There you go, you simply don't understand it.
You're right, I don't. I literally can't process it from a logical point of view. They literally offer nothing that appeals to any of my interests, what I find engaging, what I find fun, etc., from a friendship standpoint. And the only men I know that
dofind women engaging, fun, unique, etc. are either homosexual, bisexual, or emotionally needy as fuck.
Personally, while I'm sure your post is simply meant to express your point of view, it also encapsulates much of what feminism stands against.
Oh, fuck. Please tell me you aren't one of these men who believe women are so horribly downtrodden and misunderstood.
You can't imagine connecting with women on a social/interests level even though women have their own views, opinions, interests, dreams, ideas, and passions, any (or even several) of which you just might happen to share.
Actually, I don't. The one woman I've met that does happen to share some of these interests and world views, happens to be my girlfriend. However, she's still a woman and there are still plenty of things that I just can't "connect" with her on.
"The things women eventually end up sneaking into conversations"... What does this mean? Honestly, I can't even guess. I'm friends with many women and there is nothing they all "sneak into conversations". What do you mean, like shoe shopping or something? Please clarify.
Pretty much. "Look at those shoes! Can you believe she'd wear those with that outfit!?" "Oh, man! That wedding dress is so hideous!". And then there is all the emotional baggage and such that they like talking about as well.
And what do you mean, "that wouldn't be better served by getting through a male"? You make it sound like having a female friend is a compromise somehow. My female friends are each unique individuals who I interact with in completely different ways and under completely different circumstances, and what I get from every single one of them would most certainly not be "better served getting through a male".
The only thing I can really see getting through a female friendship that you can't get through a male friendship is female "perspective". Which is usually only useful for dating/nailing other chicks. The problem is, even the perspective and advice women give on that is wrong and not what they really want/look for. Like the saying goes, "What a woman thinks she wants, what she says she wants, and what she
actuallywants, are at least 7 different things".
Perhaps this "emotional neediness" you perceive is due more to your own issues than it is to any characteristic inherent to the female gender?
Perhaps. Maybe that is the case. I'm not saying females are wrong or have issues. We are wired differently, I get that. But I realize that most women treat this life as one big hierarchy(
especiallyamongst their own social circle) that they have to claw and bite their way to the top of. They'll sell you out in a heartbeat. The vast, vast majority of them know almost nothing of loyalty, honesty, integrity, etc. and would sell you out the minute they thought they could gain position on the social ladder. They swing from "rung to rung" all the time. You see it constantly with women who cheat on their boyfriends, husbands, etc., but wait to tell them/leave until they have a solid grasp on the next rung up(or at least what they perceive as the next rung, even if that ends up not being true down the road). That is not a personality type that I necessarily want or enjoy having as a true, genuine, solid, life-long friendship(men possess this personality as well, though it doesn't seem to be as prevalent).