World of Warcraft: Current Year


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Even with the adjustment, Frost DK is just brain off steamrolling. Unholy still feels great even if it's a lot more set up and buttons for less reward, super tanky for a DPS.

Seems tuning is unlikely to slow Frost DK down until Season 2. Not sure Fury is completely BTFO'd though, they are pulling hard. Haven't seen a single havoc DH even once on any run so not sure what to expect there.


Potato del Grande
What was good about TBC in retrospect?

I honestly think it was one of the worst, objectively. It's just that WoW was still new and good.

I guess the class mechanics were in pretty good shape by the end of it. But I mean, fuck Sunwell.

Speaking of class mechanics, who does Blizzard think the audience is for the amount of ability bloat in retail?
TBC still felt like classic but had more to do in the endgame and some QoL.

Wrath had a couple of filler raids which gave it less new raid patch content than TBC, especially at the start.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
What was good about TBC in retrospect?

I honestly think it was one of the worst, objectively. It's just that WoW was still new and good.

I guess the class mechanics were in pretty good shape by the end of it. But I mean, fuck Sunwell.

Speaking of class mechanics, who does Blizzard think the audience is for the amount of ability bloat in retail?

Granted, in light of how defined all the specs ended up getting later on, TBC's wasn't nearly as much by comparison, but the leap from Vanilla to TBC was huge for a lot of "off" specs at the time. Flying literally changed everything about the game, so there was that. I know a lot of people didn't like the keying processes, but I actually enjoyed progressing in an end game guild at that time, really showed who could work together. Not all of it was good, but I enjoyed hard heroic dungeons at the time, too. I remember coming back to Wrath casually and just laughing my ass off at how faceroll those heroics were by comparison.

Rep grinds can suck, but I didn't mind the netherwing or even sunwell rep grinds. Zone design and questing were leaps and bounds better than Vanilla, again. Although they obviously improved even more on this in later expansions.

Maybe just nostalgia, but I still have best memories of TBC expac over any other, although I didn't play Wrath or Legion at release for either, came in later on for both.
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what Suineg set it to
What was good about TBC in retrospect?

I honestly think it was one of the worst, objectively. It's just that WoW was still new and good.

I guess the class mechanics were in pretty good shape by the end of it. But I mean, fuck Sunwell.

Speaking of class mechanics, who does Blizzard think the audience is for the amount of ability bloat in retail?

Classic is as close as the game will ever get to thematic perfection, and TBC fixed all the mechanical issues and sanded down a lot of rough edges. The only meh thing about TBC was that they added arena.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Arena was good in TBC/WOTLK/early Cata, but adding Arena definitely shift focus away from ever fixing battlegrounds to be fun. Battlegrounds should have always been the focus of PvP development.

I really wanted to play TWW for solo-queue RBGs, but all the classes/specs look like bloated assholes to play.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I remember stomping fools with Demo warlock in Cata arena. Turning into a demon and just getting to spam insta cast ranged nukes was pretty awesome.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So I played on my lock a little bit. Aff is easy as shit. I would 100% advise doing isle first for any alts. The way it crams you into a delve and follower dungeon just by doing MSQ fills your holes with xp super fast.
The only problem is that Machine Awakening shit as Affliction. A lot of classes can just melt that shit down, but having to dot them before you can Mal them is rough. That, or Im just not incorporating the correct strategy with the class. At this point, I think I should maybe try out Destruction or Demonology for that event.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The only problem is that Machine Awakening shit as Affliction. A lot of classes can just melt that shit down, but having to dot them before you can Mal them is rough. That, or Im just not incorporating the correct strategy with the class. At this point, I think I should maybe try out Destruction or Demonology for that event.

Arcane isn't doing any better on it. I got stopped at wave 18 and saw no viable strategy to get the last 2 cleared. Too many targets, and not grouped together combined with Arcane's ramp up time. Similar problem to Afflock no doubt. Ramp-up/spikey specs seem to be struggling hardest. You just know some DK is pressing 2 buttons and instantly clearing the whole thing, along with Rogue.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You just know some DK is pressing 2 buttons and instantly clearing the whole thing, along with Rogue.
images (4).jpeg
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Potato del Grande
Machine Awakening is trivialised by Demon Hunter tank. Everything does less damage to you, you can self heal, jump around to block things and do decent DPS.

If anyone doesn't know, the Earthen that channel a fire beam onto the guy you defend, they die instantly if you interupt their cast. Interrupts and Stuns work at least. These are the most dangerous mobs so saving CC for them is key to winning.


