World of Warcraft: Current Year


Potato del Grande
Well, yea.. Im not saying that that is obvious to everybody. But most people will probably put 2 and 2 together and do the easiest version of the easiest delve all the way up to 8 and then do the empowered version with their keys. I had never grouped with anyone in a Delve, but Juva and I was unsure if you could do cross faction in a Delve. Of course it worked, and since we were there - we went ahead and cleared it. We did the entire delve as a duo in 5, maybe 10 minutes. Two DPS with.. I think we had two brans? Either way, One bran healing was more than enough to blast through the level 3. Since we're all in our 580's - I dont have a feeling any of us will encounter any difficulty getting to 8 and doing them. But it'll be a hell of a lot quicker if you guys duo them at the least.

Keep running them, or run them in a different role and you'll see them at their worst. When I run a dungeon on my warlock, if you look at Details .. it looks like Im the only one doing DPS in some groups. Just one big long bar and the little slivers are everyone else. You still dont get too see any real mechanics like that. Add in one or two other DPS that know how to rock and then we're fighting to complete our rotation. Which makes that problem even worse.

But playing a Healer? Where that shit is out of your control? I've been able to see all the mechanics. Some of which are solely there to completely fuck the healer like that Darkness one. You can waste mana all you want in the darkness, but nothing is receiving any heals while you're in the dark. Or at least thats the way it comes off - I have yet to read about it because if I just stay with the cart, it doesnt effect me. Or Stone Vault - where if the DPS dont react to the fucking totem quick enough, you're not bouncing back once with a big AOE taking 1/3 of peoples health, but you're bounced back twice, with the group taking 2/3 of their hp as damage. Meanwhile the tank still has the whole pack beating his ass. Or Dawn Breaker - Where if the tank is confident in the group, you'll go straight for the boss instead of fucking with the lieutenants. Best fucking hope and believe in your healer because I use every single CD and Im right at the tail end of going OOM or I do run out one. Or Ara, where if interrupts are shit or dying too slow- you'll constantly be feared. Or the big VOID monsters in EVERY instance, where the tank will sperg pull them all in a big train. But if no one interrupts them - they'll just start AOE spamming everyone for huge chunks of damage making a healer blow a CD. You can really notice this bullshit in the Dwarf instance down at the last Boss. Or the Parish, where the entire fucking ground - no matter what your graphic settings are at - is fucking consecration and you cant fucking leave the room cause thats where the boss spawns too. Or the little fuckers that charge in Cinder Brewery that give no graphical direction they are charging like the Dwarfs do in Stone Vault. Easy to dodge them, but then they hit the fucking wall and that AOE's everyone in the group. Tank pulls half a dozen of these fucks and Im blowing every single CD trying to keep people up.

I mean, I can keep going. Im just saying, you learn what the fuck is the issue real quick with all these dungeons doing PUG's as a Healer. The tanks I generally have a problem with? Fucking Protection Paladins. They are fucking SQUISHY as fuck. So Ive reconsidered using my boost on one until I see how that buff works out. Monks are about as squishy, but at least they have the mobility to get the fuck away for a breather. The rest of the tanks? They can take a beating and just when you think theyre going to keel over, they're full health. So I dont know what the fuck is up with Monk or Paladin in all honesty. Monk is supposed to be a great tank right now, too. But I havent had a single Monk tank that doesnt get his shit pushed in, right now. Maybe Mythic gear will change that - but if it changes them that much, well fuck.. give me a Demon Hunter, DK or a Warrior with proper gear instead. Druids just seem to be kind of average, and SLOW AS FUCK. Im constantly using my speed buffs and refreshes to speed their fat fucking ass up.

As far as the bosses go? The Darkness is the ONLY boss that is a pain in the ass with mechanics. If the DPS sucks, you'll find yourself running for candles Non-stop because the bosses main mechanic is to just blow out the fucking candle. But there are some end bosses where the longer the fight goes, the more they'll like.. do a soft enrage? Where the ground shit they spew will get worse and worse. But really, like Mythic's have been since Legion - the bosses themselves arent really the challenge. Its the trash like its always been.

