Wonder Woman (2017)


Molten Core Raider
Saw this tonight - no spoilers but I thought it was...fine. I'm a big comic book movie fan and it's better than every other recent DC film by a long way but, for me, on the level of Doctor Strange. An enjoyable watch and Gal Gadot is crazy hot (even my wife couldn't stop talking about it) but not ground breaking. I found some of the scenes at the end a bit cringeworthy being my main complaint.


Tier 2 Marvel quality (Dr Strange, Ant Man, etc). It has a higher score since its a women lead but not near Marvel tier 1. Still blows away any DC shared Universe film by a long shot
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Trakanon Raider
Tier 2? I'll take tier 2. Hell, at this point, DC ought to print that on the blu-ray box: "it's no Marvel tier 1, but it manages to be about a tier 2."
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Trakanon Raider
Tier 2 Marvel quality (Dr Strange, Ant Man, etc). It has a higher score since its a women lead but not near Marvel tier 1. Still blows away any DC shared Universe film by a long shot

I agree with this 100%. Worthy summer offering, makes every other DC movie look even shittier, Gadot is definitely a good Wonder Woman.


<Bronze Donator>
That's weird I haven't seen any of this.

What I have seen are a bunch of snowflake MRA losers with no lives complaining about a couple women only screenings for the movie. I mean JESUS, how big of a loser do you need to be to broadcast how much of a forever alone loser you are to the ENTIRE world? It's that gamergate/rapist mentality. Fuckin' losers lol.

Faggot confirmed.


> Than U
Friend that went to see it with his family texted me afterwards and said it was on par with most Marvel stuff and didn't regret the family ( wife +1 female teen ) outing to see it and gobble up lobster.
He isn't big into comics either but knows most of the main ones prior to the movies so his reaction is more along of what most movie goers would think imo.


Golden Knight of the Realm
It was okay I guess. Gadot and Pine are fine, but the movie is very forgettable. Nothing really that memorable happens. Action wasn't very good especially when it went into full Synder mode at the end.

As shitty as Man of Steel and Batman v Superman were there were still a handfull of scenes that I remember because they were cool. I don't think anything in this movie will stick with me for more than a week. But then this movie doesn't shit all over characters I love like MoS and BvS did so maybe just being okay is a price I'm willing to pay.



<Gold Donor>
I really enjoyed this, and I was prepared not to. I was a Gal Gadot skeptic when first announced, but I'm 100% on board now.

I would argue that Chris Pine was significantly more important to the success of this movie than Gadot, however. Doesn't mean I had a problem with her at all, just means that without Pine or someone of similar caliber and likability, I don't think it is quite as good.

8/10 for me, which would put it below some of the best Marvel movies but above quite a few. Clearly better than any DCU movies though. By a mile. Makes me pretty hesitant still about Justice League though, because I have a very bad feeling that there is no way I'll enjoy it like I did this one. 3D was spectacular btw.


<Prior Amod>
It was okay I guess. Gadot and Pine are fine, but the movie is very forgettable. Nothing really that memorable happens. Action wasn't very good especially when it went into full Synder mode at the end.

As shitty as Man of Steel and Batman v Superman were there were still a handfull of scenes that I remember because they were cool. I don't think anything in this movie will stick with me for more than a week. But then this movie doesn't shit all over characters I love like MoS and BvS did so maybe just being okay is a price I'm willing to pay.

ww or bvs, which was better action?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Holy fuckin shit...it was a mess.

It was awful. Characters i didn't care, the story all over the place, full of cliches, her performance (someone said here that her wonder woman was good in small doses...and he was right), plot holes, stupid shit happening all the time. There was only one good scene and that was it.

Imagine you trying to squeeze an orange and you don't see any juice coming out of it.
And the love part....omg give me a fucking break. This is like Interstellar of super hero movies.


Molten Core Raider
Definitely an odd one.

I think it was ok. Certainly miles above BvS. But the super-great reviews it's getting appear to be grading it on a curve, largely for not being a Snyder Train-Wreck.

If WW would've been a Marvel character and this a Marvel movie, people would probably focus more on chunky storytelling, often bland fights, occasionally annoying score and "another-origin-story" (as well as the good parts, such as the lead actors and a few pretty decent jokes (as well as a few bad ones) that, if they hit, felt less forced than GoTG2 for example) instead of ranking this next to Citizen Kane and the Godfather and RT (temporarily) above the Dark Knight, etc.. simply for not being a Snyder-Eye-Cancer.
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<Bronze Donator>
Holy fuckin shit...it was a mess.

