Woman who was getting her box munched on in public now claiming rape


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
that looks like a rape situation.
I agree. Look how she has forced him down on his knees on that filthy sidewalk to service her carnal rape culture desires. She's wearing some sort of steel toed combat boots by the look of it, he was probably frightened to have his skull encaved.


Trakanon Raider
I knew some girl who dragged some guy into the room with her after she had been drinking and they fucked, she pressed rape charges against him and luckily nothing happened to the dude cause everyone knew. Dumb bitch also once was at my house before that and had a couple of smirnoff ices and got ass naked in our living room.

I also banged a fatty once who was sober while I was shithoused, did she rape me? Tell me Sir Tanoobe the White.



I also banged a fatty once who was sober while I was shithoused, did she rape me? Tell me Sir Tanoobe the White.
Did she initiate the encounter? Do you feel like the sex happened without your consent (because you were "shithoused")? If yes, you probably could have had her charged with rape.


Trakanon Raider
Did she initiate the encounter? Do you feel like the sex happened without your consent (because you were "shithoused")? If yes, you probably could have had her charged with rape.
Yes, she initiated it and I could barely walk at that point. I also wasn't raped I just made a bad decision, there is a difference which some women fail to see.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
What in the fuck is going on with the Mods here. Jesus there are pictures of rape being displayed for everyone to see. Goddamn, get that gruesome despicable shit outa here.


<Gold Donor>
How sore is your pussy right now?

Who the fuck would rape a girl by eating her out? What man would go that far and not fuck her or force her to suck his dick? Whore is ashamed her father was a worthless piece of shit, so instead of admitting to being a low-rent prostitute, she'd rather ruin a young mans life. I know if I was raping a gal, I'd do it on the street in front of a dozen people.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Is she wearing yoga pants? They definitely sheer and stretchy. That changes everything.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
How sore is your pussy right now?

Who the fuck would rape a girl by eating her out? What man would go that far and not fuck her or force her to suck his dick? Whore is ashamed her father was a worthless piece of shit, so instead of admitting to being a low-rent prostitute, she'd rather ruin a young mans life. I know if I was raping a gal, I'd do it on the street in front of a dozen people.
any (your finger, your tongue, your dick, your face, your pen, your fist, your foot) vaginal penetration without consent is, in some states, rape.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
This whole idea that drunkenness impedes consent needs to go. Unconsciousness does, certainly, but if she's alert enough to participate in the sex, then she's alert enough to make up her mind about whether she should be having it. We don't let drunk drivers off the hook because 'but I was drunk, I wasn't in my right mind, it's not my fault I decided to get behind the wheel and ended up crashing the car!' People need to man up and accept responsibility for their actions.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, I don't even understand that logic. Being drunk doesn't mean you aren't capable of making decisions, even if those decisions turn out to be poor ones.


Alright, so here's the gender equality compromise:

If a girl gets drunk, she might get taken advantage of or even raped by an asshole. Pictures and videos may or may not get circulated, her reputation may be destroyed and her life might get a lot more difficult. I'm not saying it always happens, I'm certainly not saying it's the case here, but it happens. Guy's fault, but she made a stupid decision that put her at risk.
If a guy gets drunk, he might sleep with a nutjob who later falsely accuses him of rape. He may be found not guilty due to lack of evidence, but his reputation will be destroyed and his life may get a lot more difficult. I'm not saying it always happens (although it may actually be the case here), but it happens. Girl's fault, but he made a stupid decision that put him at risk.

What's the problem? They should both "take responsibility" for their actions, right? They both got drunk and made stupid decisions that led to their lives potentially being ruined. It would be a double standard to say a girl should take partial responsibility for being raped, but a guy shouldn't for being accused of rape. Rape and false accusations of rape are both heinous acts that have a victim. Is anybody trying to say that a guy falsely accused of rape did nothing wrong, but a girl who was rapeddiddo something wrong? Please clarify.