Whats rustling your jimmies?


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
thanks for this completely worthless picture?

androids still have the setting to enable or disable autorotate, it just no longer actually does that.
Might be the manufacturer fucked something up on their version, because it certainly works on my Pixel.


<Bronze Donator>
weird must only work on pixels then. There's literally 50 apps that were developed and released on google play recently all with 10m+ downloads specifically to fix this issue.

the fucked up thing is, if there's an app that can do it then clearly the functionality exists in the OS they just fucked it up somehow so it doesn't actually work


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
thanks for this completely worthless picture?

androids still have the setting to enable or disable autorotate, it just no longer actually does that.
Did you miss the part about face recognition?


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
weird must only work on pixels then. There's literally 50 apps that were developed and released on google play recently all with 10m+ downloads specifically to fix this issue.

the fucked up thing is, if there's an app that can do it then clearly the functionality exists in the OS they just fucked it up somehow so it doesn't actually work
First off, what phone do you have and what app are you using to fix this? Is auto rotate not working at all in any app, or is it just the home screen, or is it working in some apps or not others?

Android being open source does mean manufacturers are free to fuck things up. Could be a software bug, bad sensor, etc.


Log Wizard
weird must only work on pixels then. There's literally 50 apps that were developed and released on google play recently all with 10m+ downloads specifically to fix this issue.

the fucked up thing is, if there's an app that can do it then clearly the functionality exists in the OS they just fucked it up somehow so it doesn't actually work
I have a non Pixel Android phone and the auto rotate works just fine.
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<Bronze Donator>
I have Samsung S22. if you search google play for autorotate you will find 50+ apps for this, I am using one called "rotation control" but there are literally 6 of them all named "rotation control"

It used to be in the pull down settings you could turn autorotate on, or autorotate off. With autorotate off the phone would remain in either portrait or landscape mode, whatever mode you were in at the time you disabled autorotate.

They changed it recently to autorotate mode, or Portrait mode. It is no longer autorotate on or off. Instead, every single individual app gets to decide if it respects the phone's setting of autorotate being on, or locked into portrait. Some apps not only do not respect your setting, they also do not have any functionality anywhere in the app to change this setting. Namely, gallery, and camera app (the default apps for taking pictures and viewing said pictures).

This is most notable when taking pictures of something on the ground, or like if you were some instagrammer who loved to take pictures of their food, but really any picture taking from an aerial vantage point with the phone being completely flat.

It impacts me the most when using my phone to take pictures in some weird nook and cranny, trying to see behind shit like if you are working on your car or whatever and you use your phone to take a picture. Now i've taken the picture in some weird angle so it doesn't really matter to me whether it is portrait or landscape. The issue is when I go to view the picture, I will have to turn the phone one way or another to read it and because camera/gallery does not respect the "Autorotate OFF" functionality and stay locked in "portrait" ie stay locked in the orientation that the picture was taken it, then it fucking constantly swaps the orientation and minimizes the picture when i'm just trying to read a part number or get a serial number or something off of whatever I just took a picture of.

The app I use overrides every single app's preferences and keeps the phone locked into portrait mode (amongst half a dozen other options), which is what the setting used to do before they broke it. So now when I need to take (or view) a picture instead of turning on portrait mode in settings, i have to turn on portrait mode in this always on app that sits in my notification window. I also lock it into landscape mode if i'm watching videos or something, usually if i'm leaning back in a chair or laying in bed and the phone gets confused and wants to fucking autorotate into portrait mode like an asshole because my hand moved slightly.

edit: i'm guessing a lot of you guys don't realize that they broke this functionality. I was talking to my buddy who asked the same questions as you guys, and then once I explained what was happening to him he said "oh. hrm. my phone is doing that to. isn't it supposed to?" No. when you disable autorotate, the phone should never, ever autorotate for any reason. no matter what app is being used. That's what disable means. Because it's the camera app he just thought that it was normal behavior.
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what Suineg set it to
I have Samsung S22. if you search google play for autorotate you will find 50+ apps for this, I am using one called "rotation control" but there are literally 6 of them all named "rotation control"

It used to be in the pull down settings you could turn autorotate on, or autorotate off. With autorotate off the phone would remain in either portrait or landscape mode, whatever mode you were in at the time you disabled autorotate.

