World of Warcraft: Current Year


Avatar of War Slayer
You have all that, and now they are throwing shit onto live servers without any form of testing. This last patch has piles of broken shit. UI broken, new features broken. Why they are making changes to the UI at this stage in the game is beyond me. Further, changing talents and combats again is fucking stupid. Combat now feels only slightly more engaging than auto firing.

I don't know what is going on at Blizzard, but it is very clear they have a crisis of talent, a crisis of expertise, a crisis of work ethic, and a crisis of leadership.

Oh yeah, I forgot they raped crafting. What an abomination. I went to make some bandages. I can't. I have to grind to get the currency to buy the fucking recipe. They. Put. Bandages. Behind. A. Grind.

What is most startling is that there isn't a single person working there that knows how to make a fun game.

I watched a video, I forgot the guy's name but he is a well known game developer. In his 60's. He said the reason why games take forever to make is because people don't want to work. This is plainly evident at Blizzard, and has been for a long time.
For the bandages specifically, they have been mostly worthless for many xpacs now. I think they took out first aid in WoD then brought back bandages under tailoring, in Legion, because people complained? They made some/most food superior HP per tick in Panda, I think, so everyone just uses food.

As for this xpac, unless token prices don't get under 200k for some reason, after xpac launch, I will probably buy a month, just to refill Bliz bucks. I might buy the D4 xpac at that time too to burn some more gold. Dunno if I will buy the WoW xpac though, since I got rid of my MMO type mice that I have been using since ~2010, and I'm not about to relearn how to mash buttons on the keyboard.


what Suineg set it to
The new event is really good for leveling based on pure time investment, but the 90 minute cycle is retarded. It's up for 5 minutes and then you have to wait if you miss it.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So they stopped having it repeat like it was on ptr? Gross. Can probably just knock out the last few classes on Remix before the end of August


Trakanon Raider
The event is up for the first 5-10 minutes of every 90 right now. That 90 minute cycle drops to 60 next week then 30 mins the week after.

Early evaluation is pretty disappointing.The event is currently up such a small percentage of the time that its not really viable for levelling alts (at least in the 90-minute cycle, anyway). At the same time, despite it being a very limited time event, you earn currency very slowly vs the total number of time limited unlocks available. The only realistic option (barring appalling levels of farming) is to have as many characters as you can do each of the three wrapper quests, once per week.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
This is probably the weakest expac event in recent memory.
I watched a vide on it to see what I'm missing - but it just looks like the Heirloom ring is the only important part for most people. As the content - the NPC's and effects all look recycled from BFA. I would hope thats not true, though.


what Suineg set it to
I watched a vide on it to see what I'm missing - but it just looks like the Heirloom ring is the only important part for most people. As the content - the NPC's and effects all look recycled from BFA. I would hope thats not true, though.
They thought that people might have nostalgia for Magni and the Azerite glow by now so they could just slap that shit on whatever nostalgia world quest and people would love it. They were wrong.


Log Wizard
I watched a vide on it to see what I'm missing - but it just looks like the Heirloom ring is the only important part for most people. As the content - the NPC's and effects all look recycled from BFA. I would hope thats not true, though.
It's all primarily recycled shit. It was useful as a gauge to get an idea of what kind of effort they put into the expansion....which is pretty much dog and shit. And then there's all the new bugs that they are going to have to fix or creatively ignore which will take them a long time. I'm not talking bugs with the event, but general bugs that all of a sudden popped up all over the place.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah I checked with my guild and officers only replied with "We're on SOD." They raided every season of each expac, this is the first I've seen the discord completely dead with 0 interest in the expansion from leadership. Everyone seems content to just play SOD and let this one go by.

Who knows, maybe there will be last minute cave-ins and FOMO driving sales.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I was tempted to buy the expansion, but with how terrible the pre-patch stuff is I cancelled my subscription. I think I only got a days worth of play out of my sub that I recently signed up for. You'd be better off playing on Project Quarm instead of playing this shit game.


what Suineg set it to
New fun bug with the headline warband feature - vendors which require you to trade resources to purchase items can't "see" warband bank. So you have to go to the bank and move the items out to your normal bank or inventory to buy stuff.


what Suineg set it to
Well I guess Blizz decided to play nice so they're making it so the events infinitely repeat and just change zones every hour so you can farm it as much as you want. Also increasing currency drops and such.

Also everyone will get free sub for Aug 1-4th.


Trakanon Raider
To be fair, the pre-patches have never been _new_ content, they've just been killing stuff in old zones again, with the Nathanos Blightcaller fight before Shadowlands the closest to new content. The problem with this pre-patch isn't the lack of new content, its the terrible implementation of the content.

Dropping out of the next expansion because the pre-patch doesn't have enough new content is silly.

Dropping out of the next expansion... because beta feedback is overwhelmingly mediocre (at best), needing more time in the oven, is entirely reasonable.

Edit: The pre-patch was already scheduled to move to 60 minute cycles on Tuesday, so that's not that big a change, but moving the wrappers to daily should make this more pleasant.

Edit 2: Weird quirk with warband bank I (and others) have found- if character B deposits items with a max stack (like the essences for the ring), and character A would exceed that max looting the item out of the warband bank... those items just don't appear in the warband bank for character A.
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what Suineg set it to
The event changes are live, leveling characters is super quick and you don't have to do anything, just stand in the WQ area for credit.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I wonder how much classic and SoD are carrying this has been of an IP. We know damn well ain’t no money coming from retail.


Log Wizard
Edit 2: Weird quirk with warband bank I (and others) have found- if character B deposits items with a max stack (like the essences for the ring), and character A would exceed that max looting the item out of the warband bank... those items just don't appear in the warband bank for character A.

Ah...that fixed it. Thanks.

edit: still


Blackwing Lair Raider

Honestly much better than any of the DF Warbringer shorts. Xal'atath looks good, and the tone feels more on point. Now to wait for them to fuck it up.
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