These assholes have rustled the jimmies of the Haus.. I give not a single shit about inconveniencing them to have to know extra parking skills.#2 and #3 aren't nearly common enough to keep people practiced. I can't remember the last time I had to parallel park.
Minor rustle here but....
Over the spring Coca Cola was doing some kind of cross promotion with Marvel and the MCU. Cans with pictures of apparently all the different MCU heroes. Cool, one would think over a few months maybe you get a little collection or something. Nothing huge, and not even something I'm sure I'd make room somewhere for, but whatever.... Then over the subsequent 3 months (seems to be over now and back to normal cans) :
Worst... promotion... evar....
- Each case would only have one particular character on all the cans in that case, no assortment....
- In the months, and going through probably 8 cases of Coke Zero in that time I saw a grand total of TWO different characters...
- Those characters were Black panther and f*inc Shang-chi?!?!?
Elektra is the only sai wielding comic book character I can think ofHaven’t had coke in forever, got some Chinese take out for lunch for the fam and got 2 cans of coke, was some chick with sai’s like Raphael the turtle
At work today, didn't have my tools with me. Needed a 10mm socket. Open first technician's toolbox, it's such a disorganized mess I give up after the third drawer. Second technician's box isn't much better, but finally find a set. Look a little closer, it's got everything but a 10mm. Put it back. Oh good, he's got 5 more sets in this drawer. Every last one was missing the 10mm. I'm going to start designing shit that needs an 11mm to spread the misery.
At work today, didn't have my tools with me. Needed a 10mm socket. Open first technician's toolbox, it's such a disorganized mess I give up after the third drawer. Second technician's box isn't much better, but finally find a set. Look a little closer, it's got everything but a 10mm. Put it back. Oh good, he's got 5 more sets in this drawer. Every last one was missing the 10mm. I'm going to start designing shit that needs an 11mm to spread the misery.
Can't believe you don't know about this handy little trick.
Do people seriously not keep piles of extra 10mm, 7/16 and 9/16 sockets? I have like 10 of them for this reason.
I don’t have contact with a single person from childhood. As an adult, you get to pick people you like and have actual shit in common with. Social media can fuck right off. I’m not interested in a god damn thing pre-adult.I reconnected with an old high school friend a few years ago. We've been texting back and forth for a while now, along with his brothers in a group chat.
Anyway, I've come to the realization that I can't stand this guy. Have you ever known someone who takes absolutely no interest in anything you're doing? Our chat is basically all about whatever he's doing and how awesome it is. If you try to relate and offer a similar experience or interest, you're met with a one-word reply, and that's as far as it goes.
Things came to a head when that same scenario occurred, and he literally got angry that I offered a similar experience. He said something like, "Why do you always have to reply back with something you did?" It's not like I'm going in a completely different direction. For example, if a friend said a TV show was awesome, I might say, "Oh, if you enjoyed that, you should check out this."
And that brings me to another thing: if I recommend a TV show, movie, or game, forget it. He will NEVER check it out. If you recommend something, forget it. It's off whatever list he has. It's like everything has to be his idea, otherwise, forget it.
I'm lucky to have a group of people I've known since childhood. However, none of them were people I met in high school. I think you end up already sort of formed in vague abstract ways before then.I don’t have contact with a single person from childhood. As an adult, you get to pick people you like and have actual shit in common with. Social media can fuck right off. I’m not interested in a god damn thing pre-adult.
Sorry, my bad....FEMALE comic book character.
That sounds like a very well adjusted pill addict.My pharmacy. Some crazy ass lady keeps painting them pictures like they're heroes. There's like 15 paintings in this pharmacy from one of their crazy ass customers
Raphael is a dude? Holy shit this completely changes the erotic fanfic I'm writing.Sorry, my bad....FEMALE comic book character.