Whats rustling your jimmies?


<Gold Donor>
My coworker has been listening to the same playlist every day for about 9 months. Five Finger Death Punch, Linkin Park, and whiney "metal" like Set It Off... why tho
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Buzzfeed Editor
My coworker has been listening to the same playlist every day for about 9 months. Five Finger Death Punch, Linkin Park, and whiney "metal" like Set It Off... why tho
Counter play, or if it's the kind of place it wouldn't be wierd, try to gift them a nice ish $60 set of overear headphones.
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<Gold Donor>
Counter play, or if it's the kind of place it wouldn't be wierd, try to gift them a nice ish $60 set of overear headphones.
I've considered a counter programming operation, just need to Bluetooth faster than him lol. I wish headphones were an option but I have to wear a walkie talkie incase our HVAC guy needs me.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Fedex. Other day they delivered a portable 1kw/hr battery, $450.

Thing was shipped in just the box in it comes in. They left it in front of my garage in full view of anyone waltzing by my house. Not on the front covered patio with chest high walls that easily obscures any deliveries left in it. Even more wtf is the thing isnt even all that heavy, maybe 20 pounds max. Two weeks ago I had 70 pounds of rubber weights left at my front door no problem.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Fedex. Other day they delivered a portable 1kw/hr battery, $450.

Thing was shipped in just the box in it comes in. They left it in front of my garage in full view of anyone waltzing by my house. Not on the front covered patio with chest high walls that easily obscures any deliveries left in it. Even more wtf is the thing isnt even all that heavy, maybe 20 pounds max. Two weeks ago I had 70 pounds of rubber weights left at my front door no problem.
Mostly lazy fuckers these days in service jobs.


<Gold Donor>
Mostly lazy fuckers these days in service jobs.
counter point, I love our FedEx guy. One year I bought some of those expensive 'keep cool' pillows for everyone for Xmas. So like 8-10 were delivered at once. No one was home so the guy on his on initiative, put them in the back yard and left a note on the inside door. Funny part is this area of my little town we don't have porch pirates and there are too many nosy ass people here if one tried. Guess it's people.


<Silver Donator>
I've never had a single issue with porch pirates. I've been here for 10 years. If my neighborhood ever had a porch pirates in the past, he's probably rotting in an orchard somewhere by now.

I'm be so much more cranky if I lived somewhere where people stole my mail.
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<Silver Donator>
There's a guy that works for me. He's about 25yo, Mexican, really sharp and hard worker. He has a tight group of friends and family and like 6 couples all had a kid within about 18mos of each other. They're all really excited to be parents and to raise their kids together.

Just found out his 4mos nephew passed away, or is about to. They found him unresponsive and he's been at the hospital 3 days with no brain activity.

Feels bad man.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I've never had a single issue with porch pirates. I've been here for 10 years.
Had a package go missing at the beginning of the year. I think the delivery driver was apart of it because in the proof of delivery photo it showed a second persons legs. Why would there be two people delivering a package?

Sadly the camera I have watching my front door and come unplugged so wasnt recording at the time. Whoever it was stole a $15 oil filter of all things. Thousands of dollars worth of ammo/electronics over the years? No issues.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Finally got the parts and an appointment to replace the compressor in my fridge since it was apparently too weak to keep the freezer half cold despite only being 2 years old. 2 hours and a bunch of blowtorching setting off all my fire alarms later, and the new compressor was DoA. So now I have no fridge at all and the next appointment isn’t until the 29th. Cool. Guess I gotta go buy a bunch of canned soup to hold us out until then. Oh and that thwarts our whole attempt at trying to drink more water since our tap is not exactly ideal for drinking.


