World of Warcraft: Current Year


Found in the quest log "Get to lv80 to continue main quest" so I guess I wasn't done, also have no world quests in Nerubian zone.

Did a random dungeon and got thrown into Scarlet Monestary 2 with no context of WTF the story was. Would have happily unlocked it via prequests. But er... there was no loot!? Did I miss something?

They made dungeons more interesting but really vague with the layout and bosses of the one I did. I think I actually did a dungeon in the first zone with NPCs and didn't realise it was one because of how bosses/loot seem different now.

Also Dragonriding is amazing, I'm actually avoiding hearthstone and flightpaths just to play around with it. Did a few races and got gold every time, assuming that's a controller benefit?

Azj-Kahet world quests show up when you choose which pact you want for the week (Vizier / Weaver / General)

Priory of the Sacred flame seems out of place I agree, so I went back and read what I missed skipping the story and its the religious faction of the Arathi conspiring to make them fanatical. This will lead to an Arathi raid probably either being corrupted by the void or went too far into the light like the Draenai in WoD where you unlock the Mag'har orcs. Funny enough its also the hardest dungeon at 80 cause the paladins are AoE machines. It will likely get nerfed early into season 1 cause that on M+ will be miserable to heal.

Dungeons are very open ended now. Dawnbreaker can be a headache learning it but its a lot of fun. Normal / Heroics are all easy as they should be and with the mixed groups in normal 2 shotting everything in DF gear it was indeed hard to tell what was what. That should be resolved today.

Dragon riding is indeed amazing. The regular courses are easy to gold, the advanced as usually more o rless the same but they remove the wind boosts so you have to manage your powers, and reverse can be challenging as well. Theres no reward for doing them other then some crystals but its an enjoyable WQ when they show up.

This is a fun expansion. Im far more casual then I was in Legion so this is hitting the spot. This fills the void of a couple hours a night kill some stuff, prob get an upgrade and do some exploring / faction / professions / whatever. I did try the classic servers for each expansion and the amount of time you have to sink into them was a no ty for me. That and the GDKPs
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Dragonriding is insane with druid, other classes I'd likely prefer regular flight, but completely changes the game with flightform. It seems very similar to GW2 flying, which I also loved, but better.

If this scaling fix means I can't pull an entire quest area, and might actually need to use some kind of healing from time to time, I really won't be bothered by that. This is literally the easiest and fastest levelling I've ever done in this game.

It's basically on Game Journalist difficulty right now, no fucking lie.

The scaling change will not effect you at 80 in any way, its just for the mixed dungeon groups from 70-80. People in 530+ DF gear could 2 shot entire dungeons if the were 70-74. I think people are blowing it out of proportion anyways. I hit 80 in Ringing Deeps due to doing the Sojourner achievements as I leveled, so I had 480-510 gear at 80 and I did just fine as a solo warrior.
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Tranny Chaser
Note that many world quests are gated behind finishing regular questing in that sub-region. Also having the pre-patch event actually tie into one of the core expansion activities at 80 is wildly consistent and a total departure from their usual schtick..


And what a shock people overreacted but atleast Asmon got to farm ads on youtube for a game he doesnt play

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  • 1Moron
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Trakanon Raider
I don't think it's an overreaction for an amalgam of reasons, specifically;

1) The early access for an additional $20 was retarded. It's a twenty year old game that has never offered a higher price point for early access. They deserve all the backlash they can possibly get.
2) Nobody gives a fuck if you're able to one shot all the leveling dungeons with overpowered characters. Let people enjoy that stuff, which has absolutely no impact overall.
3) It's a god damn MMORPG. Feeling like your character is retarded strong and blasting through shit is fun. Spending an extra 5 seconds on trash is not fun.