TL;DR - Make your own steady group of people to do shit with. Its easy enough to PUG shit right now. But it is a night and day difference in getting the same people to do shit with you, rather than counting on some random. They may not even be as "good" as you need them to be, but at least you know their patterns and what to expect. Which is often more valuable than the beast mode random tank that pulls the entire fucking world, but has no clue the DPS sucks.

Also - I've found a fucking shit ton of Tradeskill shit in each of these dungeons. From Cooking, to Tailoring, to Engineering, etc. They took the shit from Court of Stars in Legion and put that shit in every single dungeon. Now if the group actually had the tradeskills to do them...
I don't belive you, I think you made up all those mechanics lol.

I dunno, sometimes I get stunned at the end of City of Echoes or Cinderbrew and it's fine because I have TEN MILLION HEALTH. Could be a few mechanics.


Trakanon Raider
To be honest, ilevel scaling seems a bit wonky as is, with absurd power gains even before mythic gear, feels like we're going to need another ilevel squish before next expansion if every point release will see the same gains.


I don't belive you, I think you made up all those mechanics lol.

I dunno, sometimes I get stunned at the end of City of Echoes or Cinderbrew and it's fine because I have TEN MILLION HEALTH. Could be a few mechanics.

For Tier 8 delves just run a M+ spec for extra CC and Utility. Reading people taking about beta, they were clearing 8's in duo's at 570-580 gear but you had to use your abilities well.


<Silver Donator>
Well this fucking shit expansion has brought us pilav back at least

  • 3Worf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I was going to level up my shaman from 70-80 as enhancement but good god they have like 3+ bars for abilities. That's ridiculous.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well this fucking shit expansion has brought us pilav back at least

The "Kilani" crafting bit cracked me tf up. I felt the exact same fucking way.

edit - and the "Relaxxxxx Israel."
I was going to level up my shaman from 70-80 as enhancement but good god they have like 3+ bars for abilities. That's ridiculous.
Nah. I use it between healing. Its bloated, but 70% of the shit you'll never use. Has overlap from the Healing shit for some reason.
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  • 1Worf
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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
If you're using the leveling spec off IV, yeah, it's a ridiculously button-heavy build. I have 28 non-healing buttons on my bars currently with that spec. It's too much shit; fuck ice strike I'm glad they're getting rid of it.
  • 1Worf
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Potato del Grande
After todays patch, we’re getting back to the basics.

Can't wait to be flamed 10 mins into the patch because I pulled extra packs in Grim Batol and I should have been farming it in Cataclysm Classic and know the route already.
  • 1Solidarity
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Is azeroth autopilot still the defacto chillout and grind alts add on? I've also used zygor but don't know how it compares.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That's some Tales from the Crypt horror right there lol.

Side quest:
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Can't wait to be flamed 10 mins into the patch because I pulled extra packs in Grim Batol and I should have been farming it in Cataclysm Classic and know the route already.
I used to think it was particular to Mythic+, but then I played BC and WOTLK Classic Heroics and remembered both sides of that argument. I mean, at this point - you "supposedly" have no excuse for not knowing at least the basics of how something works. You have the journal, videos, follower dungeons, etc. I mean, spend 5 minutes reading about the dungeon so you can at least get the jist of how everything works, right? But in that same vein on the opposite side of the view - it should be obvious what does what in WoW for any experienced person yet it isnt. What I remember being nice about FFXIV - even if I was new to the encounter (except for Hardcore, didnt do many of those) - is that every mechanic was easily understandable. The arrows pretty much told you what to do, where to go, etc. Why they havent tried to do that in WoW is beyond me at this point. Something else, that bothers me to this day about WoW is that even now, telegraphs are not accurate in where they will hit. Some stuff I can side step and be fine. Some stuff I can side step a foot away and still get hit by it. You learn whats what over time, but it leaves a lot to be desired for sure.
Is azeroth autopilot still the defacto chillout and grind alts add on? I've also used zygor but don't know how it compares.
I dont think I've used Autopilot before, but Zygor was pretty direct in terms of speed versus attention span. I usually would rather just commit all my attention to the game and finish leveling quickly, though. But really, none of the quests I remember being over complicated by any significant measure and on my second play through of the expansion, at least, I just went where the gold dots were and killed shit without reading anything.