Log Wizard
Finally got the parts and an appointment to replace the compressor in my fridge since it was apparently too weak to keep the freezer half cold despite only being 2 years old. 2 hours and a bunch of blowtorching setting off all my fire alarms later, and the new compressor was DoA. So now I have no fridge at all and the next appointment isn’t until the 29th. Cool. Guess I gotta go buy a bunch of canned soup to hold us out until then. Oh and that thwarts our whole attempt at trying to drink more water since our tap is not exactly ideal for drinking.


Log Wizard
GE. Is there an actual appliance company that isn’t fucking garbage these days? Everyone seems like shit.

They are all complete shit. LG being the most complete shit.

People who bought my house 3 years ago put in all new flooring. Kitchen, entry, hall, living. Wood/tile/carpet. Hubby wanted new fridge. Presto! New fridge went in after the flooring.

They hadn't moved in yet, waiting for flooring and paint to be done. They were days away from moving in. Water pipe on fridge broke, wrecked the new flooring.

Imagine having a fucking insurance claim on a house you haven't moved into yet and having to wait another 1.5 months to move in while all the new stuff gets replaced.
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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>

They are all complete shit. LG being the most complete shit.

People who bought my house 3 years ago put in all new flooring. Kitchen, entry, hall, living. Wood/tile/carpet. Hubby wanted new fridge. Presto! New fridge went in after the flooring.

They hadn't moved in yet, waiting for flooring and paint to be done. They were days away from moving in. Water pipe on fridge broke, wrecked the new flooring.

Imagine having a fucking insurance claim on a house you haven't moved into yet and having to wait another 1.5 months to move in while all the new stuff gets replaced.
Not quite the same but the folks that washed the concrete in the basement in my new construction house let a bunch of water through the door into the finished area and into the carpet. My entire basement was moldy before we’d even moved in and they had to rip it all out. Was a good time. At least they replaced it all for free.


<Gold Donor>
Oh god you have given me PTSD. It's 2005, be me finally kicked a crippling Everquest addiction. Made enough money that I getting eaten alive by taxes. Was told to get married or buy a house. I was never getting married (been married 19 years btw) so I bought a house in 2001 , starter home nothing special. Trying to finish 2 ocean front condo's in Myrtle Beach SC (Not South Dakota) working 12+ hour days on salary trying to help get them done. I get home at 11PM after being out in the cold all day (relative remember this is the beach in SC) and see a note on my garage door. It's from my neighbor, says he noticed water coming out under my garage door and turned my water off at the street. Go inside and there is 3" of water in the whole fucking house. Everywhere. Now I'm so damn tired I got to bed, go to work the next morning and give my secretary my house keys and had her call my insurance co and went back to work.

See this pic? This is an insulated pipe in an insulated wall in a heated house. Look closely and you will see the pipe cracked down it's length. I kept this pic as it was part of the lawsuit.
Buy a home they say, it's great they say. Grrr.

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Avatar of War Slayer
had x-rays done on aug 2nd, results still not posted to my medical portal. message my pcp, they said still waiting for report from radiologist. think hospital lost my stuff.
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Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
had x-rays done on aug 2nd, results still not posted to my medical portal. message my pcp, they said still waiting for report from radiologist. think hospital lost my stuff.
Quite possibly got lost/misfiled on it's way to or from the outsourced radiologist. Of course that handoff is done by another 3rd party.


<Gold Donor>
Coaching High School Football, Freshman. It started today and I learned that 5 kids will be missing 3-5 practices each over the next week for various reasons. Those reasons you ask? Choir Camp, River Rafting Trip, Baseball Tournament, a Cruise and Science Camp. Things are way different from when I was a kid. High School Sport took precedence overall this stuff. I get it in in k-8 sports, but High School WTF.

I am a volunteer and losing money to coach, I just don't understand parents and kids priorities. My coaches would say if you treat practice as optional then we have the option to play you. Can't say that in todays day and age.

I honestly don't hold the kids responsible, because it is the parents' and their right to do as they please with their family. So it won't affect the kids playing time as long as they are ready. And that is my job to get them ready, just harder with fewer practices.
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