World of Warcraft: Current Year


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hahahaha! 16 to 24 dungeons, imagine if they would be also useful for progression instead of an afterthought pre-raid. Well, I don't believe it.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Hahahaha! 16 to 24 dungeons, imagine if they would be also useful for progression instead of an afterthought pre-raid. Well, I don't believe it.
That's mostly why they don't bother too much with dungeons anymore. Dungeons become irrelevant/useless too fast to warrant lots of work.

Of course, it was even worse with the garrison. Most of my alts were 660+ when 6.2 launched, despite never having set foot in a dungeon or even LFR. Even my main did not do any heroic dungeon except those required for the legendary quest and inn quests.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That's mostly why they don't bother too much with dungeons anymore. Dungeons become irrelevant/useless too fast to warrant lots of work.

Of course, it was even worse with the garrison. Most of my alts were 660+ when 6.2 launched, despite never having set foot in a dungeon or even LFR. Even my main did not do any heroic dungeon except those required for the legendary quest and inn quests.
I ran the shit out of dungeons pre highmaul and a little bit even after, they were the usual linear stuff, but they were fun, interesting when low geared and were cool mixed in the story of a zone.
I love 1 group content, it's more interesting to me, especially if it would be vanilla-style dungeon content (which we won't see anymore sadly), but compared to raids, dungeons are 10 times the fun. I won't go into which place I loved more etc. I did it so many times, it's just that I prefer to spend a night into a dungeon with a group rather than a raid with 9 to 29 other people. Ok, 10 people grouping is not too bad, still not my kind of content precisely because of the design: it's way too artificial.

If WoW releases with 24 dungeons or even 16 and 8 more in later patches, I'll certainly resubscribe and run them until my eyes bleed, possibly with multiple characters. If they drop the hallway/boss x3 paradigm, I'll welcome that too.

I hate garrisons, honestly. Gathering stuff, crafting, etc. is something I want to do by myself, I always try to be autosufficient with each character where possible (so mining with engineering, herbalism with alchemy, etc.), it was an aspect of each one of my . Free epics every few days is also quite stupid if you ask me. I think that without using sugar coating of any kind, the expression that better describes garrisons for me is "stinky pile of shit".


2 Minutes Hate
I would love to see a xpac that had zero raids and did solely mythic dungeon progression as the high end thing. Then you can toss in some weird super complex keying unlocking mechanism with crazy achievements for the super duper guilds that play 12 hours a day for world firsts.

I had fun with WOD to be honest. Fun until I didn't have fun anymore anyway. The Garrison stuff was interesting with my first 100. Boring with my 2nd. So I never did anything beyond that. I however, loved the followers you can get. The closer you can get to SWTOR's system the better. But sending them out on missions for stuff should just be a menu thing, not a giant 3d world of stupid. I hate crafting and gathering, so I kind of liked that aspect initially, then it became a chore and never did it again.

The raids were awful. This was my first experience with LFR, and I'll never do that again. God damn was that mind numbing. Raiding with the Minivan crew was ok, but I couldn't do Saturdays any more. I might be able to do raiding again another time in the future, but I would like not to. I certainly wouldn't be able to do it unless I was doing it with people I know.

Not sure where I'm going with this, but WOW needs to do a pretty decent overhaul to really get me excited again. WOD was fun probably because I had skipped two expacs and I enjoyed my 2 months back, but it was quickly over. Here's my list of what I'd like to see changed, and I think it's reasonable and not out of the world.

1) Class revamp. I initially like how they combined all the buffs and stuff but they went too far. They need to bring back the uniqueness of play. Boomkin/Demos have interesting and unique mechanics. They should look to bring that to more classes.
2) The longest raid fight should be no more than 5 minutes unless it's a special fight. If it needs to be longer, cut it up into stages that you can insert checkpoints.
3) Gear needs to be reset even more. If everyone is wearing epics at cap, just add another layer (Red gear?) and make it special again.

I think their dungeon design needs to be revamped. I think their storytelling needs to be reigned in. I think their open world needs to be revamped.

The crazy ideas should be to get rid of questing as we know it and mask it with other activities. They've shifting back and forth with quest design over the years from linear lines to cluster questing. Time to shift to something different I think. Other crazy ideas are getting rid of raiding for progression. I'm curious to see how that would play out among the active playerbase. Would there be a riot? I would imagine that most players who raid are using LFR and a smaller number are Normal. Over that the population has to be small.

