Whats rustling your jimmies?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Went to a Barber shop today to get the beard shaped into the Ducktail. The bitch (woman) who had a fucking picture of a Ducktail beard FUCKED UP MY BEARD!! Forcing me to reset back to 1 inch!

It was halfway down my torso!! Fucking cunt!
You better not have paid for that


Log Wizard
Went to a Barber shop today to get the beard shaped into the Ducktail. The bitch (woman) who had a fucking picture of a Ducktail beard FUCKED UP MY BEARD!! Forcing me to reset back to 1 inch!

It was halfway down my torso!! Fucking cunt!
What side will you be fighting on? North? South?


<Gold Donor>
Well I guess this would count as a rustle, I cannot grow facial hair if my life depended on it. Never have been able to. Tried, it looked like I had a 1970 era porn bush on my face.


Shit Lord Supreme
I was a smoker for 20 some odd years
I also had a major addiction to soda (Pepsi is my poison).
When I quit smoking I wore a nicotine patch for about 4 days and haven't touched a cigarette since, when I went to quit Pepsi, well that was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Hell to this day (More than a year later) I still crave a god damn Pepsi so bad a time I would punch a nun just to get one.
The key is desire, when I quit smoking I WANTED to quit, I mean deep down really wanted to quit. I never wanted to quit soda, if I could (with out killing myself) I would gladly drink a gallon of it a day.
Took me more or less a decade to quit soda, my mom drunk diet coke ect in excess , still does. Going back and trying to drink a diet flavor now, its repellent, but the sugar adjacent stuff, they still use coca leaves in coke’s processing, you wonder if a trace of the good stuff makes it in
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<Gold Donor>
I had an AEEG over the weekend. Friday I went and had all the gear put on. It consists of a bunch of electrodes that are glued to your head, wrapped in a cloth bonnet thingy with a bunch of medical tape that goes down your right side to a recorder. The recorder plugs into a backpack with what looked like a tablet PC. I had this on for 4 days/3 nights. IT FUCKING SUCKED. Trying to sleep with this crap is inconvenient to say the least, also there was a camera you had to point at you while you sleep. But ok it is what it is.

Today go back to the same office that did the install. They check me in and tell me I have an outstanding balance. Amount is unimportant , but I paid when I came Friday and offered to forward the email receipt that THEY sent to ME. Girl says no that's ok we'll get you unhooked. Guy comes out and unplugs the recorder and takes the backpack then tells me I need to go upstairs to get the wire cap removed. This already rustled me as they are always slow upstairs. Go upstairs , get ignored, finally they deign to notice my existence and tell me I owe a balance. I explain (again) that I paid when I came Friday and offered to forward the email receipt that THEY sent to ME. Now the person that ignored me is now ignoring me more to argue with another co-worker who they should call to get this straight. Failing to see how that was my problem in any way I reached my left hand over my shoulder and ripped the entire wire/glue/tape contraption off my head and set it on the desk and walked out.

tl:dr: Do not go to Las Vegas for medical needs , go gambling.

P.S. the dude who did the install Friday said he'd only been there 3 weeks. He was alone?