World of Warcraft: Current Year


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
People always tend to suck Bliz cock as a new expansion releases. I am sure once the new smell wears off we'll discover quickly it's utter dogshit.

“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”​

― George W. Bush

Use can use this for all Blizzard products. Always and forever forward.



No. People were shitting all over DF from the very start. And SL. And BfA.

Oh god AND Cata. People realllllllllly hated that shit at the time. I think the consensus is better in Cata classic, but I wasn't feeling it this time around either.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm having fun with dungeons, tradeskills, open world, delves and pvp, the game is surprisingly good right now imo. To the point I'm actually considering trying to raid, which seems like it could be more doable now with cross server guilds making it easier to find a time that fits my schedule (late pst Friday or Saturday night after wife and kid are asleep).
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
No. People were shitting all over DF from the very start. And SL. And BfA.

Nah, I remember quite a few pumping up how DF felt the best WoW had in ages, etc. Always some that still shit on it, but there was definitely a wave of "this is better than it has been" for a little while.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm very glad I played BFA S4 and SL S1 and quit halfway though S2.

I played just enough BFA S3 to go into S4 with decent gear, essences, and decent social connections that I could clear half of Ny'alotha on Mythic and then did just about the same with Castle Nathria, both of which were pretty fun raids. Got some respectable PvP rank in those seasons and haven't felt the desire to play retail since.
  • 1Faggotry
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm very glad I played BFA S4 and SL S1 and quit halfway though S2.

I played just enough BFA S3 to go into S4 with decent gear, essences, and decent social connections that I could clear half of Ny'alotha on Mythic and then did just about the same with Castle Nathria, both of which were pretty fun raids. Got some respectable PvP rank in those seasons and haven't felt the desire to play retail since.

Well thanks for that info, Mist Mist . Tell us about your Vegan diet now.
  • 1Worf
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
The only good part of Cata was leveling up then doing the heroics with a guild group. Firelands was good too. But I was over it shortly after we beat Firelands then most of us did SWTOR for a long while. The re-hashed troll shit and Dragon Soul sucked. We came back and sorta ram-rodded into Dragon Soul and felt it sucked.

I actually hated MOP at first and it grew on me, but I didn't miss the setting after it rolled away. Draenor sucked completely. I swear people love Legion because it came in at another time of low expectations and hit it out of the park. And it concluded the other big story outside Arthas for Warcraft. You could argue BFA if it had been just a straight up Old God and Azshara expansion themed in a continent that was actually joined together it might have had a chance....Should have been easy to hit that out of the park after Legion.


what Suineg set it to
So far my ranking of expacs is

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Log Wizard
I'm having fun with dungeons, tradeskills, open world, delves and pvp, the game is surprisingly good right now imo. To the point I'm actually considering trying to raid, which seems like it could be more doable now with cross server guilds making it easier to find a time that fits my schedule (late pst Friday or Saturday night after wife and kid are asleep).
It's decently alright. Delves are ok. Some are shit, but can skip them. I like running dungeons with bots. Bots haven't gotten me killed or ragequit yet. Fast, smooth. WQ's are okay, not all of them are tedious grinds like they used to be in the previous 3 xpacs.

MSQ is meh whatever. Fast XP and done quickly enough. I hit 77 just as I finished.

Gearing solo is fine. WQ's, delves, dungeons. Easy in, easy out.

Will it have legs? Who cares. $64 playing to L80 and checking out the features is a square deal. Sub for a month or two, come back in a year and play through some new content for another $15, then come back for end of xpac.
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Potato del Grande
My review:

Got an alt from 60 to 70 doing half of Waking Shores in a few hours. That with level scaling really trivialises what a level means.

However if I can do 10-70 in Dragon Isles and with the warband reps/questing, I can see myself playing multiple alts unlike previous expansions where I would have one max and it was a lot of effort.

MSQs are bad for MMOs and we have had it like this since Cataclysm, there is no reason to have us do most of the main quests in that specific order and not even include the dungeons. Make it a short intro to the zones and give us the freedom to organise it how we wish like in Classic.

Dungeons are very poor compared to the competition, I think these are the worst ever and Classic had the best ones, but the open world is the best I've seen in an mmo. Delves have potential, need to see the higher tiers.

The new tradeskill system seems amazing with a short grind to unlock the recipies and features then a long grind to get all the incremental perks. Dragonriding is perfect, what a feature! I know these are Dragonflight features but I didn't play that, so like others I may be judging this more positively than Dragonflight players are.

The story is gay, but less gay than Shadowlands and Dragonflight.

The alt friendlyness, open world and tradeskills put this as a top teir expansion alone.

Making a tier list doesn't work because each version of the game values different things how do you weigh the accomplishment for vanilla leveling and epic open dungeons against the excellent new tradeskills and flight mechanics? Gotta split it between generations of the game.

