World of Warcraft: Current Year


The Scientific Shitlord
Balls in your court Microsoft.
That's not even going to cause them to break a sweat. All those positions will be relocated to locations around the country and every single person in CA will be out on the streets. Goodbye, union.

Fucking commie morons who don't realize that in the current job market they have no power. Git gud or git out. There are a million recently unemployed devs and pjaeets who will happily do that job.


Potato del Grande
That's not even going to cause them to break a sweat. All those positions will be relocated to locations around the country and every single person in CA will be out on the streets. Goodbye, union.

Fucking commie morons who don't realize that in the current job market they have no power. Git gud or git out. There are a million recently unemployed devs and pjaeets who will happily do that job.
This is why the west is falling. Wages are being depressed on multiple fronts but people will cheer on outsourcing and poverty wages as long as it owns the commies.

I hope that the union works and they get industry standard wages fot once?

Maybe then they can retain talent and not have to relearn the same lessons every game they make.
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  • 1Moron
  • 1Seriously?
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what Suineg set it to
This is why the west is falling. Wages are being depressed on multiple fronts but people will cheer on outsourcing and poverty wages as long as it owns the commies.

I hope that the union works and they get industry standard wages fot once?

Maybe then they can retain talent and not have to relearn the same lessons every game they make.
Labor unions only work with homogenous communities they have blood ties transcending naked economic incentives.
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Potato del Grande
Labor unions only work with homogenous communities they have blood ties transcending naked economic incentives.
I can see this argument for mass immigration and crime... feels unhinged to use it for pay negotiation.

I know there are examples of unions having too much power, particularily in the US, but the pendulum has swing too far towards low wages. Just look at any graph of productivity vs percent of wealth earned.
  • 1Moron
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I can see this argument for mass immigration and crime... feels unhinged to use it for pay negotiation.

I know there are examples of unions having too much power, particularily in the US, but the pendulum has swing too far towards low wages. Just look at any graph of productivity vs percent of wealth earned.
Developers won't unionize. Regardless of other factors. Being a dev in game industry sucks. You can just work in a different industry doing the same programming work without the shittiness of game development.

Then, on top of that, if you were to all get fired they can just hire Indians.


Potato del Grande
Developers won't unionize. Regardless of other factors. Being a dev in game industry sucks. You can just work in a different industry doing the same programming work without the shittiness of game development.

Then, on top of that, if you were to all get fired they can just hire Indians.
Well where are the best studios, who are they employing and at what wage?

Is Riot not doing better than Blizzard and poaching all their staff via better pay?

What's the outsourced studio producing quality/profitable work?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
You ain't listening. A senior developer at electronic arts making Assassins creed will get paid less than a senior developer at a random company making accounting software in almost every case.

That this exists is why game developers can't unionize. They aren't forced to work at game studios and they can simply work elsewhere if desired. For a union to work there has to be a solid reason to keep the union together. Such as a union of workers at the widget factory that have a harder time as only one widget factory is in the region and they can't walk down the street for a new job.
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what Suineg set it to
You ain't listening. A senior developer at electronic arts making Assassins creed will get paid less than a senior developer at a random company making accounting software in almost every case.

That this exists is why game developers can't unionize. They aren't forced to work at game studios and they can simply work elsewhere if desired. For a union to work there has to be a solid reason to keep the union together. Such as a union of workers at the widget factory that have a harder time as only one widget factory is in the region and they can't walk down the street for a new job.
But they did so I'm not sure what you're getting at. The ultimate point is that the union is likely not going to be effective because there's too many distinct interests in a wall to wall union and Microsoft can easily play them off of each other.
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The Wokest
<Prior Amod>
The War with Aids.. goddamn does this just look fucking awful. What the fuck did they do the Warcraft.

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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The Furry Night Elf ooga booga dancing for no reason was weird AF.

The only warcraft moment in there was the Orc smelting or whatever he was doing. Armless Paladin is lol.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
God. That fucking trailer just screamed fat white women that romanticize the plight of indigenous people.
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what Suineg set it to
Since I was a bit underwhelmed by the talent changes on prepatch, I decided to load the beta to test out all the hero talents.

They're pretty bad. I was kinda shocked at them.

First off, several of them just straight up require you to take certain builds. Want to play Slayer with ravager? Too bad. This actually reduces choice, especially because...

Secondly, I realize it's beta but the game releases in a month or whatever and a lot of these are just worlds apart. I mean 20-50% difference.

Third, the reality though is that the even the low end of average DPS, these hero trees seem to be significant parts of your DPS now. This means sometimes the entire gameplay optimization feels pointless when lol proc does 10x.

