World of Warcraft: Current Year


yayayaya it always comes down to balance and half the time that balance is how to make it work in PvE AND PvP when they still, in my opinion, should just separate the two. But hey I'm not a developer so who cares really lmao.

I'm not too worried about a new class but some new playstyle would be fun. I never got a monk to max level because I hate alts but I did enjoy playing it for as long as I did. I can say for sure though I'm glad they made every spec useful in one way or another. God I do not miss those days lol.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I know I would love to see some different flavors thrown in - but we've circled this conversation a billion times. A tanking rogue or mage.
Any class that would tank in a visually awesome, but not too complex playwise, would be a boon, because we don't get tanks in queue. You'd think that with 4 classes that tank, people would play a bit more tanks. But no. People still think tanking is boring or slightly more difficult to play than 1-2-3-3-3-proc!4-2-3-3-3... (when it's not 1-1-1-1)
say things like they don't want people to play Lock demo or if you play Holy Priest you are doing it wrong.
As a card-carrying member of 10 years of Holy Priesthood, it pisses me off to no end. I'm the only holy of the guild, all the others priests switched to disc, and ... I'm usually Shadow in raid. Because it's better for me to turn Shadow because we've got enough heal, than the disc priest to turn shadow.


Molten Core Raider
It isn't the complexity of tanking mechanics that keep people away; it's the expectation, shared by the playerbase, that the tank is the leader and responsible for the success of the group. Most people are not interested in leading. Mechanical ineptitude certainly doesn't have people shying away from other roles.


Trakanon Raider
Any class that would tank in a visually awesome, but not too complex playwise, would be a boon, because we don't get tanks in queue. You'd think that with 4 classes that tank, people would play a bit more tanks. But no. People still think tanking is boring or slightly more difficult to play than 1-2-3-3-3-proc!4-2-3-3-3... (when it's not 1-1-1-1)
Nah, definitely not that. Blood DK, for example, can be perfectly adequate for 5 mans and world bosses etc, only ever using outbreak, blood boil and death strike. You could probably skip outbreak too.

My vote is on 80% responsibility, and 20% not having any decent feedback on whether you are doing it well or not. Even doing some not very challenging and tedious, dps can still have fun/stroke their epeen on how awesome their damage meters are. Tank is kinda limited to acting like a retard*, pulling 5 trash packs at once, kiting boss toward next boss etc.

* Yes, yes, they may be able to handle it fine, my point is that is also what retards do.


Potato del Grande
You're right really, how in 10+ years we've only managed to get 2 new classes is kind of ridiculous to me. I guess we at least got new races which is cool but eh.
They are obsessed with balance, everything has to be perfectly equal. So they end up wasting half their time rewriting working systems, how many classes have we had if you take in account total rewrites of existing classes/specs? 50?

Actually the imbalanced stuff makes the game memorable, I still remember how fun it was being a mana battery as a Shadow Priest in TBC before they took it away from us because it "wasn't fair" to other classes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Other games have weird concepts, such as "support does less dps than pure" or ranged does less than melee and so on and so forth, WoW went for the route of "let's make 3 classes, then we change cosmetics".
Of course they never get the balance right, sometimes tanks are fucked up (Brewmaster?), sometimes healers (disc is often called in), etc.

I don't know, I wouldn't try to reinvent the wheel with every xpack.


<Bronze Donator>
You'd think that with 4 classes that tank, people would play a bit more tanks. But no. People still think tanking is boring or slightly more difficult to play than 1-2-3-3-3-proc!4-2-3-3-3... (when it's not 1-1-1-1)
You'll understand why once you try to level a tank by relying only on the dungeon finder and random groups. Not only is everyone expecting you to lead, you'll also have to deal with the incompetent and the lazy (not telling you they don't have a clue about the bosses), and as an added bonus people who despise you for the simple fact that you are "leading" them. Because you obviously are not their dad, and don't you ever tell them how to live their life and/or play their class (or even tell them which way to go in a dungeon).


