World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I know it will most likely not happen there, but Gamescom is just 2 weeks away, so maybe ....

Edit: If i were Blizzard, i would drop the name and some artwork of the new expansion at gamescom. Add a funny description like "Prepare yourself, you will be tested like never before!". Make the community speculate and get their minds off the bad WOD 6.2 patch...
Then at Blizzcon do the proper Reveal...
I think they announced D3 at Gamescom so it's possible. That'd be pretty cool. Announce expac in two weeks. Cinematic at Blizzcon. Release by Christmas? I know it's a pipe dream but that'd be pretty awesome if it happened.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I doubt that will happen but it would be one of the few ways they could potentially avoid another 14+ month long gap in content. This last patch for wow is NOT going to maintain subs for 12 months if there is nothing else this expansion.


<Bronze Donator>
I really like the pre-Highmaul WoD, obviously it was fresh then, but I love having dungeons as a different path of useful progression. Love the idea of Mythic dungeons, but just no point in running them if the gear is worse than fucking LFR.

Pretty much agree in full with what Draeg said a few pages back. Also some rumblings of that they started working on this xpac immediately, its not out of this world we could have a Jan release.


Love the idea of Mythic dungeons, but just no point in running them if the gear is worse than fucking LFR.
Don't know where you read that, or if you just assumed it.

Mythic dungeon loot is 685, which is what LFR wing bosses drop. More than half of LFR loot is 675 though. If the Mythic dungeon loot rolls warforged, it bumps up to 705, the top level of normal raid and base level of heroic raid loot.


Trakanon Raider
I really like the pre-Highmaul WoD, obviously it was fresh then, but I love having dungeons as a different path of useful progression. Love the idea of Mythic dungeons, but just no point in running them if the gear is worse than fucking LFR.

Pretty much agree in full with what Draeg said a few pages back. Also some rumblings of that they started working on this xpac immediately, its not out of this world we could have a Jan release.
Is anybody really expecting Blizzard to release something in a timely fashion after all these years ?


<Bronze Donator>
Don't know where you read that, or if you just assumed it.

Mythic dungeon loot is 685, which is what LFR wing bosses drop. More than half of LFR loot is 675 though. If the Mythic dungeon loot rolls warforged, it bumps up to 705, the top level of normal raid and base level of heroic raid loot.
I stand corrected, either way its still garbage that BRF heroic and on loot is just as good if not better. Be nice if they made Mythic dungeons as difficult as the current heroic tier raid.

Is anybody really expecting Blizzard to release something in a timely fashion after all these years ?
"Expecting", no. Hoping, yes.Blizzard at Gamescom Aug. 5-9th: Community"... where you'll be able to play our latest titles, including Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void, Overwatch, andWorld of Warcraft." So who knows, maybe.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Don't know where you read that, or if you just assumed it.

Mythic dungeon loot is 685, which is what LFR wing bosses drop. More than half of LFR loot is 675 though. If the Mythic dungeon loot rolls warforged, it bumps up to 705, the top level of normal raid and base level of heroic raid loot.
Definitely equal efforts involved in the acquisition process *rolleyes*. Let's face it, wow is a raid-or-die game, everything else is just tacked on as an afterthought. I never did mythic dungeons because I unsubbed earlier, but if they are challenge mode style, my guess is that they are mostly about stacking the right classes. If they are so mythic, why don't they give mythic loot? Are they scared people would just not raid anymore? Wouldn't this speak volumes about their raiding model?

Oh well, WoW is what it is, a shadow of its former self. Next xpack will get another 2 or 3 months from me I guess. It's good that they think about night elves as a centerpiece for their next expansion. They are my favourite race after all.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I know it will most likely not happen there, but Gamescom is just 2 weeks away, so maybe ....
The real flag for an announce comes just before, when they register the trademark before anyone can nip it from them, but late enough that it doesn't spoil the announce too much.

Sometimes, you get confused (The Dark Below), but if there's an announce, we'll know it because it's the Internet, and someone is always combing the TM registry for announces.
I think they announced D3 at Gamescom so it's possible.
D3 was announced at Paris Blizzard Invitational. I was in the room when the guy started the guitar for the theme

Mythic dungeon loot is 685, which is what LFR wing bosses drop. More than half of LFR loot is 675 though. If the Mythic dungeon loot rolls warforged, it bumps up to 705, the top level of normal raid and base level of heroic raid loot.
The real competition is the Baleful gear, where you can roll your best stats combo, then raise it to 695. Forget your badly itemized LFR/normal loot...


Yeah, I already maxed out on Baleful gear except a shield (why wouldn't they add offhands wtf?). I want to do mythic dungeons even if there's no reason for me to do them at this point unless I get warforged shit and.. eh whatever. I do however enjoy doing dungeons so might get some groups going soon.

Also, got to kill Gorefiend tonight and I actually really liked that boss. It was fun as fuck for me, even with the ton of raidwide damage as a holypally lol.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I never did mythic dungeons because I unsubbed earlier, but if they are challenge mode style,
They're basically heroic dungeons, tuned for a minimum ilvl 660+ players. You don't have timers or capped gear, but you've got hard patrols everywhere and you definitively don't overgear the bosses.


2 Minutes Hate
I think I would actually come back for the xpac if they released a new class. When I came back for WOD I rolled a Monk because I had never played one. I actually enjoyed the class for the most part.

How Warcraft doesn't have a half dozen other new classes yet is beyond me. It has to be multitudes easier now to balance with how baseline everything is these days. Especially if you could sell new classes for $10 like they do in Heroes of the Storm.


You're right really, how in 10+ years we've only managed to get 2 new classes is kind of ridiculous to me. I guess we at least got new races which is cool but eh.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Granted everything is coming down to a "baseline" but it still requires a shit ton of tuning, I would imagine. Not to mention, tier sets, individual quests for that class etc. I know I would love to see some different flavors thrown in - but we've circled this conversation a billion times. A tanking rogue or mage. Support classes that are something other than healers. If they just did a few classes from some of the popular moba's, I would be excited.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Heh, need Jungler, tank derivative that spends the whole fight farming add-packs.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
And they do try their best to make every class's spec feel different than the others. Hell, that uniqueness causes them to say things like they don't want people to play Lock demo or if you play Holy Priest you are doing it wrong.

Regardless, we are due for a new class or heavy revamps to other classes. Every class should have a non-dps spec imo.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
But then Billy The Rogue would be expected to do something other than be melee DPS #5 on fights that really hate melee DPS. And that would be a negative play experience.