Whats rustling your jimmies?


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
This is the thread for all sorts of gripes, Haus and I are just posting as a sort of release. Don't let us hog the thread lol!

Things are slowly getting back to normalish. I'm sure most of us here have decent family, so know that if something really major happens, family from both sides tend to come out of the woodwork to support you and do what they can to make you whole. ...also they made a visit schedule for me to ensure that there's at least 1 mature adult around to supervise me /cackle

The rebound reflex is real though. Gotta fight that off for a while, though I have no idea how long I'm 'supposed' to wait!
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Avatar of War Slayer
Already told the wife (after talking her off the ledge) that I'd consult with an attorney before I paid a dime to anyone. It's Blue Cross Blue Shield, this is their MO. Fought over an MRI over a decade ago with these dickheads and ultimately won. Just wasn't something (else) we needed to worry about today.

back in the 90's, my boss got into heated phone call with bcbs and they sent the cops to his house. he was talking to someone at their state hq (which was local) and said something to the effect, i am going to come there and fuck you up. cops just talked to him and said not to do it again.
i can not remember if it was bcbs or kaiser permanente. when i was in a motorcycle wreck, they covered everything, except for the ambulance ride from the crash to the hospital, which was like $500. it was something about they didn't recognize their ems license. the ambulance company were assholes about it.

they also wouldn't pay for more than 8 days in the hospital. they told my mom that the hospital wasn't on their approved list and i should have went one of the other ones. the hospital would not release me to anywhere other than a rehab center or my parents. which lead to them paying for an air medical flight with 2 ambulance rides to my parents house.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Yesterday, my little "nephew" (3rd cousin) came over. He's running around the yard like a fuckin little terror. Everyone is ignoring him except me. I snap at his bad ass to sit down. He sits for like two minutes, before he runs to his mothers arms acting like a fuckin baby. He's now back up and running. He finally knocks a tiki torch over, nothing major, but...he knocked the fuckin tiki torch over. NOW everyone starts scrambling to get the torch before it spills out totally. I on the other hand snatch his ass by the arm, pull his pants leg up and whack his ass on the legs a few times! NOW all the women are mad at me.

His mother starts going on and on, about how we got whippins and she doesn't want to raise him like we were raised. I'm like cool. But he's not acting like that in MY house. I tell him to sit in one of the chairs and stay there. You know what? He stayed there! Bring back belts! Bring back switches!

I had a similar story from back when I was in college. I'd spend my weekends at my great aunt's house. One of her sons still lived with her with his wife and kid. One night the kid started messing with me. I was wearing shorts and it started with him laying his head on my leg and drooling. I kicked my leg and told him to stop drooling on me. His dad barks at him. Then he starts filling up his cupped hands with drool and smearing it on my leg. I stand up ready to whip his ass and his dad is like "BOY YOU BETTER STOP THAT!". SO I sit back down and resume watching Family Matters (or maybe it was cops, that's all we seemed to watch on weekends). Then he starts wiping boogers on my leg. At that point I snatch him up by his arm and give him 2 or 3 swats on his butt. Nothing that would hurt physically. His mom and dad were pissed at me.
WELL, get your child under control.
Yeah it shows. I bet he won't wipe no more boogers on me!
Meanwhile his dad was just sitting there smiling. I'm pretty sure it wasn't his decision to not whip.

I went out in the yard to help my cousin work on his truck. Kid followed me out. I heard his parents hollering at him to get back inside. He got a chain and started swinging it around threatening me. I knew he was trying to get my attention so I ignored him. I waited till he got close, grabbed him, wrapped him up in the chain and told him that there's a world of difference between wiping boogers on someone and threatening them with a weapon. A difference his momma wasn't going to be able to save him from. Anyway, after that the kid was still an asshole in school and to everyone else but me.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Redlights man.

Few to no redlights on the way to work? Almost 25mpg.
Nearly every redlight on the way home from work? 19mpg.
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Log Wizard
Speaking of redlights...
Cross walk lights. I use several on my bike ride daily, I push the button and have a delay of around a minute before the god damn light even turns yellow. What purpose does that even serve? None, just a way to annoy me. Hell I can push the button and then cross the street before the light even turns yellow.


<Gold Donor>
I had a similar story from back when I was in college. I'd spend my weekends at my great aunt's house. One of her sons still lived with her with his wife and kid. One night the kid started messing with me. I was wearing shorts and it started with him laying his head on my leg and drooling. I kicked my leg and told him to stop drooling on me. His dad barks at him. Then he starts filling up his cupped hands with drool and smearing it on my leg. I stand up ready to whip his ass and his dad is like "BOY YOU BETTER STOP THAT!". SO I sit back down and resume watching Family Matters (or maybe it was cops, that's all we seemed to watch on weekends). Then he starts wiping boogers on my leg. At that point I snatch him up by his arm and give him 2 or 3 swats on his butt. Nothing that would hurt physically. His mom and dad were pissed at me.
WELL, get your child under control.
Yeah it shows. I bet he won't wipe no more boogers on me!
Meanwhile his dad was just sitting there smiling. I'm pretty sure it wasn't his decision to not whip.