Of course Asmon is milking that shit with posts. The wealth he's generated as a direct result of WoW is likely sufficient to pay for early access for every single active WoW player. Good on him to use the platform to call Blizzard retarded; he gets who his audience is and what they want from him from an entertainment standpoint more than Blizzard does for their audience.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Thank you for curing my desire to WoW it up again.
The people behind it were let go, which is even funnier when you watch the interview about them implementing it. Never made any sense anyways, since it changes a lot of the models - but people can still ride around on the spider mounts, and the nerubian architecture is still spiders. The area above the Nerubian Castle that looks like a hive was actually different and was changed because of peoples fear of tropophobia. So tired of people being fucking pussy asses about everything.
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Potato del Grande
Are model swap mods possible?

Someone needs to make one that changes the black skin texture to white.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The zones in tww feel like quite a downgrade from DF. Smaller, less color, kinda boring design, seems like less stuff to do in them so far too. Maybe it's also 3 of them being underground, I'm not sure, but hopefully they improve on that with the patch zones.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
The zones in tww feel like quite a downgrade from DF. Smaller, less color, kinda boring design, seems like less stuff to do in them so far too. Maybe it's also 3 of them being underground, I'm not sure, but hopefully they improve on that with the patch zones.
I didnt pay attention to who it was that said it, but now that I'm going after pathfinder (dammit moonarchia moonarchia ) - Yes, the zones feel smaller. Quests, in general, feel a lot more dense. As it seems like you're tripping over a side quest every few feet. Whether its just an NPC asking you to do something, a faction that you have to have a potion (or similar) to be friendly with giving a quest, a mob dropping a quest item, using some kind of fuel in Hollows or AK to light up NPC's in the dark that give quests... its just filled to the brim with shit to do.

So.. in some regard, it feels claustrophobic in the sense that there isnt much landmass and even though you can fly from zone to zone, you have to take the appropriate exit to get where you're going. You just cant fly in a straight line for instance. But .. if we're being realistic, once we're done with the quests.. we'll never visit these fkn places again. So, Im apathetic to the size difference after coming off Dragonflight like Uriel Uriel says (quoting you to agree, but also to let you know there is a lot more shit to do than you probably realize). As for the color palette... Im just not sure about it myself. If I had to put a Vanguard quote on it, its "too much Purple."


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't think it's an overreaction for an amalgam of reasons, specifically;

1) The early access for an additional $20 was retarded. It's a twenty year old game that has never offered a higher price point for early access. They deserve all the backlash they can possibly get.
2) Nobody gives a fuck if you're able to one shot all the leveling dungeons with overpowered characters. Let people enjoy that stuff, which has absolutely no impact overall.
3) It's a god damn MMORPG. Feeling like your character is retarded strong and blasting through shit is fun. Spending an extra 5 seconds on trash is not fun.

Of course Asmon is milking that shit with posts. The wealth he's generated as a direct result of WoW is likely sufficient to pay for early access for every single active WoW player. Good on him to use the platform to call Blizzard retarded; he gets who his audience is and what they want from him from an entertainment standpoint more than Blizzard does for their audience.
Blizzard knows their audience and what their audience wants, they just detest their audience and are desperate for it to be anyone else.
  • 1Worf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's funny one of the NPC's cliques is the Lamplighters. Where I was born there was titty bar named that. lol
  • 1Worf
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The zones in tww feel like quite a downgrade from DF. Smaller, less color, kinda boring design, seems like less stuff to do in them so far too. Maybe it's also 3 of them being underground, I'm not sure, but hopefully they improve on that with the patch zones.

It ain't no Valdrakken. Wonder what idiot let Isle of Dorn go through without a single landmark.


Trakanon Raider
Are we talking all DF zones or the launch zones? All DF zones of course wouldn't be a fair comparison.

When it comes to the base zones, TWW wins hands down. Hallowfall is the coolest looking zone Blizzard has ever produced, bar none. The other two are above average. Launch DF zones were all very generic in comparison.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Wouldn't hear a peep out of me if they just overhauled the main city. It feels like a content update throwaway. You can't just copy Valdrakk again-- I get it. But there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason or flow to the main city at all. Phoned in or designed by a complete idiot.


The low-res textures took a lot of people back to 2004. But hey, classic and SOD are popular. Maybe that was the intent.



Potato del Grande
Got 80, now I need renown 4 to continue the story!

Really should have done those side quests!
  • 1Moron
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