Tranny Chaser
Machine Awakening is trivialised by Demon Hunter tank. Everything does less damage to you, you can self heal, jump around to block things and do decent DPS.

If anyone doesn't know, the Earthen that channel a fire beam onto the guy you defend, they die instantly if you interupt their cast. Interrupts and Stuns work at least. These are the most dangerous mobs so saving CC for them is key to winning.

Discovering this was key to clearing it with Arcane as was realizing I can just stand in the beam from the totem things and block it from hitting him. If you want extra insurance before the medbots start spawning you can use bandages on the guy at any time, especially at the checkpoints.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I’ve cleared it on lock, rogue, and warrior. It was easy on all 3. If you can’t clear it with ease, you either don’t understand your class or the mechanics. Channelers die if interrupted or CCed (spam fear), you can use other mobs to block the beam from the statue, bombs will blow up after taking a little damage or being near you, nuke down the big dudes, and everything else is irrelevant and won’t even aggro on you unless you attack.
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The Scientific Shitlord
Weeklies are reset. Alleria finally got off the rag and is letting us finish up MSQ. DH finished first zone, almost hit 74. Started in koboldville, so I will go back to the surface for next zone.

WQ phasing is kind of fucky. Went to do one near 2nd zone city and the mobs beat the shit out of me. Turned out they were 80 for no apparent reason. Tanks are fucking OP as all hell, though, so I could probably do the quest at 74.
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Potato del Grande
Queue a follower dungeon as a healer and you don't need to heal it's so easy, I think it would be a challenge to actually die.

Going to be rough learning to heal, it's either this or entire heroics beihg AoE'ed down at once.
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Trakanon Raider
Am I supposed to be able to swap between Azj-whatever emissaries every week? The quest wouldn't progress until I picked last week's choice again.

The UI on the 'pinnacle bag activities' is terrible, by the way: only the first two give gear, and only the first four give delve keys, with just ~5 crests after that, but there's nothing in the UI to indicate if the next is your 2nd/3rd/4th/5th.

And yeah, my alts* keep landing on hills / flying into caves and getting hammered by level 80s. Not the best phasing logic.

*If you skipped DF, most higher crafting skill points take drastically more difficult or time limited components (like crests) than early points, so you'll want to knock out the early skill points before you do their Darkmoon Festival quests this week.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Am I supposed to be able to swap between Azj-whatever emissaries every week? The quest wouldn't progress until I picked last week's choice again.

The UI on the 'pinnacle bag activities' is terrible, by the way: only the first two give gear, and only the first four give delve keys, with just ~5 crests after that, but there's nothing in the UI to indicate if the next is your 2nd/3rd/4th/5th.

And yeah, my alts* keep landing on hills / flying into caves and getting hammered by level 80s. Not the best phasing logic.

*If you skipped DF, most higher crafting skill points take drastically more difficult or time limited components (like crests) than early points, so you'll want to knock out the early skill points before you do their Darkmoon Festival quests this week.
You can focus on the same one or choose a different one. I gather in that zone, so I'm sticking with the weaver bitch. But Renown goes up to.. I think, 20? this week.

Release schedule should have just been a week. There isnt much left to do without the main pillars.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I guess I wasn't paying attention that closely, I thought this week was mythic 0 and normal + heroic raids. Did anything new unlock besides main quest?


Trakanon Raider
I’d 1000% rather play as a kobold than another fuck fuck dwarf race.
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Trakanon Raider
Queue a follower dungeon as a healer and you don't need to heal it's so easy, I think it would be a challenge to actually die.

Going to be rough learning to heal, it's either this or entire heroics beihg AoE'ed down at once.
Yeah the fucking Paladin tank heals everything you have to force over pulls to get anywhere near a challenge.

I really love my monk. Brew and wind are great but the little bit I tried mist didnt click at all. I mained it back in BFA but I’m not getting the same vibes from it now. The tree has all kinds of fistweaving nodes, I took them, and did fuck all for damage. Maybe my stats were fucked, I dunno.
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what Suineg set it to
The ending of the campaign just cements how vapid and pointless this story has been. Everything felt rushed. Now, if that's because it was an even bigger trainwreck and that's all Metzen could do to push the shit aside quickly, I guess we'll see.

However everything being locked behind season 1 next week is ridiculous. There's literally nothing to do. Heroic farming is pointless. Once again everything is structured for "muh esports" instead of just you know letting people play the game. They could have capped progress until mythic opens or whatever.
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