Actually the imbalanced stuff makes the game memorable, I still remember how fun it was being a mana battery as a Shadow Priest in TBC before they took it away from us because it "wasn't fair" to other classes.
I definitely agree there. PoM Pyro mage during vanilla was the silliest shit I ever did in this game. That was the only time I wasn't running a healer and 1shotting flag carriers cause double trink + pom pyro was doing like quadruple the amount of health of anyone but tanks lol


Molten Core Raider
Easy to make classes have a fourth/tank spec like druids & warriors: combat rogue, frost mage (shield based?), demo lock, enh shaman, bm hunter tank. They'll never do it because for some reason warcraft is afraid to evolve mechanically, but it would be a nice change of pace for them to bring the classes forward.


Lord Nagafen Raider
At this point I think people would play new "classes" that were just clones of the old ones with reskinned/text abilities.

Why not make a hunter that uses monk chi that can heal. Or let paladins use a 2h and shield to tank (crusader, duhhhhh).

I feel bad for all these warlocks man. I haven't seen many of them at all since the MoP overhaul and when you did they were the one in my guild is having a hell of a time switching to one of the other specs and his dps is dog shit.

We finally went 12/23H on Monday Mannoroth to a 2% wipe because people are having trouble with the fears in the last phase. I honestly don't know who sold their soul to the devil for that Tyrant Velhari kill, but thanksbro.


Potato del Grande
Easy to make classes have a fourth/tank spec like druids & warriors: combat rogue, frost mage (shield based?), demo lock, enh shaman, bm hunter tank. They'll never do it because for some reason warcraft is afraid to evolve mechanically, but it would be a nice change of pace for them to bring the classes forward.
Remember when a new skill enabled Warlocks to tank for a beta patch? They shat themselves and nerfed it to oblivion, even though everyone was enjoying it.


<Bronze Donator>
I feel bad for all these warlocks man. I haven't seen many of them at all since the MoP overhaul and when you did they were the one in my guild is having a hell of a time switching to one of the other specs and his dps is dog shit.
The 3 warlock specs play pretty different from one another and after playing a whole raid tier as one spec and one spec only, it's taken some time to get used to something new. Tack on that the resource management there was just a lot of fun and..well...yeah, there's some adjustment.

The other lock in our static group plays Aff full time. He's very good at it and does competitive DPS using it in pretty much every encounter. Last night though, after the round of hotfixes went in, he was just destroying the meters. Hit a couple top 20 ranks on warcraftlogs. If things stay that way I'm thinking Aff becomes the preferred spec on 4 or 5 of the HFC encounters rather than just council.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>

Dude says he's making these to eventually put in a VR environment. Not sure if/when Blizz would shut that down, but for now it's neat to see what WoW could look like if they completely changed engines.


FPS noob
i never played eq (too busy working and makin moneyz) and when i played wow it was basically after I was "done" with life (married/kids) so its kinda sad/depressing to read stories like this, was this a thing with EQ? This dude has played wow for 11 years, since he was 6, and its basically his home. that seems so fucked up to me
The real reason I play WoW still. : wow


Yeah it happened in EQ, just not as much since not as many played EQ overall. I remember hearing clips from Teamspeak of some kid raging over getting kicked out of his guild, he started crying and saying that was all he had in his life or something at some point.


Trakanon Raider
I don't remember any kids that young (in 99-04 anyway). I think the youngest kid I ever played with was 11. I did play with a lot of bad parents though and with people of all ages who had fucked up real life situations or who were battling depression/anxiety; even addiction and played as a way to escape. I was actually pretty shocked at first to find out how fucked up and broke a lot of these people were. Because I've always considered a game as part of my disposable income. If I had ever gotten to a point where I didn't have the extra money, games were the first thing to go. A lot of these guys were barely paying rent and electricity and were sustaining themselves on RMT plat sales, PLing guildies for money or often just taking straight handouts. You can actually find stories of shit like this all over this forum it was so common.