Fourth, the hero talents have pretty heavy theming which sometimes conflicts or overwrites the underlying spec. Consequently it kinda reminds me of when I'm FFXIV archer turns to hard or rogue turns to ninja. Oh wanted to be Robin Hood instead of sing gay songs? Too bad! Now I don't think all of them do this, but enough that it feels like it's reducing choice when you combine it with the other factors above.

Let's take the case of fury warrior. SMF is very dead, annihilator was also removed. Your play style is now fixed. Too bad mountain thane is terrible, so you're Slayer. Slayer means you have to take bladestorm. Basically in DF you had a few variations of rotation and viable builds. Now you have 1.

Overall, I think they are pretty meh and on some classes are a huge negative. I wonder what they're going to do in the future. I hope they add more trees, but these are already kind of questionable so it's hard to know. Plus I'm sure there will be a level squish again after last Titan, so what then? If people do click with the hero talents themes and play styles it's hard to wind that back into a new level 60 game.
  • 1Truth!
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Avatar of War Slayer
Since I was a bit underwhelmed by the talent changes on prepatch, I decided to load the beta to test out all the hero talents.

They're pretty bad. I was kinda shocked at them.

First off, several of them just straight up require you to take certain builds. Want to play Slayer with ravager? Too bad. This actually reduces choice, especially because...

Secondly, I realize it's beta but the game releases in a month or whatever and a lot of these are just worlds apart. I mean 20-50% difference.

Third, the reality though is that the even the low end of average DPS, these hero trees seem to be significant parts of your DPS now. This means sometimes the entire gameplay optimization feels pointless when lol proc does 10x.

Fourth, the hero talents have pretty heavy theming which sometimes conflicts or overwrites the underlying spec. Consequently it kinda reminds me of when I'm FFXIV archer turns to hard or rogue turns to ninja. Oh wanted to be Robin Hood instead of sing gay songs? Too bad! Now I don't think all of them do this, but enough that it feels like it's reducing choice when you combine it with the other factors above.

Let's take the case of fury warrior. SMF is very dead, annihilator was also removed. Your play style is now fixed. Too bad mountain thane is terrible, so you're Slayer. Slayer means you have to take bladestorm. Basically in DF you had a few variations of rotation and viable builds. Now you have 1.

Overall, I think they are pretty meh and on some classes are a huge negative. I wonder what they're going to do in the future. I hope they add more trees, but these are already kind of questionable so it's hard to know. Plus I'm sure there will be a level squish again after last Titan, so what then? If people do click with the hero talents themes and play styles it's hard to wind that back into a new level 60 game.
Did you preorder the Xpac? I tried to log into the beta servers last week and it wouldn't let me. All I could play was the prepatch event test servers (11.0) when they finally brought them up on Friday, so I ended up logging into that for 30 min or so then deleting the test client.


what Suineg set it to
Did you preorder the Xpac? I tried to log into the beta servers last week and it wouldn't let me. All I could play was the prepatch event test servers (11.0) when they finally brought them up on Friday, so I ended up logging into that for 30 min or so then deleting the test client.

  • 1Pathetic
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I've played everything since BFA but this one looks worse than Dragonflight somehow.
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what Suineg set it to
I've played everything since BFA but this one looks worse than Dragonflight somehow.

I dunno we'll see. Some parts seem better, but the biggest problem is I think lots of people gave them DF as a 'freebie' because they had to rework so many systems to make the game not mechanically terrible. I don't think people are willing to undergo another completely 'open during renovations' experience though, and the story seems like it may be that again. The handicapped black chick is a good example of another DEI insert trope that they're trying to shoehorn into an archetype that doesn't really resonate narratively.


Log Wizard
I dunno we'll see. Some parts seem better, but the biggest problem is I think lots of people gave them DF as a 'freebie' because they had to rework so many systems to make the game not mechanically terrible. I don't think people are willing to undergo another completely 'open during renovations' experience though, and the story seems like it may be that again. The handicapped black chick is a good example of another DEI insert trope that they're trying to shoehorn into an archetype that doesn't really resonate narratively.
You have all that, and now they are throwing shit onto live servers without any form of testing. This last patch has piles of broken shit. UI broken, new features broken. Why they are making changes to the UI at this stage in the game is beyond me. Further, changing talents and combats again is fucking stupid. Combat now feels only slightly more engaging than auto firing.

I don't know what is going on at Blizzard, but it is very clear they have a crisis of talent, a crisis of expertise, a crisis of work ethic, and a crisis of leadership.

Oh yeah, I forgot they raped crafting. What an abomination. I went to make some bandages. I can't. I have to grind to get the currency to buy the fucking recipe. They. Put. Bandages. Behind. A. Grind.

What is most startling is that there isn't a single person working there that knows how to make a fun game.

I watched a video, I forgot the guy's name but he is a well known game developer. In his 60's. He said the reason why games take forever to make is because people don't want to work. This is plainly evident at Blizzard, and has been for a long time.
  • 1Worf
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