Well she will be the last boss of the expansion and probably leads into a Voidlands expansion or whatever. How they will do that one will be interesting cause you should be in the void for the entirety of it so visually it could be hard to make it exciting? I dunno.
Next raid has to deal with the Emperor and the Arathi . The Horde and Alliance fixing their portals and them being all "Surrender to the Light or be purged" could be fun. Based on what I saw from Dragonflight, Blizz likes to make a big area for grinding and dailies per new raid tier, so they are gonna be expanding somewhere early next year.
I think the bottom of AK, where you dip into the blood for 50+ stacks to see other NPC's.. I think the Void Lands is going to be something like that. But instead of just NPC's, it affects the geography/world in the zone as well. We may not be fucking around with blood and stacks, but Im sure there will be some quested attunement to be able to switch. The only reason I see it being done this way is because Im looking at it from a business standpoint that if I was going to be a Lead Developer, I would see this as a way to create one less zone in the work path. Simply changing the skin to a "Void" variant rather than creating, modeling and animating an entirely new set of NPC's. Which the real "prize" technology that I would praise them for in this situation is if you can switch between worlds on the fly. Sort of like that one Soul's like game, where you can use your lantern and switch to the land of the dead to get past puzzles.
The super nerds have already said that / came to the conclusion that - Dalaran isnt actually destroyed in its entirety. Sure, the top of the towers etc. were sent into ruin by the Dark Energy Bubble, but like Khadbro - its all just in the void. Which brings up a question.. is the void a reflection of whats in the normal world, or is it a different universe unto itself?
I think our next raid in THIS expansion, however, is whatever is across the sea in Hollowfall. Are we fighting those tentacle C'thulu like motherfuckers? Or are we going up against this variant of the Scarlet order because theyre trying to do something nefarious? I mean, that Church does have a sort of pinnacle focus in the zone next to the Crystal. Sort of how Nerub city is for AK. But Dorn and the Deep dont have anything even remotely similar.
It's the same type of ship as Tempest Keep imo. Too many similarities to Ogush'ugun in Nagrand but it's bigger and more vertical, name sounds similar to Naaru ships too.
Next area I think is a root/nature area either above the Nerubian zone or across the sea below Beledar with the Harronir, since they are in the trailer but have very little screen time.
Expansion I think they confirmed is a Quel'thalas revamp, though going through the Sunwell to somewhere like Karesh (Etheral homeworld destroyed by the void) makes sense too.
One after is a Northrend revamp.
I only want the portal story to pick up where it left off in Hollowfall because right now its the only zone that takes about 5 minutes to get to and around. We have a Portal from AK to to Dorn, the Coreway for Dorn to Deep and two mine shafts. But there aint shit for Hollowfall and... that just seems out of place? Which leads me to think that whatever we get next, its going to bring that traversal too Hollowfall finally - which means its probably like what I was talking about up above.
But that doesnt mean that we wont get more story/plot points for the Horronir. Theres a lot of passive lore all throughout the expansion about those fucking roots, and the Titans pulling out one of the "old" gods and leaving its connection to the world soul and all kinds of other bat shit crazy explanations.
Thats why these raid fights where we go fight a Titan, or an Old God, or the fucking god of Death and Life and all that shit since Legion - its all so fucking over the top and dumb because why are mere mortals squaring off with a fucking Titan that can pluck a fucking old God off of Azeroth like a weed. But yet our raid force can .. defeat one? That fucking sword in Azeroth can be seen from Orgrimmar and you're telling me that a group of 6 and 7 foot adventurers, 30 of them, 100? 1000? 10,000? of them? Could defeat this fucking million fucking foot tall Titan? ... I dont care how its "hand waived" or explained away - it just doesnt make fucking sense. Hence.. why I said earlier, "Neat" is about all I care to say when it comes to far reaching shit like that. The more "down to earth" shit like the troubles in Hollowfall are far more believable.