World of Warcraft: Current Year


what Suineg set it to
When did they change it back to M10 dungeons giving the highest gear level (down from M15); this xpac, or sometime during DF?

That makes PuGing them more manageable to get max geared. If you're starting out at the beginning of the season, there should be a lot of learning going on, and people are usually more forgiving. You will still get assholes, of course, but less of them. Again, for 10s, the tank shouldn't need to do the tarded kite strats that the majority of players also don't want to do either.
They changed m+ scaling season 4 in DF
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Isn't m+1 now the same as old m+10 or something? So the +10 for vault is harder than the old +15?


M0 is old M10 just without affixes, past that it's -10 so +2 is old +12

I dunno they also said current heroic is old M0 and we still AoE the entire thing down. I really didnt do much in DF so I am not sure but I get the feeling up to M10 wont be too difficult


Avatar of War Slayer
M0 is old M10 just without affixes, past that it's -10 so +2 is old +12
Well that sounds rather shitty. So in order to get max level items, you need to do equivalent to m+ 20 in Legion/BFA/SL? That's a big WTF.


what Suineg set it to
I dunno they also said current heroic is old M0 and we still AoE the entire thing down. I really didnt do much in DF so I am not sure but I get the feeling up to M10 wont be too difficult
Yes but scaling changed since so it's hard to really directly compare.


Well that sounds rather shitty. So in order to get max level items, you need to do equivalent to m+ 20 in Legion/BFA/SL? That's a big WTF.

From what I am reading from the post when they made the change up to M10 there is no timer. So yea its "hard" but you can brute force it unless you are literally being gated by gear.



Avatar of War Slayer
From what I am reading from the post when they made the change up to M10 there is no timer. So yea its "hard" but you can brute force it unless you are literally being gated by gear.

Well, I guess that changes things to make the people that hated the timer happy. Wonder if that will really change how people approach M+ after so long with the timer.

Regardless, I wouldn't want to try Pugging a M+20 in Legion/BFA, even if there was no timer, but then I find M+ to get tiresome after about a month.


Well, I guess that changes things to make the people that hated the timer happy. Wonder if that will really change how people approach M+ after so long with the timer.

Regardless, I wouldn't want to try Pugging a M+20 in Legion/BFA, even if there was no timer, but then I find M+ to get tiresome after about a month.

I think I did up to +18 and that was exhausting enough. Pre change it looked like people were up to 33-34 and post they capped out at 24, thats still far above the max vault level so it seems doable to me anyways.


FoH nuclear response team
Mythic plus and raiding are cesspools now. Typically bunch of idiots chasing specs/stats "the pros" use and failing along the way.

It's also the fact that heroic raiding is as hard as mythic was in the past because they have tuned heroic to be difficult for top guilds and mythic is for poop sockers r2wf bullshit only with class stacking. Normal however is often boring and unrewarding.

M+ is an innately toxic gameplay loop. Timed but incentivizes pushing difficulty, extremely punishing failure, and toxic addon and meta focus. It's really the trashiest player unfriendly gameplay in WoW history, but muh MDI espooorts so here we are.

This is any game currently that involves a PUG.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Gayer than American Inventor aids. So you cut down 22 versions of the instance to 13 versions of the instance that's still about 12 versions too fucking many you stupid worthless American Inventor faggot retards. There was a reason classic shit in your breakfast everytime you release something and this is a big reason why.

The whole +gooder green sword of dick American Inventor retard slaying vs. ++gooder green sword of dick American Inventor retard slaying is gayer than 8 dudes blowing 9 dudes always has been always will be.

Look at this chart of fully fucking retardation ilvl buttfuckery, then realize they can never balance fucking shit because of the exponential scaling of this piss poor retard design choice.

tial Upgrade LevelItem Level
Dungeon Awards
(S3 End-of-Run)
Dungeon Awards
(S3 Great Vault)
Item Level
Dungeon Awards
(S4 End-of-Run)
Dungeon Awards
(S4 Great Vault)
Explorer 1/8415454
Explorer 2/8418457
Explorer 3/8421Normal Dungeons460Normal Dungeons
Explorer 4/8424463
Adventurer 1/8428Heroic Dungeons467
Adventurer 2/8431470
Adventurer 3/8434473
Adventurer 4/8437Mythic 0476Heroic Dungeons
Veteran 1/8441Mythic +2Heroic Dungeons480
Veteran 2/8444Mythic +3 & +4483
Veteran 3/8447Mythic +5 & +6486
Veteran 4/8450Mythic +7 & +8Mythic 0489Heroic Dungeons
Champion 1/8454Mythic +9 & +10Mythic +2493Mythic 0
Champion 2/8457Mythic +11 & +12Mythic +3496Mythic +2
Champion 3/8460Mythic +13 & +14Mythic +4 & +5499Mythic +3 & +4
Champion 4/8463Mythic +15 & +16Mythic +6 & +7502Mythic +5 & +6
Hero 1/6467Mythic +17 & +18Mythic +8 & +9506Mythic +7 & +8Mythic 0
Hero 2/6470Mythic +19 and upMythic +10 & +11509Mythic +9 and upMythic +2 & +3
Hero 3/6473Mythic +12 & +13 & +14512Mythic +4 & +5
Hero 4/6476Mythic +15 & +16 & +17515Mythic +6 & +7
Myth 1/4480Mythic +18 & +19519Mythic +8 & +9
Myth 2/4483Mythic +20 and up522Mythic +10 and up


