World of Warcraft: Current Year


Trakanon Raider
I mostly know my way around Dorn now but this WA is very helpful starting out:


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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I mostly know my way around Dorn now but this WA is very helpful starting out:
It would make more sense if you could turn those on/off in the city maps, only, by default within the UI. But shit, after a few times of visiting - I dont need it.

I'm finishing up the Azj-Kahet zone quests finally. The longest zone by far with side quests. Out of EVERY side quests Ive done.. the ones that have came off the most "tongue in cheek" and corny ass jokes are the Quests that are in the City of Threads in the bottom left of AK. You've got a wife spider that acts like a Praying Mantis that cuts off her husbands head out of "tradition" for running away from her for her wedding. You have a spider thats afraid of too few legs that runs away from you. You have Rumors that can vary from kill these mobs, to telling corny ass jokes to NPC's.

I only bring this up because whoever did these quests seem like they actually had fun making them. Unlike 90% of the other ones that are just dry humor at best.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Damn this scaling change fucked me up as arcane. Then I realized I'm a mage and can't just tank 3 packs at once and actually have to use CDs and strategy.

Might give frost a go here while leveling see how it feels. I'm sure its more survivable and a bit easier to level with.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Damn this scaling change fucked me up as arcane. Then I realized I'm a mage and can't just tank 3 packs at once and actually have to use CDs and strategy.

Might give frost a go here while leveling see how it feels. I'm sure its more survivable and a bit easier to level with.

The face slap starts around lv 75 on arcane but you can adjust. Your CDs are plenty to still take packs down. Just make sure you took Cone of Cold root ability. Not the slow. 2 roots should be plenty to get your CD rotation off.

But yes you start dying around 75 compared to the kill 10 mobs at once without paying attention at 70.


Canuckistani Terrorist
One quest sent me into a bar to punch out rowdy patrons with tits and beards.

I had a little chuckle.
  • 2Worf
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Tranny Chaser
I levelled as Arcane without doing AE pulls for questing and still hit 80 before I set foot in either of the last two zones.

I'm starting to think the dullness of Dornagal is intentional as they have plans to gradually redecorate the thing as new races move in and spruce up the place. The Earthen go from a very function-oriented mechanistic culture to 'party town Azeroth' as they reject their programming and the Titans...only for mommy and daddy Titan to come home early from vacation and lay the smack down.
  • 1Barf
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Tranny Chaser
The Lamplighter world quest area in the upper right corner is a blast by the way. Lots of overlapping activities and full of people most of the time. Very well done.
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what Suineg set it to
The Lamplighter world quest area in the upper right corner is a blast by the way. Lots of overlapping activities and full of people most of the time. Very well done.
Some of that stuff is way overtuned or obnoxiously grindy though.


The Scientific Shitlord
I didnt pay attention to who it was that said it, but now that I'm going after pathfinder (dammit moonarchia moonarchia ) - Yes, the zones feel smaller. Quests, in general, feel a lot more dense. As it seems like you're tripping over a side quest every few feet. Whether its just an NPC asking you to do something, a faction that you have to have a potion (or similar) to be friendly with giving a quest, a mob dropping a quest item, using some kind of fuel in Hollows or AK to light up NPC's in the dark that give quests... its just filled to the brim with shit to do.

So.. in some regard, it feels claustrophobic in the sense that there isnt much landmass and even though you can fly from zone to zone, you have to take the appropriate exit to get where you're going. You just cant fly in a straight line for instance. But .. if we're being realistic, once we're done with the quests.. we'll never visit these fkn places again. So, Im apathetic to the size difference after coming off Dragonflight like Uriel Uriel says (quoting you to agree, but also to let you know there is a lot more shit to do than you probably realize). As for the color palette... Im just not sure about it myself. If I had to put a Vanguard quote on it, its "too much Purple."
I didn't make the cheevo. I just want regular flying.
  • 1Worf
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Tranny Chaser
Looks like yer normal juicer...

I do like that the zones are very vertically oriented. There's some horizontal travel but for the most part they seem to be stacked on top of one another like a spiral staircase. I imagine the .X patches will open up areas further down until we reach yet another Titan facility.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The Lamplighter world quest area in the upper right corner is a blast by the way. Lots of overlapping activities and full of people most of the time. Very well done.
I thought the shards was the only pain point. But that was when I first started that area. After grinding through all 1500 events in that little pocket of area, I have well over 100 shards. Everything else was obnoxiously easy. If I had to do it all over again, I would have got my Heroic Weapon and upgraded it to max, first, before going there.