That's some Tales from the Crypt horror right there lol.

I did that on the first play through, and when I read it .. it didnt dawn on me right then. But then, as Im flying away, I starting thinking about it and was like ... damn.. thats fucked up. Bro just wanted to learn about gems and be rich. Like fucking everybody... and you cursed him for it.


Avatar of War Slayer
Is azeroth autopilot still the defacto chillout and grind alts add on? I've also used zygor but don't know how it compares.
From what I recall, the original Azeroth Autopilot autist quit in Shadowlands. He supposedly gave his blessing for new people to work on it and they did a good job with Dragonflight, but I don't think it was quite as "locked in" as it was with the original dude (to be fair, it may be due to differences in xpacs too).

Still, if I was still playing this xpac, that would be my go-to program for quickest leveling path, if they updated it.

I've also used Zygor's in WotLK or Panda but it's so long ago that it would be too difficult to compare.


Potato del Grande
Apparently delves can drop maps that give you bonus loot one tier higher.

There's a three per week limit, so if you level to 4 to 7 on your main you could get one early and get a lower tier reward.

So the optimal route is to unlock T8 on an alt.


Apparently delves can drop maps that give you bonus loot one tier higher.

There's a three per week limit, so if you level to 4 to 7 on your main you could get one early and get a lower tier reward.

So the optimal route is to unlock T8 on an alt.

Diadraco and I leveled delves up to 8 and did the 4 bountiful ones, didnt seem like we we got any maps. Was pretty easy except for the shroom one, that lost boss is a pain as a melee.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Holy shit is there an addon that fixes the god awful spell book change that takes up your entire fucking screen? Using Elvui so wondering if thats making it worse.
  • 1Solidarity
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Holy shit is there an addon that fixes the god awful spell book change that takes up your entire fucking screen? Using Elvui so wondering if thats making it worse.
It has two different views. Just alternate to the single page if you're trying to be addon light.

Diadraco and I leveled delves up to 8 and did the 4 bountiful ones, didnt seem like we we got any maps. Was pretty easy except for the shroom one, that lost boss is a pain as a melee.
To be fair, we didnt stop and smell the roses either. But I dont think it'll matter for us at tier 8.

I went through and did MOST of the Mythic 0's, tonight. Ara'Kara probably the hardest one so far. Didnt do Grim Batol, Siege, or Dawn Breaker - but those stressed me out even when they were in Heroic and Im just kind of done for tonight. Your average healer is going to complain after today and complain a lot. You have these huge massive health pools on tanks, 8-11 million hp, and my big heal on the Shaman is a fucking wet noodle without a crit at a whopping 560k. But I will say that the big damage, big health pools, and the frantic pace has pushed me to learn how and when to use all my cool downs on him. In that same vein, there are some spells that I absolutely hate using like Cloudburst. But thats whatever. My real point is that Healing is like three times the work as any other role right now. I anticipate that they'll rewind the nerf to healing by at least a small bit before its all said and done.


Trakanon Raider
Got the sac trinket first M0 in Arakara. We breezed through that dungeon until the last boss…she is a real bitch especially since the group was all melee. It was fun though.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Got the sac trinket first M0 in Arakara. We breezed through that dungeon until the last boss…she is a real bitch especially since the group was all melee. It was fun though.
That trinket dropped for my run as well. The guy that got it insta-died on that boss because he just stood still and let the swarm get him. The ret paladin that fucking carried the group straight up said "fuck that faggot" in group chat after I said "wow, congrats!" I hate toxic shit somewhat, but in that case it was well deserved and funny af.

Healers and tanks in need this morning for heroic. For as much as those Augment Runes go for.. its tempting.
  • 1Worf
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