TLDR: Do something different. WOD was distilled diku to the core, and it was bad, but it was masked by an interesting garrison mechanic that quickly lost it's shine.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Hahahaha! 16 to 24 dungeons, imagine if they would be also useful for progression instead of an afterthought pre-raid. Well, I don't believe it.
If they do it like TBC or wotlk I can sort of see it or at least close to it but they have to go back to having 5 man dungeons be a main progression focus that lasts a while. In WoD dungeons were such an afterthought even though the dungeons this expansion has are really fun and interesting but the loot was horrible. There was no reason to do them more than once to get the INN quests done and the couple parts of the legendary done. They really should have left the gain tokens to save up and purchase LFR level purples or something. As it was it was a lot of art and work that was promptly bypassed after the initial couple days.

Frankly dungeons should probably offer the same gear LFR does or better because frankly dungeons are often harder than LFR is which while not saying much is still a risk vs reward issue. In the past a lot of the 5 mans were pretty hard and maybe we don't need to go all the way back to that but maybe bring at least some of that back would be nice.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
3) Gear needs to be reset even more. If everyone is wearing epics at cap, just add another layer (Red gear?) and make it special again.
Given that the only thing that really matter on gear is ilvl, my suggestion would be:

- If you get it outdoor, it's green quality. Doesn't matter if it is quested, rare dropped, token purchased (except for dungeon/raid tokens gear), follower brought. Solo is green.
- If you get it in a dungeon, it's blue quality.
- If you get it in a raid or challenge/mythic dungeon, it's purple.
- If you get it in a mythic raid, it's orange.



2 Minutes Hate
Well I would like to get rid of the ilevel stuff honestly. I have no idea how to do that though. Maybe start putting procs or whatever back on gear. Probably won't though since the game is so far down that rabbit whole.

As to your idea, I don't like the though of color meaning where it comes from. Doesn't really add any sense of progression or uniqueness if something drops. I think that would increase the boredom.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I really want an alliance-centered expansion. Alliance needs something to make it interesting.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
some old ass leaks for WoD I was referring to:

Wow - Want to know what happens next?

[Possible Leak?] SOLgate

Again, I'm not saying this new xpac leak is real or anything but these make me laugh to think about^
Not to be a kill joy, but the dates on those posts are within a week of the blizzcon where they announced WoD. We're not a week out from an announcement for a new expansion for WoW (hearthstone announcement on weds).


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not to be a kill joy, but the dates on those posts are within a week of the blizzcon where they announced WoD. We're not a week out from an announcement for a new expansion for WoW (hearthstone announcement on weds).
I know it will most likely not happen there, but Gamescom is just 2 weeks away, so maybe ....

Edit: If i were Blizzard, i would drop the name and some artwork of the new expansion at gamescom. Add a funny description like "Prepare yourself, you will be tested like never before!". Make the community speculate and get their minds off the bad WOD 6.2 patch...
Then at Blizzcon do the proper Reveal...


Blizzard's finest hour:

WoW of today makes me sad
that wotlk trailer is probably the best video game trailer ever made



<Silver Donator>
I'm still partial to TBC's cinematic. Both TBC and WOTLK cinematics are greatest of all time though.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
What would the center be? Defias? Bad Elves? Re-re-taking Gnomeragan? Evil Dwarves? Draeni?
They could go pretty much any route they want. Defias could be interesting, although I'm not sure a whole expansion would be doable with them at the center. I imagine the easiest route would be to introduce some internal strife into the Alliance via Kul'Tiras (i.e., Jaina's family). They could also do something with the dwarves and the council of three hammers, maybe some kind of civil war. Gnomes/Troggs are another option, perhaps mixing in some Titan stuff with them reverting back to Mechagnomes or whatever. I think the important thing is that they break the Alliance up a bit, because for a while now they've been really strongly united and there hasn't been any major drama to put that unity in jeopardy.

We've had so much Burning Legion stuff lately that I'd rather them steer clear of Draeni for a while. It was nice to give them a bit of the spotlight again in WoD, but I personally don't think they're all that interesting.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
They could do their own Dark Portal counterpart from alternate universe Azeroth where the Alliance won the planet. It could be like the Justice Lords from the JLU cartoon!