Whats rustling your jimmies?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Cat. Little retard will purposely smack food from his food dish into his water dish if they are right next to each other. Give him a fresh bowl of water before work,come home to two or three pieces of food floating in the bowl.

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<Silver Donator>
Stage 4 lung cancer is what got my mom. She didn't even try chemo, in fact she was smoking IN THE HOSPITAL the day before they removed her brain tumor (secondary but that's how they found out it was lung cancer) so I guess she earned it. That was right as COVID lockdown was starting. Within a month I lost both parents. Yay me!
This is why I stopped telling people when my ex was going through treatment.

"Oh, she has the same thing my cousin did before it killed her! Good luck!"
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Yesterday, my little "nephew" (3rd cousin) came over. He's running around the yard like a fuckin little terror. Everyone is ignoring him except me. I snap at his bad ass to sit down. He sits for like two minutes, before he runs to his mothers arms acting like a fuckin baby. He's now back up and running. He finally knocks a tiki torch over, nothing major, but...he knocked the fuckin tiki torch over. NOW everyone starts scrambling to get the torch before it spills out totally. I on the other hand snatch his ass by the arm, pull his pants leg up and whack his ass on the legs a few times! NOW all the women are mad at me.

His mother starts going on and on, about how we got whippins and she doesn't want to raise him like we were raised. I'm like cool. But he's not acting like that in MY house. I tell him to sit in one of the chairs and stay there. You know what? He stayed there! Bring back belts! Bring back switches!
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Avatar of War Slayer
She didn't even try chemo, in fact she was smoking IN THE HOSPITAL the day before they removed her brain tumor
back in early 2000's, had to spend a lot of time with my mom and grandmother at various hospitals. this one had an outdoor patient smoking area. would be a group of people standing around in the hospital gowns hooked to ivs/monitors just puffing away
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<Silver Donator>
I had a secret hiding place for long-forgotten boxes of raspberry shortbread cookies. The office manager found them last week and threw them out because they expired 2 months ago
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<Silver Donator>
Damn dude you are like a walking HR wrecking ball
I know precisely where the line is.

I've been reported to HR one time in the 8+ years I've been here, and it was for telling a gis-p that he doesn't understand how raster resampling works. My boss and the COO were both on the phonecall and both of them told me it was a bullshit hr complaint. Guy doesn't work here anymore either.

It's remarkable how much I get away with though
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<Gold Donor>
Yesterday, my little "nephew" (3rd cousin) came over. He's running around the yard like a fuckin little terror. Everyone is ignoring him except me. I snap at his bad ass to sit down. He sits for like two minutes, before he runs to his mothers arms acting like a fuckin baby. He's now back up and running. He finally knocks a tiki torch over, nothing major, but...he knocked the fuckin tiki torch over. NOW everyone starts scrambling to get the torch before it spills out totally. I on the other hand snatch his ass by the arm, pull his pants leg up and whack his ass on the legs a few times! NOW all the women are mad at me.

