World of Warcraft: Current Year


Molten Core Raider
I don't remember any kids that young (in 99-04 anyway). I think the youngest kid I ever played with was 11. I did play with a lot of bad parents though and with people of all ages who had fucked up real life situations or who were battling depression/anxiety; even addiction and played as a way to escape. I was actually pretty shocked at first to find out how fucked up and broke a lot of these people were. Because I've always considered a game as part of my disposable income. If I had ever gotten to a point where I didn't have the extra money, games were the first thing to go. A lot of these guys were barely paying rent and electricity and were sustaining themselves on RMT plat sales, PLing guildies for money or often just taking straight handouts. You can actually find stories of shit like this all over this forum it was so common.
This is more of what I remember. When I joined the local uberguild after my family guild fell apart, I saw even more of it. People with kids under 10 that would spend the whole day on the game camping something. I felt bad for the kids.


I know I'm a few days late on the 6.2.1 Patch Note(s) but...

Patch 6.2.1 PTR Patch Notes - World of Warcraft

Players will be able to act as a mercenary for the opposite faction in PvP whenever your faction is experiencing a long wait time to get into Ashran or unrated Battlegrounds. Agents of the enemy faction will appear in your base in Ashran (Stormshield for the Alliance, Warspear for the Horde) and allow you to enter Ashran or Battlegrounds disguised as an enemy player, and actually fight as the opposite faction.
Okay so now they've officially broken the "war"craft lore, what is the reason that I can't PvE with my alliance friends yet? I find this pretty cool honestly and I like the idea, maybe I'll finally win my first BG since playing WoD? lmao. I'd like to just play with whoever I want to play with though at this point.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well technically not yet because when you queue as a merc when you get into a match you are a member of the opposite team with the racial ability to go with it. It is them trying really really hard to throw some last figleaves over war craft lore although really given we have had three expansions back to back where alliance and horde closely cooperated to the point the horde helped us invade their capital city I don't see any need for any justification at this point.


Lord Nagafen Raider
i never played eq (too busy working and makin moneyz) and when i played wow it was basically after I was "done" with life (married/kids) so its kinda sad/depressing to read stories like this, was this a thing with EQ? This dude has played wow for 11 years, since he was 6, and its basically his home. that seems so fucked up to me
The real reason I play WoW still. : wow
The life of that kid is fucked up, mainly due to a shitty family environment. Getting deeply into a game was his escape from reality and while not the most healthy habit in the world, it's certainly better than becoming a junkie of different nature or getting neckdeep into criminal activities.
The good thing, all considered, is that he found a way to stick around instead of suiciding and maybe something good will come out of this "coming out" (yeah, maybe). I've met my share of weird people, some even talked about their life after some time we played together, some I could motivate to do better things in life than crying, some were much less reachable. For sure there is never a shortage of fucked up people in online games (or anywhere).


Lord Nagafen Raider
I know I'm a few days late on the 6.2.1 Patch Note(s) but...

Patch 6.2.1 PTR Patch Notes - World of Warcraft

Okay so now they've officially broken the "war"craft lore, what is the reason that I can't PvE with my alliance friends yet? I find this pretty cool honestly and I like the idea, maybe I'll finally win my first BG since playing WoD? lmao. I'd like to just play with whoever I want to play with though at this point.
Dude, immersion. When you go merc mode you're playing with an illlllluuuuuuuuuuusion!

No but seriously, there's a farm in the middle of nowhere that must be held by the alliance or an old god will rise up and destroy everyone. Also we're all fucking retarded and only people like Green Jesus can speak in every language. God Forbid me, a hero of the motherfucking galaxy and TIMEWAYS make a comment to a member of the horde....or even assist one of them who is getting killed by a monster out in the wild frontier.

*Touching on locks again: We picked up a new lock recruit last night and he absolutely shit all over our other warlock who was always demo. In fact he shit all over most of our other I will amend my earlier statement and say our old warlock is just a lazy fuck.

Also, strength fel cleave trinket on a prot warrior for trash is hilarious fun. I was doing 200k dps on the blood portal room much fun.


Lord Nagafen Raider
By the way. We're still looking to pick up another healer with a dps offspec.

Raid 8:30pm - 12am EST Wednesday, Sunday, Monday
12/13H HFC
(Not like these matter anymore, but I'll list them)
6/10M BRF
6/7M HM

Alliance - Turalyon

We have some guys that like to say "Wakandan" and shit like that, white boys, so if that bothers you either don't contact me or be comfortable using global mute in vent. You basically just need to hear the raid leader (my co-tank) anyway, and he doesn't say anything like that. Everyone else is fine, we're a bunch of sarcastic buttholes. We have one woman, my wife, who is the GM. So there's no breathy tumblr bitches on vent talking about dicks trying to get boys to buy them mounts and shit.