They changed it recently to autorotate mode, or Portrait mode. It is no longer autorotate on or off. Instead, every single individual app gets to decide if it respects the phone's setting of autorotate being on, or locked into portrait. Some apps not only do not respect your setting, they also do not have any functionality anywhere in the app to change this setting. Namely, gallery, and camera app (the default apps for taking pictures and viewing said pictures).

This is most notable when taking pictures of something on the ground, or like if you were some instagrammer who loved to take pictures of their food, but really any picture taking from an aerial vantage point with the phone being completely flat.

It impacts me the most when using my phone to take pictures in some weird nook and cranny, trying to see behind shit like if you are working on your car or whatever and you use your phone to take a picture. Now i've taken the picture in some weird angle so it doesn't really matter to me whether it is portrait or landscape. The issue is when I go to view the picture, I will have to turn the phone one way or another to read it and because camera/gallery does not respect the "Autorotate OFF" functionality and stay locked in "portrait" ie stay locked in the orientation that the picture was taken it, then it fucking constantly swaps the orientation and minimizes the picture when i'm just trying to read a part number or get a serial number or something off of whatever I just took a picture of.

The app I use overrides every single app's preferences and keeps the phone locked into portrait mode (amongst half a dozen other options), which is what the setting used to do before they broke it. So now when I need to take (or view) a picture instead of turning on portrait mode in settings, i have to turn on portrait mode in this always on app that sits in my notification window. I also lock it into landscape mode if i'm watching videos or something, usually if i'm leaning back in a chair or laying in bed and the phone gets confused and wants to fucking autorotate into portrait mode like an asshole because my hand moved slightly.

edit: i'm guessing a lot of you guys don't realize that they broke this functionality. I was talking to my buddy who asked the same questions as you guys, and then once I explained what was happening to him he said "oh. hrm. my phone is doing that to. isn't it supposed to?" No. when you disable autorotate, the phone should never, ever autorotate for any reason. no matter what app is being used. That's what disable means. Because it's the camera app he just thought that it was normal behavior.
Sounds like you shouldn't buy gay phones
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<Gold Donor>
I have Samsung S22. if you search google play for autorotate you will find 50+ apps for this, I am using one called "rotation control" but there are literally 6 of them all named "rotation control"

It used to be in the pull down settings you could turn autorotate on, or autorotate off. With autorotate off the phone would remain in either portrait or landscape mode, whatever mode you were in at the time you disabled autorotate.

They changed it recently to autorotate mode, or Portrait mode. It is no longer autorotate on or off. Instead, every single individual app gets to decide if it respects the phone's setting of autorotate being on, or locked into portrait. Some apps not only do not respect your setting, they also do not have any functionality anywhere in the app to change this setting. Namely, gallery, and camera app (the default apps for taking pictures and viewing said pictures).

This is most notable when taking pictures of something on the ground, or like if you were some instagrammer who loved to take pictures of their food, but really any picture taking from an aerial vantage point with the phone being completely flat.

It impacts me the most when using my phone to take pictures in some weird nook and cranny, trying to see behind shit like if you are working on your car or whatever and you use your phone to take a picture. Now i've taken the picture in some weird angle so it doesn't really matter to me whether it is portrait or landscape. The issue is when I go to view the picture, I will have to turn the phone one way or another to read it and because camera/gallery does not respect the "Autorotate OFF" functionality and stay locked in "portrait" ie stay locked in the orientation that the picture was taken it, then it fucking constantly swaps the orientation and minimizes the picture when i'm just trying to read a part number or get a serial number or something off of whatever I just took a picture of.