Gayer than American Inventor aids. So you cut down 22 versions of the instance to 13 versions of the instance that's still about 12 versions too fucking many you stupid worthless American Inventor faggot retards. There was a reason classic shit in your breakfast everytime you release something and this is a big reason why.

The whole +gooder green sword of dick American Inventor retard slaying vs. ++gooder green sword of dick American Inventor retard slaying is gayer than 8 dudes blowing 9 dudes always has been always will be.

Can someone translate this nonsense?

edit. oh I see, here let me help you out since you dont actually play the game and probably havent in years but it lives in your mind rent free. BTW You play Lost Ark. That game is the literal definition of +gooder.

There are tracks for gear: Adventurer, Veteran, Champion, Hero and Myth. THe 1/8 etc are its current upgrade level so you can upgrade it to 8/8 or 6/6 to max power the item. Gives people something to do when drops are scarce and a reason to run a dungeon even if nothing they need drops cause it drops upgrade materials.

See the overlap? a Champion 8/8 item you upgrade will be the same power as a Hero 3/6 item. So if you are gear gated you can upgrade your shit to a power level where doing a M5 will be easy with gear you can get from a M0. The gear between M0 and 5 will just drop with upgrades built in saving you resources. Then you can do it again on the Hero track to try to get to the Myth track if you want. Good players can skip tracks and upgrades to get to the highest tier of gear

The gear tracks drop depending on content. Adventurer is the casual player stuff from like world quests or sometimes regular quests. Veteran is heroic dungeons, Champion M0's, Hero is Higher M+ tier or heroic raid and myth M8+ or Mythic Raid. Its not really complicated and im sure its way easier to balance player power vs dungeon / raid difficulty this way. Also if you have a great dungeon drop from the Hero tier you can keep using it till you replace it from the myth tier since its upgradeable to an ilvl somewhat close.

It used to be you would do a +9 M+ and get a 513 piece for the sake or argument but if you did a M+10 you would get a 516 piece but the diff was so tiny it wasnt really worth using if you enchanted it etc, this way you upgrade the stuff you want to in the order you want to when you want to. Was a very very popular thing that was limited to PVP gear back in the day, they just let everyone use it.

TLDR: There really is only three tracks of gear Champion, Hero and Myth and you can upgrade them to 8/8 or 6/6 at your leisure and lets you continue to use well stated items regardless of content. Raids still drop different items then dungeons and having a combo of both will lead to a min/max god.
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  • 1Worf
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Potato del Grande
Healing sucks.

Turns out the miserable run with Disc was a Normal as I didn't have iLevel for Heroic, holy fuck does that spec suck now then.

Did my first Heroic as Holy and no issues but I was either doing nothing, popping Halo and doing nothing, or scrambling to heal a sudden spike of damage where it felt like my target could die anytime.

Then it seems like mana management is gone as I never ran out of mana.

This is a vanilla priest by the way, it's the only time healing ever felt bad.

Will try Shadow DPS but if queues are long I wasted time levelling this char. Edit: Yep 7 min queue.

I'm not a fan of shit and all the shit that comes with that whole atmosphere. When you're neck deep in that shit, it works fine and as it should. But God forbid you come in late and no one you know is playing the game with you. With that, I've been reaching out to people that are playing trying to set up a group of people to run them with. Palum Palum , Chris Chris , welcome to join us and actually encourage you to.
Thanks I appreciate that, but I'm stuck on EU servers.
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what Suineg set it to
Healing sucks.

Turns out the miserable run with Disc was a Normal as I didn't have iLevel for Heroic, holy fuck does that spec suck now then.

Did my first Heroic as Holy and no issues but I was either doing nothing, popping Halo and doing nothing, or scrambling to heal a sudden spike of damage where it felt like my target could die anytime.

Then it seems like mana management is gone as I never ran out of mana.

This is a vanilla priest by the way, it's the only time healing ever felt bad.

Will try Shadow DPS but if queues are long I wasted time levelling this char. Edit: Yep 7 min queue.

