Whats rustling your jimmies?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Sounds like you're happy about your wife being killed. But that's probably just phrasing.
Drop the schtick. It's boring under normal circumstances but complete asshattery in this case. A man's allowed grieve however he wants and at his own pace. Gallows humor is the highest form of humor because it helps the people who need it most get through the times when they need it the most. He probably can't get shit like that in RL right now.

RobXIII RobXIII let us know if you want more tasteless jokes.
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<Bronze Donator>
Drop the schtick. It's boring under normal circumstances but complete asshattery in this case. A man's allowed grieve however he wants and at his own pace. Gallows humor is the highest form of humor because it helps the people who need it most get through the times when they need it the most. He probably can't get shit like that in RL right now.

RobXIII RobXIII let us know if you want more tasteless jokes.
Yeah. Never been the biggest fan of rob. But araysar you are better than that man.
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<Gold Donor>
Yep. Doesn't feel real yet, hence I'm posting here while waiting for her family to wake up (they're over at my house helping with the kids). And to vent a bit, too many gigantic trucks out there driving stupid. Even a minivan isn't safe
Wow holy shit man I am so sorry to hear that.


Vyemm Raider
Did you save the old fridge when you got the new one? Like put it in the garage maybe? You coulda had a good "toldyaso" moment when you moved all the food back to the old fridge.
I wish, thing was a tank. Ended up getting it hauled away. I'd love to know where those end up. There's probably some warehouse somewhere with thousands of perfectly good fridges that aren't in style anymore.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What the fuck man sorry from a lurker.

I would NEVER watch that video.

I MIGHT give it to my lawyer and let him/her watch it.

Fuck idiots on the road man.


<Gold Donor>
RobXIII RobXIII if any good can come from this, I finally got off my ass and got serious about getting dashcams added to my truck and the wife's SUV.
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Did she drop any good loot? I'll see myself out. Sorry for your loss, RobXIII RobXIII

Bring the dark humor. We would watch youtube dashcam clips at night between shows, and I would tally up the Female driver scores (they make up the majority of bad driver clips). I'd always ask her if she was ok to drive... "What? Why I havent had anything to drink!"

.no it's because you're a woman! *gets punched*

So yeah, dark humor abounds.
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
RobXIII RobXIII I can't imagine what you're going through. I wish we here at FOH could fix it, but of course we can't. I don't know if you're a praying man, but I will be praying for you, your daughter, and your family this week. I'm really glad folks are there to help you. Allow them to help, give yourself time to do fuck all, or whatever the fuck you want.

Peace brother.
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<Bronze Donator>
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Bring the dark humor. We would watch youtube dashcam clips at night between shows, and I would tally up the Female driver scores (they make up the majority of bad driver clips). I'd always ask her if she was ok to drive... "What? Why I havent had anything to drink!"

.no it's because you're a woman! *gets punched*

So yeah, dark humor abounds.

Did you have any ongoing arguments with her? Because technically, you just won them all. Grats man.

Have her cremated and put her remains into a pocket pussy. Or a dildo. I don't know how you swing. No judgement.
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Did you have any ongoing arguments with her? Because technically, you just won them all. Grats man.

Have her cremated and put her remains into a pocket pussy. Or a dildo. I don't know how you swing. No judgement.
Girl Why Dont We Have Both GIF
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Not sure if this rates enough to post here, but as of this week I'm a widower.

..so I have that going for me, which is nice. Daughter was in there too but she's fine.

That's a dashcam wire hanging down, but I don't have the balls to watch it yet.

View attachment 542698
I am terribly sorry about your wife. My condolences. Thank God your daughter is okay though.
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Sorry for your loss RobXIII feel free to make a post in the grown up section if you want a particular spot to vent/share/look for support
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Trump's Staff
Not sure if this rates enough to post here, but as of this week I'm a widower.

..so I have that going for me, which is nice. Daughter was in there too but she's fine.

That's a dashcam wire hanging down, but I don't have the balls to watch it yet.

View attachment 542698

Step away from this forum. While it may act as an escape right now, your place is with your daughter. Depending on her age, this is a moment in her life that could shape the person she becomes.

Be with your family, this place is not important and not really very healthy for a grieving mind.
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<Silver Donator>
My daughter spent 3 years in daycare/preschool with the same 3 teachers. All of them absolutely love her and tell me all the time in texts that she's their favorite.

Last day of preschool was a couple weeks ago. My daughter hugged the main teacher and said goodbye, but refused to say bye to the other two or hug them. Made one of the teachers, a sweet ~60yo, tear up a bit and I could tell it really hurt her feelings. Shits been bugging me for weeks. I've been gently working with my daughter on "hellos and goodbyes" for a year, but I got much stricter after that.

Anyways, I invited that teacher to go kayaking with us next weekend. I'm feeding my daughter to the sturgeon if she doesn't give her teacher a goodbye.
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<Gold Donor>
RobXIII RobXIII Man, I can't even begin to imagine. My heart goes out to you. Hopefully us being retarded can ease the pain a little bit.

Like me bitching about this. Fucking ads in porn, man. WTF?! If I had the power to kill with my mind, I'd kill these motherfuckers. Like, bro, I just want to see some cooter, not your fucking ads!

Porn Faggotry.jpg
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<Silver Donator>
There's a guy that works for me. He's about 25yo, Mexican, really sharp and hard worker. He has a tight group of friends and family and like 6 couples all had a kid within about 18mos of each other. They're all really excited to be parents and to raise their kids together.

Just found out his 4mos nephew passed away, or is about to. They found him unresponsive and he's been at the hospital 3 days with no brain activity.

Feels bad man.
"Disconnecting baby". I got this text right as I was dropping off my daughter for her first day at kindergarten. :(
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