doing they can’t compete with tesla or even rivian
In what world are Teslas “light”?
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Log Wizard
It’s more about them engineering the cars in a more holistic way than other OEMs and being able to iterate on design and get it in production much faster.
Yesh. Tesla is impressive as fuck how quickly they do and change things. Model S looks the same on the outside as it did 12 years ago, but it is a completely different beast underneath, and has been through many revisions. These big castings are cool as fuck.


And then Elon went full retard on the Cybertruck.
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<Gold Donor>
Problem is the giants didnt start this way. Tesla did. They have been making sheet metal bodies for 100+ yrs. And its difficult for giants like that to just change the way they engineer their vehicles every time a new model comes out. Because all this shit takes heavy R7D, testing new standards, etc, etc. They will adapt but it takes them way fucking longer to shift their manufacturing 180.

Besides I think the whole ev thing is losing its lustre now. Sales are declining worldwide. Not sure if this is just a dip because of econ, or whatever. I know for a fact rivian for example got rid of their entire design team and is now using india to do all thier shit for them. Money wise they are in trouble.
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Log Wizard
Declining but still increasing. I think the ones that are shitting themselves are the big expensive ones no one wants.


Avatar of War Slayer
Problem is the giants didnt start this way. Tesla did. They have been making sheet metal bodies for 100+ yrs. And its difficult for giants like that to just change the way they engineer their vehicles every time a new model comes out. Because all this shit takes heavy R7D, testing new standards, etc, etc. They will adapt but it takes them way fucking longer to shift their manufacturing 180.

Besides I think the whole ev thing is losing its lustre now. Sales are declining worldwide. Not sure if this is just a dip because of econ, or whatever. I know for a fact rivian for example got rid of their entire design team and is now using india to do all thier shit for them. Money wise they are in trouble.

I passed on some fire sale Fiksar Oceans, but I would be all over a fire sale R1T or R1S


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Z06 sold. $2k less than I wanted, but it moved. First sale on FB marketplace.

Buyer’s first manual, which he didn’t tell me until he tried to drive it away…
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Avatar of War Slayer
Z06 sold. $2k less than I wanted, but it moved. First sale on FB marketplace.

Buyer’s first manual, which he didn’t tell me until he tried to drive it away…
First manual and he bought a tricked out Zo6 with a custom cam? lol, I assume it's a bitch to take off at low RPM. Maybe every light is a drag race for him...

I hope he didn't plan on it being a daily driver, because he is going to be hating life the first time he hits bumper to bumper traffic, if he tries that.

Also, that seems like it sold reasonably fast and ~2% less than asking isn't bad.


That guy
finally got rid of my 09 Focus. did me good for 14 yrs (got it summer 2010) but i was not about to put another fuckin dime into that thing to fix all the issues it was having. giant crack in the windshield, the a/c took ages to get cold, paint was starting to flake off all over the place, speed sensor needed to be replaced, wiper fluid dispenser died. nothing i couldnt fix myself other than the windshield and paint but the car wasnt worth shit, like $2500 if it was in mint condition. dealership gave me $1000 for it which i was more than happy to take, was my only form of down payment on a Bronco Sport. yeah it's basically a repackaged Escape but it's fully loaded and was around $36k before all the taxes n shit. wish the cargo area was bigger but otherwise really like the interior and everything else about it.
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