Thanks I appreciate that, but I'm stuck on EU servers.
Disc is very different because you have to have predictable people and damage since you rely on prep.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Hmm, I remember most sticking around for early SL into the first raid because it was pretty good. Was the content gap before 9.1 and how shitty it was in general at that point that drove most of the people I was playing with at the time away from what I recall.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Hmm, I remember most sticking around for early SL into the first raid because it was pretty good. Was the content gap before 9.1 and how shitty it was in general at that point that drove most of the people I was playing with at the time away from what I recall.
I took a guess that it was "half" the people I started with. By my memory, on launch day - the guild had 90-110 people online during prime time. (By comparison, Legion had somewhere in the high 200's.) By the time Vitality was trying to organize a raid for Nathria, we were down to 40-50 people online. I remember cause I was trying to help him and Alkorin was giving me the 3rd degree about getting banned for botting / selling combat routines way back in Legion. He wouldnt even let me get some stripped down version of an Officer to set calendar dates. Much less would he give it to Vitality for whatever reason. Fast forward a bit later and "someone" deletes the guild outright, which couldnt be restored by petitioning a GM. Wonder who that could have been. :rolleyes:

I actually really enjoyed Nathria, Revendreth, etc. I wanted to level up through Maldraxus covenant on my Shaman here recently for the cosmetics, and I couldnt even make it through Bastion. Even after all the buffs and fixes Shadowlands received, sitting side by side with War Within - its just so obvious why SL's was a pile of shit for so many people.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I took a guess that it was "half" the people I started with. By my memory, on launch day - the guild had 90-110 people online during prime time. (By comparison, Legion had somewhere in the high 200's.) By the time Vitality was trying to organize a raid for Nathria, we were down to 40-50 people online. I remember cause I was trying to help him and Alkorin was giving me the 3rd degree about getting banned for botting / selling combat routines way back in Legion. He wouldnt even let me get some stripped down version of an Officer to set calendar dates. Much less would he give it to Vitality for whatever reason. Fast forward a bit later and "someone" deletes the guild outright, which couldnt be restored by petitioning a GM. Wonder who that could have been. :rolleyes:

I actually really enjoyed Nathria, Revendreth, etc. I wanted to level up through Maldraxus covenant on my Shaman here recently for the cosmetics, and I couldnt even make it through Bastion. Even after all the buffs and fixes Shadowlands received, sitting side by side with War Within - its just so obvious why SL's was a pile of shit for so many people.

It definitely was a pile of shit at that point. Too many "we'll fix this" that took forever and didn't really fix the problems. We enjoyed Nathria, and I found M+ better at start of SL than for a lot of BFA (low bar, though). 9.1 was trash, though, and they basically gave up on the expansion.


On the verandah
Gayer than American Inventor aids. So you cut down 22 versions of the instance to 13 versions of the instance that's still about 12 versions too fucking many you stupid worthless American Inventor faggot retards. There was a reason classic shit in your breakfast everytime you release something and this is a big reason why.

The whole +gooder green sword of dick American Inventor retard slaying vs. ++gooder green sword of dick American Inventor retard slaying is gayer than 8 dudes blowing 9 dudes always has been always will be.

Look at this chart of fully fucking retardation ilvl buttfuckery, then realize they can never balance fucking shit because of the exponential scaling of this piss poor retard design choice.

tial Upgrade LevelItem Level
Dungeon Awards
(S3 End-of-Run)
Dungeon Awards
(S3 Great Vault)
Item Level
Dungeon Awards
(S4 End-of-Run)
Dungeon Awards
(S4 Great Vault)
Explorer 1/8415454
Explorer 2/8418457
Explorer 3/8421Normal Dungeons460Normal Dungeons
Explorer 4/8424463
Adventurer 1/8428Heroic Dungeons467
Adventurer 2/8431470
Adventurer 3/8434473
Adventurer 4/8437Mythic 0476Heroic Dungeons
Veteran 1/8441Mythic +2Heroic Dungeons480
Veteran 2/8444Mythic +3 & +4483
Veteran 3/8447Mythic +5 & +6486
Veteran 4/8450Mythic +7 & +8Mythic 0489Heroic Dungeons
Champion 1/8454Mythic +9 & +10Mythic +2493Mythic 0
Champion 2/8457Mythic +11 & +12Mythic +3496Mythic +2
Champion 3/8460Mythic +13 & +14Mythic +4 & +5499Mythic +3 & +4
Champion 4/8463Mythic +15 & +16Mythic +6 & +7502Mythic +5 & +6
Hero 1/6467Mythic +17 & +18Mythic +8 & +9506Mythic +7 & +8Mythic 0
Hero 2/6470Mythic +19 and upMythic +10 & +11509Mythic +9 and upMythic +2 & +3
Hero 3/6473Mythic +12 & +13 & +14512Mythic +4 & +5
Hero 4/6476Mythic +15 & +16 & +17515Mythic +6 & +7
Myth 1/4480Mythic +18 & +19519Mythic +8 & +9
Myth 2/4483Mythic +20 and up522Mythic +10 and up
You whiney old cunt, why not just have a hot toddy, and then perhaps a lie down. I promise, by the time you're done, you'll feel right as rain.
  • 2Worf
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