Looks like yer normal juicer...

I do like that the zones are very vertically oriented. There's some horizontal travel but for the most part they seem to be stacked on top of one another like a spiral staircase. I imagine the .X patches will open up areas further down until we reach yet another Titan facility.
I'm not reading word for word in Hollowfell - I thought I was burnt out on them, but I enjoyed the whole zone of AK. So its really just the content I personally am not interested in. What exactly is the Crystal lighting up the whole zone? Is is Baelgrim or w/e thats turning it purple (night time?) or?


Tranny Chaser
Beledar only started shifting to Shadow periodically after the sword got slammed into Azeroth'. So it's clearly related to that. The void cultists could force it to go into Shadow mode so there''s clearly some influence there but the details are not specific.

Personally I just wonder why the Arathi didn't set up giant mirrors to reflect Beledar's light into the shaded bits behind pillars and such. Since it's position never changes it would be easy to do with fixed reflectors, not to mention the ability to focus the light with some fancy lenses into death rays.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Personally I just wonder why the Arathi didn't set up giant mirrors to reflect Beledar's light into the shaded bits behind pillars and such. Since it's position never changes it would be easy to do with fixed reflectors, not to mention the ability to focus the light with some fancy lenses into death rays.
Yeah, I think they had a real lapse in imagination/judgement on the design for the zones right there. I mean its fine how it is, but they could have went further down the rabbit hole by a long shot.

I think they missed a golden opportunity not having HF's big crystal direct, whether through prismatic crystals, mirrors, whatever, the light from that crystal into AK. So as you progress the main quest, you're constantly changing areas by lighting them up. So a really high presence of like Spider type Nerubians in the dark, and Shell based beetle type Nerubians in the light. With the Ascended Nerubians just chillin' where ever.. which would also give a real incentive, like Vampires, to be ascended.. other than that "Royalty" high ground nonsense. Oh, so you're evolving to a bipedal human like Nerubian thats weaker.. and thats .. better? I just dont see it.

But I still like the areas, they could have just really dove into it and made it great.


Potato del Grande
Crystal should be a Naaru spaceship, there's a mountain right above it on the Isle of Dorn that looks a lot like the calcified shell of the crashed ship in Nagrand.

I guess the ones we saw before had Draenei embellishments so they could use them and this one is unrelated to them. It would be Tempest Keep size rather than Exodar size.

If it's not Naaru it would be weird to set up a void expansion with a light/void shifting object and a second act at The Sunwell and not use Naaru.

Going tin foil hat mode for a moment, Xal'atath could have attacked Dalaran to steal it's teleporter which she will attach to the crystal once the Nerubians have cleared out the Arathi, then dump it in shadow mode into The Sunwell. That power can then be used to turn the Shadowlands portal over Northrend into a Void portal.
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<Medals Crew>
So far the leaving has been smooth. I always mean to read the quest text and get into the story but after a a few I am like "WHAT DO I KILL WOMAN!?"

I know it was a big joke in the past, but if anyone wants to hang out or play WoW in a guild and needs one, I started Mistwalkers on Stormrage. Hit Narlathotep with a tell if you are interested.
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Potato del Grande
So far the leaving has been smooth. I always mean to read the quest text and get into the story but after a a few I am like "WHAT DO I KILL WOMAN!?"

I know it was a big joke in the past, but if anyone wants to hang out or play WoW in a guild and needs one, I started Mistwalkers on Stormrage. Hit Narlathotep with a tell if you are interested.
I like how it could be any of 8 almost identical personality women (probably forgetting some) and the male NPCs all have female handlers and/or are gay.

Literally just had Turalyon and Thrall show up as faction leaders and their wives are there telling everyone what to do.


Trakanon Raider
Crabs are way creepier then spiders wtf
I think it was Nightingale's arachnophobia mode that just removes the spider's legs, so you get a real fuckin creepy "replacement'

The best arachnophobia mode is Lethal Company's, where spiders are replaced with text placards that just say SPIDER on them.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think part of what made me not care for the zones much at first is just following the main quest through them, it felt so rushed and short and you don't get to see much. Going back now and just flying around doing random stuff, I'm enjoying all of the zones more. I'm still not a big fan of being underground so much though. The last zone definitely has the most interesting quests for me as well, not just the "girl boss/strong woman cleaning up after and correcting weak and dumb man" formula they seem to love.
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