World of Warcraft: Current Year


what Suineg set it to
So I haven’t been following WoW in a long time. Is the expansion actually good?
If good means not terrible then yes. It's pretty much Dawntrail for WoW.

1) Annoying DEI insert female character that takes up too much oxygen in the story
2) New multi expac story cycle so starting from scratch
3) Basic mechanics in a good place but nothing mind blowing new
4) Content amount and quality is exactly as expected with no surprises
5) More focus on refining how to meet midcore player content needs at various levels of success

Now that those refreshed systems from DF largely survive intact into TWW, there's less general patience for the work they are obviously putting into everything under the hood because we just had an expansion where the overall quality was sacrificed to fix those core systems. Stuff like warbands, sure they're cool but... at what cost? It doesn't really add anything for me so obviously I would have preferred those resources poured into making delves better frankly.
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
So I haven’t been following WoW in a long time. Is the expansion actually good?
In the sense that if you've been eating shit and someone gives you rat burger, it's an improvement.

How hungry are you?
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Potato del Grande
So I haven’t been following WoW in a long time. Is the expansion actually good?

I skipped Shadowlands patch content and Dragonflight so some of the changes are new to me and old to some people, which is why some are less positive.

Leveling is retard easy, but there's lots to do with rare spawns, professions and treasures. Same it's been since Pandaria really.

Class design is inconsistent, so you need to look for a class/spec you enjoy.

Delves are interesting new solo/small group content, can be used for levelling and endgame gearing (limits how many per week though). It's a fixed version of scenarios/island expeditions.

Mythic+ is fun timed dungeons to get endgame gear/upgrade gear and is filling up my time. Slightly toxic and it's probably worth playing as a tank to get into groups.

Raids have fun mechanics and puggable for the first few difficulties.

World feels more "Warcraft" with two Dwarf zones (think Loch Modan and Searing Gorge) and a Nerubian zone. There's a new half elf empire that's shown up in a giant cavern with some sort of Naaru crystal illuminating it that looks incredible.

Story has too many diverse girlbosses but the new antagonist is interesting and there's some nice new characters like Dagran.

FF14 still has better dungeons and raids but not enough variety imo and the rest of Dawntrail is terrible, so WoW is on top again.
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So I haven’t been following WoW in a long time. Is the expansion actually good?

-Zones are varied and well done.... you may think "Its all underground so its all long tunnels, but its not. Hallowfall may be the best looking zone they have done period.
-All classes are viable and all 3 specs are generally viable as well with outliers getting tuned next patch (October). The hero talents ended up being impactful and vastly change playstyles even within specs
-Dungeons are greatly varied and make use of flying and multiple routes that are left up to the players. They are challenging for the casual player at m0 and scale quickly for the sweat lords
-I haven't done it but from all accounts the 1st raid has been given high praise like most raids. The Race To World First is still ongoing so at the highest difficulty its HARD.
-Dragonflying is still dope
-Lots to do weekly for the average player. I play more then most and I am not ever sitting in town afk.
-Story is probably what people focus on cause its easy to throw cheap shots. Blizz showcases everyone big/small/color/etc. I don't care about it at all, but some people pretend to care, WoW was never about the story regardless of Rosecolored glasses. Its more noticeable in FF14 cause the story is the game.
-Delves have been well done and provide challenge to all types that are into it. Needs more iteration but its a great start.
-Seeing lots of Earthen, so people like playing a stone dwarf.
-More of a DF thing but the Evoker class is A+, they really nailed it. The dragons look stupid but they knocked that class out of the park.
-Altholics seem to love warbands and they have been universally praised. I think people here underestimate how requested that feature was.

Better then: Dragonflight? Apparently. Shadowlands? God yes. BFA? Miles. Legion? Aestetics aside YES! People forgot the Artifact grind and the terrible legendary system that bricked characters. Legion was the STORY expansion with great raids. This is the shit to do expansion with better mechanics.

There's a forum guild that keeps logging in. I am sure there are many not in that guild on here that play too. I am having fun more or less within 5 man / solo content when I am not dipping down to keys I shouldn't be doing and playing with people who drive me bananas. I do not feel ripped off of 40 bucks or whatever at all.

I try to think of why people love TBC and WoTLK so much and compare it to this. I think shit took longer back in the day and there was less people doing high end raids so you could see someone with IDK Kil'jaden shit in TBC and be like wow they are awesome. I think WoW Classic TBC and WoTLK really jaded people cause EVERYONE had that shit, and it was all gamed out. People dont play WoW the same way anymore even when given the option to, they were GREAT expansions for 2007 and 2008 but compared to what WoW is now, its very simple, very easy and very grindy. A m0 dungeon now would have caused people to quit over the difficulty if it existed back then.

Like woo Sunwell gear so cool, I can go get into a GDKP pug and clear everyhting with minimal effort and buy everything. Yea game was real hard there fellas. We all just sucked at it, Great expansion guys.
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