World of Warcraft: Current Year


Potato del Grande
Oh look, a retard fight!

View attachment 549049
Hey I'm actually playing WoW and posting WoW content. Not sure if these weasels are.

Currently thinking about the mathematics of the Arathi Cosmic Chart. Order/Disorder and Life/Death are easy enough to understand, but exactly what do Light and Shadow represent? Is Shadow evil, or free will or nihilism or..?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I just want to know the rest of the story that the dude in Hollowfall started with the portals, and then the bro is just murdered on the floor, with blood and guts thrown on everything. So innocent and dumb, and then BAM! Murder and intrigue.

The Crystal and all that other shit is so mystical / ethereal in nature that.. I just dont care past the "oh, thats neat." I dont enjoy the enemy types in that zone, Kobis, etc. They just arent enjoyable to fight against. "Oh look, he spear hooked me from across the room into more elite mobs making this one fishing node take 5 minutes instead of 30 seconds. Wonderful." Or when they put up a fucking shield thats half their hp thats NOT INTERRUPTABLE. Who the fuck designed this shit? .. But with that aside, I do enjoy the look of the zone and the "idea" of the stories that are alluded to in the quest lines. The quests themselves are a bit mediocre except for a shining few like the Portal guy.
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Potato del Grande
OK guys. Got 2k M+ rating and the Diamond Mechsuit.

Also soloed a T11 Delve, don't think I can do Zekvir unless I grind out the season journey though.

Have I proven that you can play MMOs with a controller?


what Suineg set it to
OK guys. Got 2k M+ rating and the Diamond Mechsuit.

Also soloed a T11 Delve, don't think I can do Zekvir unless I grind out the season journey though.

Have I proven that you can play MMOs with a controller?

People been doing that for over a decade