Whats rustling your jimmies?


<Silver Donator>
had x-rays done on aug 2nd, results still not posted to my medical portal. message my pcp, they said still waiting for report from radiologist. think hospital lost my stuff.
At least it's not cancer... Well, let's hope not!!!


<Gold Donor>
Quite possibly got lost/misfiled on it's way to or from the outsourced radiologist. Of course that handoff is done by another 3rd party.
That will give your data away in a data breach and send you an 'oops we fucked up chain letter'.
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Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
That will give your data away in a data breach and send you an 'oops we fucked up chain letter'.

Please accept our most sincere apology and give this credit monitoring company that we get kickbacks from all your info so they can charge you an exorbitant fee on on day 366 when we hope you will forget to cancel their service.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
GE. Is there an actual appliance company that isn’t fucking garbage these days? Everyone seems like shit.

This is going to sound like a troll but I'm dead serious. Hit up estate sales and buy grammas 30 year old fridge. It outlived it's previous owner and it will outlive you.
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Vyemm Raider
GE. Is there an actual appliance company that isn’t fucking garbage these days? Everyone seems like shit.
In my old house, I had all original appliances dating back to the 70s. My wife hated them them since they were one of those ugly 70s brown colors. The fridge started acting a little funky (probably just needed the coils cleaned) and I finally caved and agreed to buy a new GE fridge. 3 months later it can't keep anything cold, all our food is spoiled, have warranty repair come out, thing leaked all the refrigerant. Guy fixes it, but has no confidence in his repairs, says there's a 50-50 chance it'll leak again. Almost 50 years without issue vs less than a year, new appliances are junk. Only positive was she never complained about the gas stove again.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Not sure if this rates enough to post here, but as of this week I'm a widower.

..so I have that going for me, which is nice. Daughter was in there too but she's fine.

That's a dashcam wire hanging down, but I don't have the balls to watch it yet.

  • 13WTF
  • 8Rustled
  • 4Mother of God
Reactions: 29 users


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Yep. Doesn't feel real yet, hence I'm posting here while waiting for her family to wake up (they're over at my house helping with the kids). And to vent a bit, too many gigantic trucks out there driving stupid. Even a minivan isn't safe
  • 5Solidarity
  • 2Thoughts & Prayers
Reactions: 6 users


what Suineg set it to
Yep. Doesn't feel real yet, hence I'm posting here while waiting for her family to wake up (they're over at my house helping with the kids). And to vent a bit, too many gigantic trucks out there driving stupid. Even a minivan isn't safe
Damn man sorry I don't think there's anything anyone can say but glad your daughter is safe and I will say a prayer for you all
  • 2Solidarity
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<Gold Donor>
Not sure if this rates enough to post here, but as of this week I'm a widower.

..so I have that going for me, which is nice. Daughter was in there too but she's fine.

That's a dashcam wire hanging down, but I don't have the balls to watch it yet.

View attachment 542698

No one deserves this. May your family find peace. Sorry for your loss.
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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Think you're allowed to post that damn near wherever you want... Jesus Christ, I'm so sorry for you and your family.
  • 7Like
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<Gold Donor>
Yep. Doesn't feel real yet, hence I'm posting here while waiting for her family to wake up (they're over at my house helping with the kids). And to vent a bit, too many gigantic trucks out there driving stupid. Even a minivan isn't safe
Words, I have none other than I am happy to hear your daughter is safe.

Heavy feels via the internet is the best I can offer. The grown up section of the forum is a good place to vent.
  • 2Like
  • 1Splash the Pot
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Yep. Doesn't feel real yet, hence I'm posting here while waiting for her family to wake up (they're over at my house helping with the kids). And to vent a bit, too many gigantic trucks out there driving stupid. Even a minivan isn't safe
Jesus man, I am so sorry. Fucked up beyond words.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Not sure if this rates enough to post here, but as of this week I'm a widower.

..so I have that going for me, which is nice. Daughter was in there too but she's fine.

That's a dashcam wire hanging down, but I don't have the balls to watch it yet.

View attachment 542698

Sounds like you're happy about your wife being killed. But that's probably just phrasing.
  • 4Picard
  • 3Faggotry
  • 1Dislike
Reactions: 10 users


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Thanks! Getting TONS of support from both family sides, so it's great having everyone here to keep things busy. Just posted here because I've been here longer than most any other online community, and most of us are decent adults ;)
  • 9Solidarity
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Reactions: 13 users


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
In my old house, I had all original appliances dating back to the 70s. My wife hated them them since they were one of those ugly 70s brown colors. The fridge started acting a little funky (probably just needed the coils cleaned) and I finally caved and agreed to buy a new GE fridge. 3 months later it can't keep anything cold, all our food is spoiled, have warranty repair come out, thing leaked all the refrigerant. Guy fixes it, but has no confidence in his repairs, says there's a 50-50 chance it'll leak again. Almost 50 years without issue vs less than a year, new appliances are junk. Only positive was she never complained about the gas stove again.

Did you save the old fridge when you got the new one? Like put it in the garage maybe? You coulda had a good "toldyaso" moment when you moved all the food back to the old fridge.