World of Warcraft: Current Year


A Mod Real Quick
logged on to check something real quick and warrior secret artifact spawned, thank fuck bceause that shit was dumb checking every day
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Vyemm Raider
Fuck Eye of Azshara Mythic+

First dungeon that I had to repair on since being back. Tons of shit to dodge and everything one shots me since i'm only 843.

EoA is like the easiest to me, i am pretty sure its the one i aim to do repeatedly bc its easy to 2-3 chest on. I am pretty sure i ran EoA +2-4 about 7 times today.

BRH and VoW however with raging and the other buff necrotic? or something is pure aids.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Everyone was taking damage from the Back Draft, and they didn't die, but I would being like half health or whatever, I'd then take at least 1 tick of damage from the Falling Rocks, and that's what'd kill me.

I think I was just tired and playing poorly. That's my guess.

Are you using that rain thing too?


Shit man we did it last night and I died like three times to trash. I suck at this game.

I dunno maybe our DPS was too low but we took forever to kill every boss and I had to dodge shit for way too long.

It was an all Melee group as well normally good for a shaman.


what Suineg set it to
Where did you read this?

Sewing the seeds of doubt!

But for serious, seems like they're aware trinkets are completely screwed up right now given their tuning pass on EN, wouldn't be surprised for some of the really insane mythic ones to get toned down.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Fuck doing EOA as a healer.
That dungeon can be the easiest or hardest depending on your group. I've done that zone where people barely took any damage at all because they moved together on the final boss avoided s*** on serpent etc and I have wiped like 10 times on the first boss because people didn't understand how to avoid the spear then they've blamed me because I couldn't heal through it.. I really like the mechanics of that dungeon but hate getting stuck with people that don't listen


<Gold Donor>
Too many people need to learn to dps. As a feral druid I can pull 500-600 dps without consumables on the last boss in eoa. If bosses take longer than 40 secs at 3-5 your dps is shit.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Sewing the seeds of doubt!

But for serious, seems like they're aware trinkets are completely screwed up right now given their tuning pass on EN, wouldn't be surprised for some of the really insane mythic ones to get toned down.

Considering that particular Trinket is pretty badass for my Brewmaster survival I would be quite sad if this happened.


EoA is like the easiest to me, i am pretty sure its the one i aim to do repeatedly bc its easy to 2-3 chest on. I am pretty sure i ran EoA +2-4 about 7 times today.

BRH and VoW however with raging and the other buff necrotic? or something is pure aids.

Yeah, I am never healing VoW again with raging/necrotic. Gigantic waste of time.


Trump's Staff
I'm at that point where I need to be doing Mythic6 or higher to get a reasonable chance of upgrades =/ My schedule doesn't let me have any sort of set group and PUGs above 3 or 4 are terrible, both in performance and just trying to find them. Blah. I see my poor RNG leading me to actually playing alts in the near future, once I finish Suramar questing and shit.


Molten Core Raider
I'm at that point where I need to be doing Mythic6 or higher to get a reasonable chance of upgrades =/ My schedule doesn't let me have any sort of set group and PUGs above 3 or 4 are terrible, both in performance and just trying to find them. Blah. I see my poor RNG leading me to actually playing alts in the near future, once I finish Suramar questing and shit.
Just hit me up anytime, im always down for myth+ if im on. Except between 530-8pm EST
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I'm usually up but I don't do many during the day because I have to be able to AFK at any given time. Night times or weekends if I'm on I'm usually good to go though.


A Mod Real Quick
I'm at that point where I need to be doing Mythic6 or higher to get a reasonable chance of upgrades =/ My schedule doesn't let me have any sort of set group and PUGs above 3 or 4 are terrible, both in performance and just trying to find them. Blah. I see my poor RNG leading me to actually playing alts in the near future, once I finish Suramar questing and shit.
Same here. I've been trying to login more each week but my only schedule is when we raid. I feel way behind on Mythics because of it.


<Bronze Donator>
What's a good alt for someone that really likes the charge and mobility mechanics of warrior? Thinking demon hunter and monk are the only two options.


Trakanon Raider
What's a good alt for someone that really likes the charge and mobility mechanics of warrior? Thinking demon hunter and monk are the only two options.

Demon hunter is way better than monk in that respect. The problem there is that for dps, 3/4 of your mobility skills are part of your rotation, so you spend the entire fight derping around like an idiot with a -75% chance to avoid mechanics.

Tank wise I found it great fun though.