Ha ha! Nice try. No, really!
Do you have any idea how warped the idea of feminism is on this message board? It's based entirely on circle-jerking misogynists pointing and laughing at pics of ridiculous young people who wrote silly things on cards. Sorry bro, that ain't feminism. Nice colors, though.
My girlfriend is sitting next to me and calling bullshit on everything you've typed. She thinks you're either gay or completely friendzoned. Pics or it didn't happen. The only way men and women can have a truly platonic relationship, is if the male is gay. Even if the female is gay, the man still wants to fuck her. Any woman who engages you on a frequent basis socially(movies, dinner, lunches, etc.)and doesn't make you foot the bill all the time? Yeah, she wants to fuck you as well. Men and women who get along well enough toenjoyeach others' company can't be truly platonic, period.
Well, apparently your girlfriend is as clueless as you are. But then, she's probably used to stroking your ego by now.
What makes you think you're in a better position than I am to judge my friendships with women? I'm not gay and I have truly platonic relationships with females. Guess that makes you wrong, regardless of what your girlfriend thinks.
Oh wait, did you say "PERIOD"? I guess that invalidates any counterarguments... shit, you got me on a technicality.
I didn't say women do it all the goddamn time, but all women, no matter how goddamn "smart" you say they are, still engage and talk about feminine shit. Period. They are women. It's part of who they are. You fags saying that we're generalizing and stereotyping women are doing the exact same thing with men and the "guy's guy" shit. They are certain shades of grey here and there, but for the most part...men are men and women are women. We've evolved thousands of years to be the way we are. That's not to say in a few thousand more things won't be changed/roles reversed/etc., but we're still extremely primal and instincts are a bitch.
I love how "smart" has to be in quotes when used to talk about women. And when did I stereotype about "guy's guy" shit? I'm the one rejecting that garbage.
Yes, Dr. Penisvaj, men and women are biologically different. But guess what? We men don't club women and drag them into our caves by the hair anymore. Mature men and mature women are more than capable of being friends. Does that make you uncomfortable? Fine, don't be friends with women. You'd suck at it anyway.
Oh wait, it's because I'm being used and don't realize it, or because I think they're hot which somehow invalidates the friendship? In other words, my friendships with women aren't real friendships?Notruescotsman. (Take notes, Trollface)
In other words, you get nothing and she uses you as an emotional tampon. Again, not a friendship.
Are there rare exceptions? Sure, but don't tell me that you are truly friends with tons of females and you're getting enough out of all those relationships that could be considered quid pro quo.
A lot of you guys have difficulty accepting that not having sex with a girl doesn't mean getting "nothing". It's also unreasonably difficult for you to understand that women don't just want a guy friend as an "emotional tampon".
I'm not going to use the word "tons", but I am truly friends with many females and I am getting enough out of all those relationships that they could be considered quid pro quo.
Are you going to tell me I'm wrong somehow?