His mother starts going on and on, about how we got whippins and she doesn't want to raise him like we were raised. I'm like cool. But he's not acting like that in MY house. I tell him to sit in one of the chairs and stay there. You know what? He stayed there! Bring back belts! Bring back switches!
So I got this list see, it's a list of reasons I never ever ever ever ever had kids. Shit like that, it's on the list.
Funny thing, the list starts at #1, and there is no #2 but it's a really WIDE list. My niece is a spoiled shit, I helped spoil her when she was young and cute but she's on one coast and I'm on the other.
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<Gold Donor>
back in early 2000's, had to spend a lot of time with my mom and grandmother at various hospitals. this one had an outdoor patient smoking area. would be a group of people standing around in the hospital gowns hooked to ivs/monitors just puffing away
I guess nicotine is one hell of a drug. Thankfully watching my mom ruin her health made me never even touch the things. Had a co-worker that had emphysema from smoking (finally killed him after he quit ,heh) that had to use a nebulizer at work. I saw him take the mask off the machine to tell our runner to get him a pack of smokes more than once.
Don't get me wrong, I'm on no high horse. I totally believe the world would be a better place if ALL drugs were legal and taxed to piss. It's also our right to be fucking idiots too I guess.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I guess nicotine is one hell of a drug. Thankfully watching my mom ruin her health made me never even touch the things. Had a co-worker that had emphysema from smoking (finally killed him after he quit ,heh) that had to use a nebulizer at work. I saw him take the mask off the machine to tell our runner to get him a pack of smokes more than once.
Don't get me wrong, I'm on no high horse. I totally believe the world would be a better place if ALL drugs were legal and taxed to piss. It's also our right to be fucking idiots too I guess.
Darwin, right?
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<Gold Donor>
Old news but last week I had another seizure , wife called 911 went to hospital , whole nine. Get a letter today that insurance is denying it as a legitimate charge because it didn't involve a tumor, or a stroke. I had to go to the hospital to make sure the tumor didn't come back and/or I'd had a stroke. Guess I was supposed to shake on the floor until they could review my case. I so hate insurance. No problem taking the money but fuck you if you need to use it.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Old news but last week I had another seizure , wife called 911 went to hospital , whole nine. Get a letter today that insurance is denying it as a legitimate charge because it didn't involve a tumor, or a stroke. I had to go to the hospital to make sure the tumor didn't come back and/or I'd had a stroke. Guess I was supposed to shake on the floor until they could review my case. I so hate insurance. No problem taking the money but fuck you if you need to use it.
Lawyer up
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Avatar of War Slayer
Old news but last week I had another seizure , wife called 911 went to hospital , whole nine. Get a letter today that insurance is denying it as a legitimate charge because it didn't involve a tumor, or a stroke. I had to go to the hospital to make sure the tumor didn't come back and/or I'd had a stroke. Guess I was supposed to shake on the floor until they could review my case. I so hate insurance. No problem taking the money but fuck you if you need to use it.

They attempted to say some crap to me about my back was not an emergency bla bla, wrote them back said it was an emergency to me, I paid my copay, thanks.

Never heard back, never got collections called
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<Silver Donator>
They attempted to say some crap to me about my back was not an emergency bla bla, wrote them back said it was an emergency to me, I paid my copay, thanks.

Never heard back, never got collections called
That means the hospital is eating it, not insurance.

Make life as difficult as possible for the insurance company
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<Gold Donor>
Already told the wife (after talking her off the ledge) that I'd consult with an attorney before I paid a dime to anyone. It's Blue Cross Blue Shield, this is their MO. Fought over an MRI over a decade ago with these dickheads and ultimately won. Just wasn't something (else) we needed to worry about today.


<Silver Donator>
Already told the wife (after talking her off the ledge) that I'd consult with an attorney before I paid a dime to anyone. It's Blue Cross Blue Shield, this is their MO. Fought over an MRI over a decade ago with these dickheads and ultimately won. Just wasn't something (else) we needed to worry about today.
If it's a terminal diagnosis, you know what to do....
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Log Wizard
I guess nicotine is one hell of a drug. Thankfully watching my mom ruin her health made me never even touch the things. Had a co-worker that had emphysema from smoking (finally killed him after he quit ,heh) that had to use a nebulizer at work. I saw him take the mask off the machine to tell our runner to get him a pack of smokes more than once.
Don't get me wrong, I'm on no high horse. I totally believe the world would be a better place if ALL drugs were legal and taxed to piss. It's also our right to be fucking idiots too I guess.
I was a smoker for 20 some odd years
I also had a major addiction to soda (Pepsi is my poison).
When I quit smoking I wore a nicotine patch for about 4 days and haven't touched a cigarette since, when I went to quit Pepsi, well that was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Hell to this day (More than a year later) I still crave a god damn Pepsi so bad a time I would punch a nun just to get one.
The key is desire, when I quit smoking I WANTED to quit, I mean deep down really wanted to quit. I never wanted to quit soda, if I could (with out killing myself) I would gladly drink a gallon of it a day.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Came to post some dumb rustles about another bad fast food experience, only to realize how kush my life really is.

To those dealing with real traumas, RobXIII RobXIII , Haus Haus , and any other I missed, I hope things get back to as normal as possible for you.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Came to post some dumb rustles about another bad fast food experience, only to realize how kush my life really is.

To those dealing with real traumas, RobXIII RobXIII , Haus Haus , and any other I missed, I hope things get back to as normal as possible for you.
Bandwagon literally just posted about his boss throwing away expired cookies. You can post your gripes
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