Whats rustling your jimmies?


<Gold Donor>
Well wife had shingles and she had no fun. I don't want them and I did have chicken pox as a kid. When I went thru chemo I was told not to get it. That was a year ago.


<Bronze Donator>
knock on wood but I have never known anyone who had shingles, honestly thought it was a made up disease and an excuse to sell vaccines.

Literally every single American who grew up in the 80s or before, all 300 million+ of us, had chicken pox as a child and outside of a few random internet posters who may or may not be feds, i've never heard of a single case of shingles.


Vyemm Raider
My wife had the bad kind of shingles where it was near her eye. She was quite uncomfortable, but it was manageable. I think the whole loss of vision possibility is mostly if you decide to tough it out and let things escalate unchecked. Opthomologist she saw was pretty ho hum about it.

I'm mostly rustled by it since the last vaccine was basically a net negative - barely provided protection from something that is not really a major concern while also in rare cases causing harm, which Merck was able to weasel out of any responsibility for. Fool me once, shame on... me, fool me twice... You can't fool me again.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Well wife had shingles and she had no fun. I don't want them and I did have chicken pox as a kid. When I went thru chemo I was told not to get it. That was a year ago.
You should be able to get Shingrix on chemo, it’s an inactivated vaccine. I think the previous Shingles vaccine used a live virus which is a no-go generally for people that are immunocompromised, but perhaps our resident expert Kobayashi Kobayashi can expand on it

I’m pretty butthurt that I had chicken pox as a kid but my wife who is 2 years younger than me got the vaccine and doesn’t have to worry about it lol
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Vyemm Raider
You should be able to get Shingrix on chemo, it’s an inactivated vaccine. I think the previous Shingles vaccine used a live virus which is a no-go generally for people that are immunocompromised, but perhaps our resident expert Kobayashi Kobayashi can expand on it

I’m pretty butthurt that I had chicken pox as a kid but my wife who is 2 years younger than me got the vaccine and doesn’t have to worry about it lol
Don't worry, your wife can still get shingles later in life after getting the chicken pox vaccine, but though they claim it's much less common and less severe.

How they're certain of that fact for a condition that doesn't typically occur past age 50 for something that came out in 1995 and is given almost exclusively to children I'm not sure.

My wife actually claims she got the Chicken Pox vaccine growing up - I guess it's possible, but I'm a little skeptical since we're the same age.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Shit like this “shoe”

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Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
My mom had me play with another kid that had chickenpox when I was 2-4 years old, I forget exactly when but I remember it. It got chickenpox then and shingles twice in my thirties during times I was treating my body shitty and I was really run down. I got them on my back both times and they were not painful at all. I’ve know people that have had them in other places around the eyes and neck that were very painful.


Avatar of War Slayer
Chickenpox just was a "thing" that swept through the elementary school every few years - we all got it, it always started "strong" with severe cases and weakened out, then dissipated throughout the month or so it burned through.

I didn't get it the first round, I was very young like 4, but I got it when I was 7 in 2nd grade during the next wave. It was eh, not super bad, annoying, but I think maybe 1 day of fever.. I was a kid, kids are usually really resilient on things like this... well they used to be in the 80s
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Log Wizard
When my kids were young there would be "Pox parties"
If a kid came down with chicken pox the parents would usually send all the kids over there for the night in hopes they would get it.
We were always told that chicken pox was a mild child hood disease but as an adult it was very very dangerous (life threatening even), so it behooved us as responsible parents to ensure our children got it to spare them the risk as an adult.
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Vyemm Raider
Shit like this “shoe”

View attachment 545141
I had to look it up to see if it was real. Their name sounds like one of those chinese Amazon brands selling USB cables or some shit.

Here's the "For Men" page. Apparently shoulder pads are back in style so you can look like an 80s female comedian. It goes super well with a purse, sorry, European Carry-All, and some bedazzled guy high heels.

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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I had to look it up to see if it was real. Their name sounds like one of those chinese Amazon brands selling USB cables or some shit.

Here's the "For Men" page. Apparently shoulder pads are back in style so you can look like an 80s female comedian. It goes super well with a purse, sorry, European Carry-All, and some bedazzled guy high heels.

View attachment 545287
Dudes drowning in pussy with that suit.


<Silver Donator>
My mom had me play with another kid that had chickenpox when I was 2-4 years old, I forget exactly when but I remember it. It got chickenpox then and shingles twice in my thirties during times I was treating my body shitty and I was really run down. I got them on my back both times and they were not painful at all. I’ve know people that have had them in other places around the eyes and neck that were very painful.
When I had it , it showed up on the backs of both calves. Essentially just insanely uncomfortable and itchy. A lot of spray on calamine and hydrocortisone cream to battle it. Now my dr is on me to get the vax for it.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
"Judy is a popular fridgescaper"

Social media has invented sentences that where never meant to be uttered.

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website logged me out
click to login with email and password as normal - your email domain has been banned, add a new email address here
fill out change of email forum, line 1 old email , line 2 new email, old email is not valid, contact staff
contact staff here, you must be logged in to that
dig around for another junk email address, make a new account, new accounts must be approved, wait is normally 4-8 hours.
new account, fill out contact staff forum, click send, error 13371337 - reload page
give up
next day, go to login, notice it says, login with email or username, enter original username, logging in......

the email i used was from mail.com, where you can pick from 100's of different domains. @mail.com is approved, but all the others are not.
  • 2Rustled
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<Gold Donor>
Went to a Barber shop today to get the beard shaped into the Ducktail. The bitch (woman) who had a fucking picture of a Ducktail beard FUCKED UP MY BEARD!! Forcing me to reset back to 1 inch!

It was halfway down my torso!! Fucking cunt!
  • 1Rustled
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what Suineg set it to
Went to a Barber shop today to get the beard shaped into the Ducktail. The bitch (woman) who had a fucking picture of a Ducktail beard FUCKED UP MY BEARD!! Forcing me to reset back to 1 inch!

It was halfway down my torso!! Fucking cunt!
Lmao what did you expect


Tranny Chaser
Went to a Barber shop today to get the beard shaped into the Ducktail. The bitch (woman) who had a fucking picture of a Ducktail beard FUCKED UP MY BEARD!! Forcing me to reset back to 1 inch!

It was halfway down my torso!! Fucking cunt!
beard GIF
  • 3Worf
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