World of Warcraft: Current Year


Trakanon Raider
There might not be anything you personally want to do but there is a ton of shit to do in game right now.
  • 1Pathetic
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Like what, exactly? Heroics are faceroll and delves cap at 3.
That delves at 3 gets me, like.. what? why? The gear isnt even near equivalent at 3 and all its really doing is making people like me hoard the keys.
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Trakanon Raider
Your gear is maxed? Crafting, rep, valorstones, bazillion side quests (completionist stuff), warband (alts)

Alts seems like a funny thing to say but it’s really a much different approach to the game now that rep is linked.

The only people that truly have nothing to do right now are the ones that are purist one character at a time types who blew through all the content. I’m not knocking it but I don’t think the game is really meant to be played like that anymore.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Your gear is maxed? Crafting, rep, valorstones, bazillion side quests (completionist stuff), warband (alts)

Alts seems like a funny thing to say but it’s really a much different approach to the game now that rep is linked.

The only people that truly have nothing to do right now are the ones that are purist one character at a time types who blew through all the content. I’m not knocking it but I don’t think the game is really meant to be played like that anymore.

  • 5Worf
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what Suineg set it to
Your gear is maxed? Crafting, rep, valorstones, bazillion side quests (completionist stuff), warband (alts)

Alts seems like a funny thing to say but it’s really a much different approach to the game now that rep is linked.

The only people that truly have nothing to do right now are the ones that are purist one character at a time types who blew through all the content. I’m not knocking it but I don’t think the game is really meant to be played like that anymore.
Crafting is locked behind time gates.
Gear at 581 is fine enough to start doing harder content so no I'm not going to farm dumb heroics.
Completed all the side quests before launch.
Leveled the couple alts I cared to which took barely any time.

So yea there's nothing much to do?


The Scientific Shitlord
Crafting is locked behind time gates.
Gear at 581 is fine enough to start doing harder content so no I'm not going to farm dumb heroics.
Completed all the side quests before launch.
Leveled the couple alts I cared to which took barely any time.

So yea there's nothing much to do?
Bump and grind at the Goldshire Inn for extra gold?
  • 1Worf
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Potato del Grande
It's a weird choice but I don't mind levelling an alt with the new system. How easy dungeons are is the main problem with this, could have spent more time on heroic gearing if it wasn't faceroll.
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On the verandah
He explains the main gist of it in the first 5 minutes, but a the new M0 with NO TIMER and ~about the old M10 difficulty sounds great.
Real dungeon crawling for casuals like me i.e. Dying with friends, over and over, just for fun...
About fucking time Blizzard!

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  • 1Solidarity
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People in forum guild were asking, this is helpful so you can target ilvls after season 1 starts on Tuesday since its not inherently clear.

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Trakanon Raider
Given the constant war for generations, we should have one of two settings:

If the general populace is magic limited, there should be amputations and cripples everywhere.
(But even then we would expect gnomish and goblin prostheses everywhere, and it would turn into Cyberpunk).
If there's magic to spare, then there shouldn't be any.

The current setting of 'Handful of highly famous cripples for DEI signaling' makes no sense. (Shocking, I know.)


Tranny Chaser
They make fun of it in the conversation they have between them if you listen in. Seems it was magick'd up by some archimage that Khadgar is sweet on.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It is

Also this :

A couple of those armors look fucking fantastic. I wonder how it feels to be the set designer for a Paladin and every single fucking armor you've came up with has been, at best, second rate, compared to the fucking old guy that made the first sets. I mean for fucks sake, we have ... how many tiers now? Yet, half of them look like dog shit.
Given the constant war for generations, we should have one of two settings:

If the general populace is magic limited, there should be amputations and cripples everywhere.
(But even then we would expect gnomish and goblin prostheses everywhere, and it would turn into Cyberpunk).
If there's magic to spare, then there shouldn't be any.

The current setting of 'Handful of highly famous cripples for DEI signaling' makes no sense. (Shocking, I know.)
I get where you're coming from and it makes logical sense. Thats why everyone hates it - we all know its there to serve no other purpose than just that.

Where is Khadbro at in a wheelchair Qhue Qhue ? He got up on his own accord after anduin gave him the "light."


<Silver Donator>
In a world where 30 feet tall monsters can smack you in the face and you get instantly healed, in a world where spells to rez you or cure any diseases or poison or whatever the fuck exist, i present to you: One of the most powerful mages in the lore a wheelchair.

I hope to Rallos it's all a ploy to fucking sell the wheelchair in the store as a mount. May be just MAY BE some of you would realize it's time to stop throwing money to these talentless hacks.
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  • 1Worf
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