Whats rustling your jimmies?


Vyemm Raider
Whenever I visit this site, I always think how unfortunate it is that the old original FOH message board no longer exists. Registered 23 years ago i think.

My first FOH memories is "FROZEN JESUS" i am sure i was around a bit before then reading the front page hijinks.

That would be 2000? so damn getting close to 25 years...

Remember "You have 14 Days. If after that time the Plane is not properly tuned, I am deleting my characters, and cancelling all of my accounts. The rest of my guild will follow suit, as will several other guilds and people that play Everquest."

Or how about this gem? the true changing of our focus.

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<Gold Donor>
Established with a new PCP today (NP but it is what it is in this 2-bit town) anyway on the HIPAA form I put 'any/all' on who could access my medical info. The cunt at the kiosk said she 'didn't recommend it' because anyone could access my info. I told her that was correct, I do not care if they put all my info on the internet for all to read.
Nikki Haley gave ALL my fucking info away when she was governor of SC , then just to make sure everyone had it for real, Experian did too, now I have a letter from Ticketmaster that just because I wanted to go to the Sphere this spring, now my info is out again. I mean fuck , everyone has it all anyway.

My wife changed it because I was being 'grumpy' but who cares? Clinton didn't want pics of the mole on his dick out so I have to fill out more paperwork?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
BMI of 31, lol
If your BMI is 31 and you're the same height as me (6'2) you'd have to be ~240 pounds. If 5'10, you'd have to be ~215lbs, which is even worse on the FFMI.

This puts your fat-free mass index at 26. Congrats on being a golden-era IFBB pro bodybuilder!

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 9.09.44 PM.png

... or full of shit, but who is counting.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
6 feet 224. And yes, I lift and train a lot. I think I’m doing ok for 42.
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<Gold Donor>
In establishing with the PCP today they took my height and weight. I've shrunk 2" since the last time I was at that place (previous doctor I believe they said I was there in 2020). That's weird but I have had my spine operated on 7 times.

Is 5'8" considered manlet?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
In establishing with the PCP today they took my height and weight. I've shrunk 2" since the last time I was at that place (previous doctor I believe they said I was there in 2020). That's weird but I have had my spine operated on 7 times.

Is 5'8" considered manlet?
no you got one more inch to go.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
56, 6'5" 210lbs.

Guess I'm fat :/

Joe Biden Oops GIF by The Democrats
Your BMI at that height/weight would be 24.9 which is not overweight just on height/weight. Without knowing you at all you could be skinny fat, but wouldn't call you fat at all.
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
This is the internet homey, post a pic or be considered fat by default.
An FFMI of 26 as he claims with his height/weight/bodyfat % would be a professional bodybuilder. You will not be getting a picture.
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Log Wizard
Or I just don’t care what you all think?
Choad, I mean Cad is an angry, scrawny manlet who has a Foleresque ability to manufacture flights of complete fancy. He cannot grasp the simple fact that some men have a natural propensity towards being muscular and throws out useless shit that he doesn't understand and tries to give relevance to his arguments by being a complete foreskin about everything. When was the last time he tried to make a point without being a total thumbdick? I'll take Never for $100, Alex.

I think the funniest part of Choad I mean Cad is that he got chased off the board by Araysar and slunk back hoping no one would notice.

Cad is the little manlet that couldn't.

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Choad, I mean Cad is an angry, scrawny manlet who has a Foleresque ability to manufacture flights of complete fancy. He cannot grasp the simple fact that some men have a natural propensity towards being muscular and throws out useless shit that he doesn't understand and tries to give relevance to his arguments by being a complete foreskin about everything. When was the last time he tried to make a point without being a total thumbdick? I'll take Never for $100, Alex.

I think the funniest part of Choad I mean Cad is that he got chased off the board by Araysar and slunk back hoping no one would notice.

Cad is the little manlet that couldn't.

Astute observations.


<Silver Donator>
I like to act shocked when a dr tells me I'm overweight. Didn't phase the last one, he put his folder down, took off his glasses and said "I'm so sorry. has no one told you?"

He's a keeper. Too bad he's going to anally rape me next month so I don't ever want to see him again.

Had a new Dr for my yearly physical now (My regular doc is so packed up I'm seeing her PA). We run through the usual stuff for a yearly physical and she asks me "Do you want the finger up the butt , or should we just check your bloodwork for BPA like civilized folks?"

I'm 230 and 5'5" all hail my stocky mountain dwarf genes... More WoW dwarf build then Tolkien..
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Avatar of War Slayer
due to arm, back and kidney stone issues over last 2 years, lost a lot of upper body muscle. that added to what i lost just before covid when i had 3 rotator cuff tears in a few years. from 2020 till end of 23, had gotten up into the 240's. this year been steadily chipping a way at it and now down to 202-205 range. it sucks that looks like going to have to loose another 15-20lbs, where used to be fit at 200. the way things are going might not be able to work upper body out till oct if lucky.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
due to arm, back and kidney stone issues over last 2 years, lost a lot of upper body muscle. that added to what i lost just before covid when i had 3 rotator cuff tears in a few years. from 2020 till end of 23, had gotten up into the 240's. this year been steadily chipping a way at it and now down to 202-205 range. it sucks that looks like going to have to loose another 15-20lbs, where used to be fit at 200. the way things are going might not be able to work upper body out till oct if lucky.
Still helps to move around as much as you can, even if it’s not lifting.
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Log Wizard
My doctor (Female, semi hot...say a 7out of 10) has never once offered to do a prostate exam on me and I am 57

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