World of Warcraft: Current Year


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Started back in my mage. Frost was really fun in DF but think I'll give arcane a go this time since that's what the cool kids are saying is meta.

I can already feel Metzens influence. In the little preamble to the story the cliff notes were a better retelling of the last 3 xpacs then any thing they actually did in the xpacs.

I rolled arcane mage as well since its FOTM. Just make sure to have an alt on backup for when it gets gutted mid-season.

They're not just going to sit by and let half the game play arcane. Shit will be razed into the ground.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I rolled arcane mage as well since its FOTM. Just make sure to have an alt on backup for when it gets gutted mid-season.

They're not just going to sit by and let half the game play arcane. Shit will be razed into the ground.
Mage is literally the only class thats putting up a fight against me in Heroic's right now. Raiding will probably be another story entirely.

Lord do I miss a good tank, though. The only danger of dying in Heroics is from them pulling half the zone, being clueless about the constant knock backs, dodge balls, or lava and then raging at the group for not having more DPS. Dipshit, I cant even DPS when Im constantly dodging shit.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I rolled arcane mage as well since its FOTM. Just make sure to have an alt on backup for when it gets gutted mid-season.

They're not just going to sit by and let half the game play arcane. Shit will be razed into the ground.
Arcane might get nerfed a bit, but Fire will get buffed to compensate. It's been the case for nearly every season in the last 2 expansions, that Fire becomes meta at some point in the season.


Trakanon Raider
Level 70 scaling was really dumb. It didn’t even take a decked out raider, just a fresh remix 70 would rofl stomp everything in sight while the 80’s in the group not even registering a dick hair on the meter. It obviously shouldn’t have early accessed like that but better yet just get rid of the dumb as fuck gamified scaling shit already.
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Potato del Grande
I just have the level boost gear and I can't learn a rotation because just spamming cooldowns and blowing stuff up, it's getting better now though, 3rd zone and lv74.


Canuckistani Terrorist
From my experience so far the lack of Horde presence at all aside from Thrall is what gives the strong women ect vibe everyone talking about. Alleria appears to be the only one to possess testicles in the entire Alliance.

Dadgar & Dalaran are blown to bits, I couldn't be happier. Best part of expansion.
  • 1Worf
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Khadgar is 100% going to show up alive to get a last minute save on the PCs at some point this expansion
  • 2Truth!
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Khadgar is 100% going to show up alive to get a last minute save on the PCs at some point this expansion
Bros gonna pull a woke Gandalf. Come back as some non-binary black wizard.
  • 4Worf
  • 1Weird Boner
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what Suineg set it to
Yea, there's 0% chance he's "dead" given the way they portrayed it. Though it would be amazing if he comes back without an arm because they show that getting disintegrated in the cinematic. Then the entire game will be armless NPCs.

I thought the entire opening sequence, like most of the story, was a bit rushed and stupid. Like at some point if you can just nuke cities, why go through all the hassle? She can just be "hey storm wind join or die" ok they didn't join, nuke them "ok hey ironforge join or die".


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yea, there's 0% chance he's "dead" given the way they portrayed it. Though it would be amazing if he comes back without an arm because they show that getting disintegrated in the cinematic. Then the entire game will be armless NPCs.

I thought the entire opening sequence, like most of the story, was a bit rushed and stupid. Like at some point if you can just nuke cities, why go through all the hassle? She can just be "hey storm wind join or die" ok they didn't join, nuke them "ok hey ironforge join or die".
I paid attention to the MSQ till it got to Hallowed area and then it just felt like it started to be a lot less interesting. Had nothing to do with Faerin. It's just the constant dialogue and flying with very little actual fighting. Never mind you go kill the big bad in the zone in the purple bubble, and what do they ask you to do after that? Clean up the place like someone just had a concert and you're the clean up crew. What the fuck. The last zone is wayyy more dialogue heavy than Hallow, too. Like.. just let me play the fucking game?

The herbs and mining nodes I picked up from leveling, though? Sold it all last night. Undercut by a silver and it all immediately sold. Cool 113k before logging out. I will say my number one gripe this time around? The fucking trees are the god damned WORST this expansion. Every little fucking branch will snag you and it is just god fucking awful.

Whoa pal.jpg

Well that escalated quickly...
  • 2Worf
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Potato del Grande
Er... so I finished the campaign at lv77 and it took me one full day of play!?

I ignored signposts to side quest hubs, but I did every delve they signposted. Saw zero dungeon signposts other than some quests being near them.

The zones look great, though I can't help but feel that these are remixes of existing ideas and could have just been updates of existing zones - Dun Morogh/Searing Gorge/Arathi Highlands/Azoj'Nerub. It erodes the MMO persistent world and lore to keep having lost versions of existing races.

Faerin is the ultimate Mary Sue but at least is mostly contained in one zone for now, so still not as bad as the FF14's tranny furry hispanic version.

Alleria I now just imagine as Sylvanas 2 since they changed her character design too much, should be wearing green hooded ranger gear still.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Day 2 surprise patch inc. Not surprising.
This one they talked about. I had forgotten about it till I saw your post. Its the "hotfix" to the scaling at level 70 or w/e. Completely unnecessary and a big shit on non-early access players, or anyone that didnt level their other toons by now.


The Scientific Shitlord
This one they talked about. I had forgotten about it till I saw your post. Its the "hotfix" to the scaling at level 70 or w/e. Completely unnecessary and a big shit on non-early access players, or anyone that didnt level their other toons by now.
So we benefit from it and fuck the poors? Odd, but ok.
  • 1Worf
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Canuckistani Terrorist
I think i did nearly all quests in first zone, and I'm 1/2 to 76. XP flows fast zipping around in flightform, bear is basically immortal, and kills are quick.

I'm having fun surprisingly. I like Delves, they have potential.
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Potato del Grande
Found in the quest log "Get to lv80 to continue main quest" so I guess I wasn't done, also have no world quests in Nerubian zone.

Did a random dungeon and got thrown into Scarlet Monestary 2 with no context of WTF the story was. Would have happily unlocked it via prequests. But er... there was no loot!? Did I miss something?

They made dungeons more interesting but really vague with the layout and bosses of the one I did. I think I actually did a dungeon in the first zone with NPCs and didn't realise it was one because of how bosses/loot seem different now.

Also Dragonriding is amazing, I'm actually avoiding hearthstone and flightpaths just to play around with it. Did a few races and got gold every time, assuming that's a controller benefit?


Canuckistani Terrorist
Dragonriding is insane with druid, other classes I'd likely prefer regular flight, but completely changes the game with flightform. It seems very similar to GW2 flying, which I also loved, but better.

If this scaling fix means I can't pull an entire quest area, and might actually need to use some kind of healing from time to time, I really won't be bothered by that. This is literally the easiest and fastest levelling I've ever done in this game.

It's basically on Game Journalist difficulty right now, no fucking lie.