It was awful. Characters i didn't care, the story all over the place, full of cliches, her performance (someone said here that her wonder woman was good in small doses...and he was right), plot holes, stupid shit happening all the time. There was only one good scene and that was it.

Imagine you trying to squeeze an orange and you don't see any juice coming out of it.
And the love part....omg give me a fucking break. This is like Interstellar of super hero movies.

So a well crafted and well told movie and story?


<Gold Donor>
Eh, I stand by my review despite the scathing ones. And I don't care if people believe me or agree with me, but I count on this forum for a lot of recommendations for movies, TV, and books, and I like to try to give back where I can. I understand everyone has different opinions and my posting history will support that I don't typically come in and jump on people if they disagree with me. But I do feel it is helpful to give some context for reviews, particularly if there is a wide disparity between them, so that people can make up their own minds a little more easily.

For reference, I'm probably older than most of you and have disagreed with the herd plenty of times. Sure, the "cringe-worthy" message at the end is pretty cliche, but Jesus Christ, there is a reason why so many stories have similar messages. What did you expect the ending to a Wonder Woman movie to be? I mean, GotG2 was basically "family sticks together" right? That's pretty fucking cringe-worthy too, especially when they say it 300 times in every Fast & Furious movie, but GotG2 was still a fantastic movie anyway.

Gal Gadot was great as Wonder Woman. Chris Pine was great, maybe even better, as Steve Trevor. The supporting characters got very little character development, but enough to feel a little sense of camaraderie. Any more and it would have taken away from the movie. It provided you the minimum "I hope they don't die" which is all that was needed. The story flowed pretty well and didn't linger too long in any one area that it didn't need to. To be honest, I was shocked that they blew through so much of what was shown in the previews in just a few minutes. I sort of expected wasting a lot of time on certain areas, and it didn't. It moved at a good pace and got you where it needed to go. Some people might say it went too fast, but fuck it, I didn't need to watch them traverse Europe for an hour either so I'm thankful we basically just skipped ahead for a lot of shit like that.

Yeah, maybe I gave it an extra point for not being a complete shitfest, I can admit I might be guilty of that. But it was still easily a 7/10 for me, and I stand by my 8 because I came out of the movie wanting to see more of Wonder Woman picking up fucking tanks and throwing them at people.

I can say that I really wish all the pre-movie chatter from people like Charlie (Emergency Awesome) and whomever else hadn't spotlighted the actor who was playing Ares though. It would have been vastly better if I didn't know that going into the movie. I can definitely say that tarnished my enjoyment of the movie, and is why it was left out of all the trailers.

Also, (spoiler specific to only one part of the final fight, and probably one that some people even anticipated (I did not) but still don't click it if you haven't seen it yet)
The part where Ares holds up his hand and obliterates the fucking Godkiller sword was awesome and totally unexpected (by me anyway).
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The Big Mod
ugh I wish you guys would be more decisive so I knew whether or not to see this
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
My guess is worthy of a watch in theaters cause action film. Better then most DC offerings which isn't saying much. Heavily inflated critic score cause female.
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Unelected Mod
It was great. I cared about the characters, gal gadot fucking owned and chris pine was good.
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Buzzfeed Editor
ugh I wish you guys would be more decisive so I knew whether or not to see this

It was tier 2 Marvel--one of their solid intro movies. As someone else said, Ant-man, Cap, Strange ect but not as good as their top tier (GoTG, Avengers, Cap WS/CW). It's, in my opinion, getting a slight buff in its score from the 'first female lead!' thing, but it's not a very big shift from what it deserves. (In RT terms this is a mid 80% film, imo.)

Gal Gadot became Wonder Woman in this, though, for sure.
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My big problem with it is that Gal Gadot is gorgeous but not physically imposing. I always liked Wonder Woman in the Justice League cartoons and that formed most of my opinion of how she should be cast. I was hoping for a woman who was at least as physical as Linda Hamilton was in Terminator 2. Maybe there's just a dearth of actresses who can/try to be that physical. I think I'm in the minority with this assessment.
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