I went out in the yard to help my cousin work on his truck. Kid followed me out. I heard his parents hollering at him to get back inside. He got a chain and started swinging it around threatening me. I knew he was trying to get my attention so I ignored him. I waited till he got close, grabbed him, wrapped him up in the chain and told him that there's a world of difference between wiping boogers on someone and threatening them with a weapon. A difference his momma wasn't going to be able to save him from. Anyway, after that the kid was still an asshole in school and to everyone else but me.
Ours was 'X ran into a tree' , Little hyper fucker that was annoying as shit and followed my brother and me around all the time being a PITA. He did run into the tree, just he had help!
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what Suineg set it to
Speaking of redlights...
Cross walk lights. I use several on my bike ride daily, I push the button and have a delay of around a minute before the god damn light even turns yellow. What purpose does that even serve? None, just a way to annoy me. Hell I can push the button and then cross the street before the light even turns yellow.
That reminds me on the way to work there's these really slow crosswalk lights. There are always some retarded cyclists sitting there on the sidewalk, oblivious to the fact that they're supposed to follow traffic rules and be on the road so they could just drive right through.
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Trakanon Raider
Shingles. I have FOUR golf tournaments this month and I get fucking Shingles. THANKS OBAMA
  • 3Thoughts & Prayers
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<Gold Donor>
Shingles. I have FOUR golf tournaments this month and I get fucking Shingles. THANKS OBAMA
Text Nachrichten GIF by Linz News
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Log Wizard
That reminds me on the way to work there's these really slow crosswalk lights. There are always some retarded cyclists sitting there on the sidewalk, oblivious to the fact that they're supposed to follow traffic rules and be on the road so they could just drive right through.
I may be able to just jump on the street and follow the rules of traffic and not have to wait for the cross walk but no thanks.
Most people have no idea how to actually drive a car or follow traffic rules. I only have a two mile stretch from my house to the bike path I ride daily so I will stick to the side walk instead of risking life and limb trusting to the basic intelligence of the average motorist now days.


Log Wizard
Speaking of redlights...
Cross walk lights. I use several on my bike ride daily, I push the button and have a delay of around a minute before the god damn light even turns yellow. What purpose does that even serve? None, just a way to annoy me. Hell I can push the button and then cross the street before the light even turns yellow.
Those buttons are not hooked up to anything.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Packages with tiny thin ziploks that never work out won't seal in one little spot.
  • 2Rustled
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<Gold Donor>
Shingles. I have FOUR golf tournaments this month and I get fucking Shingles. THANKS OBAMA
I go for my 3 month check up at the end of this month. I get to find out if I can have the Shingles Vaccine. I was told no earlier when I was in treatment.


Vyemm Raider
I go for my 3 month check up at the end of this month. I get to find out if I can have the Shingles Vaccine. I was told no earlier when I was in treatment.
Ahh yes, the shingles vaccine, one of those great vaccines where it doesn't stop you from getting it, but will allegedly reduce the symptoms if you do, except when it doesn't!
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Avatar of War Slayer
check the weather at 10pm before going to bed, 12% chance of rain at 4pm only. check the weather at 5am, 70% of rain all day


Avatar of War Slayer
Ahh yes, the shingles vaccine, one of those great vaccines where it doesn't stop you from getting it, but will allegedly reduce the symptoms if you do, except when it doesn't!
i heard the 2 shot ver was really effective over the old one.

edit - i have not gotten either, only looked into after it appeared on my health portal.
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Vyemm Raider
Ahh yes, the shingles vaccine, one of those great vaccines where it doesn't stop you from getting it, but will allegedly reduce the symptoms if you do, except when it doesn't!

In clinical studies, compared with placebo, SHINGRIX was shown to be over 90% effective in preventing shingles in adults 50 years and older.*

*Studies excluded patients who were considered immunocompromised.
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Vyemm Raider
Forgive my skepticism, I recall the last vaccine being touted as super great only to have the efficacy slowly walked back.

Shingles sucks, but it mostly amounts to an inconvenience (a really fucking uncomfortable one mind you), not sure if the juice is worth the squeeze since the original had some pretty nasty potential side effects.

Allegedly this one is better, but I won't the the slightest bit shocked when less favorable data starts coming out and the medical world gets to act shocked all over again.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
check the weather at 10pm before going to bed, 12% chance of rain at 4pm only. check the weather at 5am, 70% of rain all day
Weather report where I am working this week. 90% chance of rain today, 100% chance of thunderstorms. I was like, Wakandan wat?

Rain will be here for at least the next 5 days. But at least there's a hurricane brewing and they're going to evacuate us tomorrow. So I won't be here for all of it, but I might have to drive home in this shit.