Burning Crusade
Wrath of the Lich King

Mists of Pandaria
Battle for Azeroth
Warlords of Draenor

War Within
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what Suineg set it to
The fact that heroics are opened but you can't use delves up to a similar ilvl reward without keys tells you pretty much all you need to know, they will be second tier content as expected.
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what Suineg set it to
My review:

Got an alt from 60 to 70 doing half of Waking Shores in a few hours. That with level scaling really trivialises what a level means.

However if I can do 10-70 in Dragon Isles and with the warband reps/questing, I can see myself playing multiple alts unlike previous expansions where I would have one max and it was a lot of effort.

MSQs are bad for MMOs and we have had it like this since Cataclysm, there is no reason to have us do most of the main quests in that specific order and not even include the dungeons. Make it a short intro to the zones and give us the freedom to organise it how we wish like in Classic.

Dungeons are very poor compared to the competition, I think these are the worst ever and Classic had the best ones, but the open world is the best I've seen in an mmo. Delves have potential, need to see the higher tiers.

The new tradeskill system seems amazing with a short grind to unlock the recipies and features then a long grind to get all the incremental perks. Dragonriding is perfect, what a feature! I know these are Dragonflight features but I didn't play that, so like others I may be judging this more positively than Dragonflight players are.

The story is gay, but less gay than Shadowlands and Dragonflight.

The alt friendlyness, open world and tradeskills put this as a top teir expansion alone.

Making a tier list doesn't work because each version of the game values different things how do you weigh the accomplishment for vanilla leveling and epic open dungeons against the excellent new tradeskills and flight mechanics? Gotta split it between generations of the game.

Burning Crusade
Wrath of the Lich King

Mists of Pandaria
Battle for Azeroth
Warlords of Draenor

War Within
I think shadowlands is the end of v2 tbh. The removal of borrowed power, talent and trade revamp, reset of content make DF a much better candidate as beginning of v3.
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The Scientific Shitlord
So far my ranking of expacs is

Mine is:
Legion - Peak WOW of all time. Best story. Best game mechanics with AF and class halls and companions.
WOTLK - Intro of LFD. Intro of heirloom gear. Finishing the story of Arthas.
most of them

TWW is just getting started. The faction grind looks like it could suck, but that is absolutely ameliorated by factions being account wide now. The DF crafting system was copied wholesale, and that's a good thing. I have gotten a week and a half of good fun out of it so far, so that covers the xpac cost for me.
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Potato del Grande
How good is Atonement healing for Discipline Priests? Anyone tried it? I'm hoping for a return to MoP where I could mostly just DPS.

Seems like it's about doing damage when Mind Blast or Shadowfiend turn on your shadow spells, then using healing spells when they are on cooldown?

I love the Ultimate Penitence spell where you float up in the air and blast everything, but doesn't seem worth it for 3 talent points to max it all out and do it every 4 minutes?

My 580 Demon Hunter Tank feels like a self sustaining AoE god, so I have high exceptions for Priest to be worth it.


what Suineg set it to
How good is Atonement healing for Discipline Priests? Anyone tried it? I'm hoping for a return to MoP where I could mostly just DPS.

Seems like it's about doing damage when Mind Blast or Shadowfiend turn on your shadow spells, then using healing spells when they are on cooldown?

I love the Ultimate Penitence spell where you float up in the air and blast everything, but doesn't seem worth it for 3 talent points to max it all out and do it every 4 minutes?

My 580 Demon Hunter Tank feels like a self sustaining AoE god, so I have high exceptions for Priest to be worth it.

It's OK but still very involved and busy. The new voidweaver hero spec makes super void wraith out of mindbender and can do a lot of burst and dps stuff. However, like always it's very busy to heal basic stuff and aoe healing gets very messy comparatively. I like the idea of it but I tire of tracking atonements constantly.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Even with the adjustment, Frost DK is just brain off steamrolling. Unholy still feels great even if it's a lot more set up and buttons for less reward, super tanky for a DPS.


People always tend to suck Bliz cock as a new expansion releases. I am sure once the new smell wears off we'll discover quickly it's utter dogshit.

“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”​

― George W. Bush

Use can use this for all Blizzard products. Always and forever forward.


Metzen!!!!! (lol)
  • 1Worf
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
So far my ranking of expacs is

What was good about TBC in retrospect?

I honestly think it was one of the worst, objectively. It's just that WoW was still new and good.

I guess the class mechanics were in pretty good shape by the end of it. But I mean, fuck Sunwell.

Speaking of class mechanics, who does Blizzard think the audience is for the amount of ability bloat in retail?
  • 1Moron
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The Scientific Shitlord
So I played on my lock a little bit. Aff is easy as shit. I would 100% advise doing isle first for any alts. The way it crams you into a delve and follower dungeon just by doing MSQ fills your holes with xp super fast.