The Scientific Shitlord
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I don't think this is true at all.Blizzard is generally quite good at encounter design
Not played them all yet but Grim Batol felt much higher quality than the War Within dungeons. From the concept of a corrupted Ironforge, the Warcraft 2 lore of Alextraza's rape dungeon and the bosses having mechanics to play around that were not gimmicks.Grim Batol, and Mists of Tirna Scithe are pretty good. Siege of Boralus and Necrotic Wake are "meh" but entertaining enough.
I had invisible so I didnt have to group/communicate with someone in D4 last season. My bad. Turned that on, but sending messages to offline accounts still goes through for future reference. WoW is generally on most of the time when Im at the office or home. I might just not be looking at that screen at that moment, however.Daidraco So when are you actually on so I can hit you up for t7 and zekvir?
Im honestly surprised thatSo far I've solo'd T8 dread pit and spiral weave on fury war at 580 and 581 ilvl, Brann at 16 and 17. The bosses are the easiest part, some of those 3-4 packs really hurt. I guess I'd say the difficulty is fine though, considering the recommended ilvl and the level of reward from both drops and the great vault. I ended up spending most of the time in defensive stance and waiting for cd's to come back for most pulls, sometimes kiting a pack way back to spread them and let Brann apply damage.
I did a T8 delve solo after doing a bunch of others in a group and good god... that was a nightmare. I have no idea what the hell they were thinking with the scaling on this shit.
I had invisible so I didnt have to group/communicate with someone in D4 last season. My bad. Turned that on, but sending messages to offline accounts still goes through for future reference. WoW is generally on most of the time when Im at the office or home. I might just not be looking at that screen at that moment, however.
Which reminds me. There is a good chunk of people in the guild now if you were waiting to see if the guild lasted / had legs. Though, its still on you to ask in guild "Anyone up for a Mythic?" or similar.
Im honestly surprised thatJuvarisx can solo shit like he does as a DPS Warrior. There needs to be way more self healing in the delves for certain classes, imo.
Which really, they may have not wanted it to turn into Torghast, but those "special" powers, are far too rare and some are absolutely shit tier. Like who the fuck designed the power "100% more health until you fall below 60% health" ... Motherfucker, just give people a flat health bonus and call it a day, ffs.
Also "heal 22k on double jump" is garbage. What the fuck is 22k? Not worth double jumping over defensive and plain running. I'd guess an idiot that plays DH must have made it.
I did a T8 delve solo after doing a bunch of others in a group and good god... that was a nightmare. I have no idea what the hell they were thinking with the scaling on this shit.
Was able to get T8 Under-Lord boss down solo on arcane with 15ish attempts. It was painful enough that I didn't even bother resetting the dungeon for the attempts to count toward a bountiful chest. I gained no reward for my effort. I figured the downgraded reward would be like a lower ilevel version like failing a mythic timer is. Nope.
0 reward for finishing a T8 outside the allowed deaths. No bountiful chest at all.
Pretty fucked up and poor design. "But DUDE you can reset the entire delv and fight back to the boss for 5 more attempts!!!!!". Yeah, miss me with that shit. If someone is grinding a boss, they shouldn't have to reset the entire delv just to do more boss attempts.
Whoever came up with there being 0 reward should be beaten with a stick.
Is that one of the new mini-bosses I read about on WoWhead? If so, they recommend skipping them through various methods, even if they are on objectives.Was able to get T8 Under-Lord boss down solo on arcane with 15ish attempts. It was painful enough that I didn't even bother resetting the dungeon for the attempts to count toward a bountiful chest. I gained no reward for my effort. I figured the downgraded reward would be like a lower ilevel version like failing a mythic timer is. Nope.
0 reward for finishing a T8 outside the allowed deaths. No bountiful chest at all.
Pretty fucked up and poor design. "But DUDE you can reset the entire delv and fight back to the boss for 5 more attempts!!!!!". Yeah, miss me with that shit. If someone is grinding a boss, they shouldn't have to reset the entire delv just to do more boss attempts.
Whoever came up with there being 0 reward should be beaten with a stick.
So on my DK Brann tanks everything. On most of my friends characters and my alts he doesn't really hold agro. No idea what the difference is because same setup.
Surprising the amount of facetanking. If I don't run the Brann Skill "Brann hard taunts for 4 seconds if at 40% hp" skill on Brann (which I don't run because DPS is king, I take the 20% crit booster normally), then he never takes aggro. I rely a lot not only on Brann's DPS, but also his execute move. Where the elite may have 20% life left and it randomly gets executed. This happens a several times a run and isn't a rare occurrence. Was a bit surprised at the number of executes. That part does make me wonder if class-specific tuning and testing has been done because the executes seem to always happen when I really need them, after I have put in my effort and my damage and defensives are exhausted.
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