The app I use overrides every single app's preferences and keeps the phone locked into portrait mode (amongst half a dozen other options), which is what the setting used to do before they broke it. So now when I need to take (or view) a picture instead of turning on portrait mode in settings, i have to turn on portrait mode in this always on app that sits in my notification window. I also lock it into landscape mode if i'm watching videos or something, usually if i'm leaning back in a chair or laying in bed and the phone gets confused and wants to fucking autorotate into portrait mode like an asshole because my hand moved slightly.

edit: i'm guessing a lot of you guys don't realize that they broke this functionality. I was talking to my buddy who asked the same questions as you guys, and then once I explained what was happening to him he said "oh. hrm. my phone is doing that to. isn't it supposed to?" No. when you disable autorotate, the phone should never, ever autorotate for any reason. no matter what app is being used. That's what disable means. Because it's the camera app he just thought that it was normal behavior.
You mean like this?

Screenshot_20240713_145840_One UI Home.jpg

That's my quick menu on a Samsung S22 ultra. I'm unaware of anything being disabled. My only rustle is every damn time they send a 'security' update they add games I didn't ask for. If you've been sideloading apps you may have the phone cooties.


<Bronze Donator>
yes that button in the top row, 2nd from the left?

it doesn't do what it used to do. It used to enable or disable autorotate. now, depending on what app you are using, it's just for fucking show, and you need a seperate app to actually disable autorotate.

Look guys what was initially rustling my jimmies was android breaking that button but what is now rustling my jimmies is you people who can't read and don't understand english.

I never said the button wasn't there any more. I said they broke the functionality of the button. Here follow these steps if you own an android.

1. swipe down, make sure autorotate is on (ie its' white and says autorotate)
2. turn your phone 90 degrees into landscape mode
3. open the camera app, while holding your phone sideways, and take a picture.
4. swipe down again, click autorotate. it should turn grey and now say "portrait"
5. go back into the camera, in the botton left corner there is the picture you just took in landscape mode, click on it
6. hold your phone in landscape to look at the picture. notice how the picture is in landscape? now turn your phone vertical IE portrait mode.
7. watch what happens! tadaaa! your phone just fucking autorotated. The camera gallery is now showing you a landscape picture in portrait mode, which shrinks the picture massively and adds tons of void space above and below the photograph. if you flip the phone back into landscape, it will show the photo correctly in landscape. you understand that this is called autorotation, right? when the phone automatically adjusts the display to match what it thinks you want to see, despite you just DISABLING autorotate? Yeah they broke it.
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<Silver Donator>
Hand soap dispensers that point straight outwards instead of down.

Every fucking woman I know buys these retarded things. I already hate them because I don't want to refill a container and am perfectly happy just having a disposable bottle out. Add on the fact that the popular ones currently are designed by a retarded, malnourished 12yo "Chinese engineer" and they fill me with rage.
  • 3Solidarity
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fred sanford

<Gold Donor>
Hand soap dispensers that point straight outwards instead of down.

Every fucking woman I know buys these retarded things. I already hate them because I don't want to refill a container and am perfectly happy just having a disposable bottle out. Add on the fact that the popular ones currently are designed by a retarded, malnourished 12yo "Chinese engineer" and they fill me with rage.
My wife bought some like that for our bathroom and they have the tiniest nozzle. It gets clogged a bit then ejaculates soap on my shirt every time. To top it off she decided to replace them and got a different looking bottle with the exact same nozzle.
  • 2Worf
  • 2Solidarity
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<Silver Donator>
My wife bought some like that for our bathroom and they have the tiniest nozzle. It gets clogged a bit then ejaculates soap on my shirt every time. To top it off she decided to replace them and got a different looking bottle with the exact same nozzle.

W wellijustdontknow - what's your opinion on soap dispensers? I think I'm ready to try being gay
  • 4Worf
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
The answer to this is to open the dispenser up and dip out some soap. Make sure to leave the top off. When the woman complains about you 'getting the soap dirty' roll your eyes and remind her that it's soap. Soap, is soap. If you can't trust a vat of soap to be clean with a few poop particles from your hand in it, then how can you trust a dab of it to clean the poop particles off your hand?
  • 2Galaxy Brain
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Egg Nazi
Know what solved the soap dispenser problem forever without any downsides, and was available hundreds of years ago?

A fucking bar of soap.

I swear to fuck, they are intentionally making everything stupid and gay, and it seems like damn near everyone is just A-OK with it. "Hey this is new so it must be better!"