Whats rustling your jimmies?


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Movies with no subtitles where everyone's mumbling and fucking whispering.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
RobXIII RobXIII if any good can come from this, I finally got off my ass and got serious about getting dashcams added to my truck and the wife's SUV.

I'm gonna do the same thing this week.

Damn, I come here to whine about movie volume and hear about car accidents and disconnected infants. Now I feel like an asshole.


Avatar of War Slayer
aug 1st, saw urologist, they ordered ct scan. 2nd got appointment for 27th. get call last night, insurance has not approved it. lady calls today, still not approved and i can either pay for it or reschedule. i ask her why has it not been approved, insurance's policy is 10 business days to review and it has been at least 15.
"it might not have been sent that early, all i know is they have had it in review for a week."
  • 1RAGE
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<Silver Donator>
Yep. Doesn't feel real yet, hence I'm posting here while waiting for her family to wake up (they're over at my house helping with the kids). And to vent a bit, too many gigantic trucks out there driving stupid. Even a minivan isn't safe
Lord have mercy


Avatar of War Slayer
aug 1st, saw urologist, they ordered ct scan. 2nd got appointment for 27th. get call last night, insurance has not approved it. lady calls today, still not approved and i can either pay for it or reschedule. i ask her why has it not been approved, insurance's policy is 10 business days to review and it has been at least 15.
"it might not have been sent that early, all i know is they have had it in review for a week."

called insurances, they say they didn't get the request til yesterday and it is not expected to be approved till sept9th.


<Gold Donor>
One of the many reasons theaters are overrated. With modern sound mixing, why the fuck would I ever watch a movie without captioning?
FIL was very hard of hearing. Made me learn how to add subtitles to movies via handbrake , etc. Learned doing that you get more of the story with subtitles anyhow, especially the (SDH) ones.


<Silver Donator>



Avatar of War Slayer
Add PizzaHut to my list of I no longer will go there ever, it’s only a list now 2 long, McDonalds was first.

My criteria- call the cops on me and refuse me a refund.
  • 4Worf
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<Silver Donator>
Combo double rustling with a silver lining....

My Father in law ( Mrs. Haus Mrs. Haus 's Dad) was diagnosed a while back with stage 4 lung cancer. Has been going through chemo, with all that entails. This last Sunday he collapses at my wife's parent's place. Off to the ER. He's apparently got a ton of clots thrown from his legs which settled in his lungs... They have to do an emergency surgery to vacuum them out, but still had to leave a lot of smaller ones in, and just put him on blood thinners to break those up. He makes it through but it was touch and go for a good while. (So that at least ended well...)

Silver-ish lining? This forced them to do a pet scan and can tell the round of chemo reduced an 8cm mass to a 5cm mass, they can no longer find the 2 smaller tumors, and it's apparently no longer showing up in his lymph nodes. If it keeps trending in that direction he might actually be a candidate to get the tumor removed via surgery. But for now he's on an O2 feed and checking his blood oxygen sat every so many hours.

The whiplash of all this has me not knowing how good or bad to feel about anything now....
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Avatar of War Slayer
We need the deets on this story, spill mon frere

It’s not that interesting.

Both are just times I went there and the wheels fell off and the managers have zero ability to manage anything. Refuse to give me my money back- demand I leave and call the cops to trespass me, I wait around a bit because cops are not going to arrive anytime soon - McDonald’s i was in their drive through so it really pissed them off.

Each time I didn’t yell or shout or anything, they just can’t deal with people.

So I spend a few days running up and down corporate chains to complain - ask them to watch the surveillance video and ask them to review the situation and “is this how you train your managers?”

Don’t care for anything if it happens. Been a year not going to McDonalds and now add the hut. Oh well they wont care, but that’s life.
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<Gold Donor>
Combo double rustling with a silver lining....

My Father in law ( Mrs. Haus Mrs. Haus 's Dad) was diagnosed a while back with stage 4 lung cancer. Has been going through chemo, with all that entails. This last Sunday he collapses at my wife's parent's place. Off to the ER. He's apparently got a ton of clots thrown from his legs which settled in his lungs... They have to do an emergency surgery to vacuum them out, but still had to leave a lot of smaller ones in, and just put him on blood thinners to break those up. He makes it through but it was touch and go for a good while. (So that at least ended well...)

Silver-ish lining? This forced them to do a pet scan and can tell the round of chemo reduced an 8cm mass to a 5cm mass, they can no longer find the 2 smaller tumors, and it's apparently no longer showing up in his lymph nodes. If it keeps trending in that direction he might actually be a candidate to get the tumor removed via surgery. But for now he's on an O2 feed and checking his blood oxygen sat every so many hours.

The whiplash of all this has me not knowing how good or bad to feel about anything now....
Stage 4 lung cancer is what got my mom. She didn't even try chemo, in fact she was smoking IN THE HOSPITAL the day before they removed her brain tumor (secondary but that's how they found out it was lung cancer) so I guess she earned it. That was right as COVID lockdown was starting. Within a month I lost both parents. Yay me!
  • 1Thoughts & Prayers
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<Silver Donator>
Stage 4 lung cancer is what got my mom. She didn't even try chemo, in fact she was smoking IN THE HOSPITAL the day before they removed her brain tumor (secondary but that's how they found out it was lung cancer) so I guess she earned it. That was right as COVID lockdown was starting. Within a month I lost both parents. Yay me!
Oh, I love my FIL in to death, but he has also been a pack a day plus smoker since he was a teenager and he's in his 70's. So hearing the diagnosis was upsetting, but far from surprising. OTOH, it made him actually quit. Which my wife has been trying to get him to do since she was around... 6.
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<Gold Donor>
Nope, gotta say mom went out like she started out: Smoking like a freight train! She was a light the new one with the butt of the old one smoker. Until she learned about vapejuice, then she was one of the battery suckers.