Trakanon Raider
*Touching on locks again: We picked up a new lock recruit last night and he absolutely shit all over our other warlock who was always demo. In fact he shit all over most of our other I will amend my earlier statement and say our old warlock is just a lazy fuck.
Got some logs? I've been hauled back to play and got asked to gear up my alt lock, and I can't for the life of me pull decent dps with these raids so far.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Got some logs? I've been hauled back to play and got asked to gear up my alt lock, and I can't for the life of me pull decent dps with these raids so far.
Sure, Vidual is the new guy. Hoyber is the old guy. This is our 11/13H log from last night. People were being retarded on Tyrant at the end of the night. Also didn't log first boss because who gives a shit, and Vidual was lagging so we went without him for Iron Reaver.

Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft


Vyemm Raider
Anyone else have their legendary ring? Curious on how its supposed to work. My dps ring says it is supposed to awaken other Savage Hallows rings but i know it triggers the priest ring and cooldown as does the priest ring triggering the dps ring.


<Bronze Donator>
Hoyber isn't putting any focus into Shadowburn on adds or timing AE. Big dick Warlock DPS comes from sniping adds in execute range (with Havoc up on boss) and timing Dark Soul cooldowns with AE phases. Adds die quick. Lots of classes do big AE and a lot of them can instantly start it.

For example, the hands on Kormrok, both Warlocks should be ready at the start of grasping with 4 embers and F&B up so you can get two AE Chaos Bolts into those packs. You don't prep like that, all those hands die without you doing shit to them. The Vid dude does 3 million damage to the hands. The other guy 700k. Add 2.3 million to Hoy's damage done and he actually ends up above the other guy. This is the only difference between the two on that fight. One guy timing an AE phase that lasts maybe 6 seconds and the other not.

On Gorefiend, Vid gets 26 executes off vs Hoy's 8 and neither of them are leveraging Havoc (which duplicates Shadowburn damage on the boss), but it's again a simple thing that just takes a little effort. Add the 2 million damage Hoy is missing out on skipping that and he's right up there with the other lock.

The one thing I would say though is this stuff, the AE/add's meter padding. One warlock missing out on a CB on the grasping hands neuters his overall DPS, but it's not like there is any threat whatsoever to those hands not getting blown up by everyone else. The Shadowburn is a bigger deal because you generate embers using it on adds (plus boss havoc damage), but even then the actual add damage is all happening on low HP mobs under 20%. Those are probably getting killed just fine by the rest of the raid anyway. The Hoy guy actually does more boss damage on Kormrok.

I think both of these guys are playing ok. Ultimately you want to see people push higher, because it means they're so comfortable with the fight/class/rotation they can focus on the extra things. The people capable of this are ultimately going to be better players, but the lower lock on these fights isn't hurting your team at all other than everyone just noticing he's so much lower, but it really is mostly on lower priority damage.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone else have their legendary ring? Curious on how its supposed to work. My dps ring says it is supposed to awaken other Savage Hallows rings but i know it triggers the priest ring and cooldown as does the priest ring triggering the dps ring.
The way it's supposed to work, is one person of each "class type" hits the ring and it procs the cooldown on all of them. So if I'm tanking and I hit my ring, it procs both my ring AND the other tank. If a dps hits HIS ring, it procs them all, healer does it and so on and so forth.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hoyber isn't putting any focus into Shadowburn on adds or timing AE. Big dick Warlock DPS comes from sniping adds in execute range (with Havoc up on boss) and timing Dark Soul cooldowns with AE phases. Adds die quick. Lots of classes do big AE and a lot of them can instantly start it.

For example, the hands on Kormrok, both Warlocks should be ready at the start of grasping with 4 embers and F&B up so you can get two AE Chaos Bolts into those packs. You don't prep like that, all those hands die without you doing shit to them. The Vid dude does 3 million damage to the hands. The other guy 700k. Add 2.3 million to Hoy's damage done and he actually ends up above the other guy. This is the only difference between the two on that fight. One guy timing an AE phase that lasts maybe 6 seconds and the other not.

On Gorefiend, Vid gets 26 executes off vs Hoy's 8 and neither of them are leveraging Havoc (which duplicates Shadowburn damage on the boss), but it's again a simple thing that just takes a little effort. Add the 2 million damage Hoy is missing out on skipping that and he's right up there with the other lock.

The one thing I would say though is this stuff, the AE/add's meter padding. One warlock missing out on a CB on the grasping hands neuters his overall DPS, but it's not like there is any threat whatsoever to those hands not getting blown up by everyone else. The Shadowburn is a bigger deal because you generate embers using it on adds (plus boss havoc damage), but even then the actual add damage is all happening on low HP mobs under 20%. Those are probably getting killed just fine by the rest of the raid anyway. The Hoy guy actually does more boss damage on Kormrok.

I think both of these guys are playing ok. Ultimately you want to see people push higher, because it means they're so comfortable with the fight/class/rotation they can focus on the extra things. The people capable of this are ultimately going to be better players, but the lower lock on these fights isn't hurting your team at all other than everyone just noticing he's so much lower, but it really is mostly on lower priority damage.
Oh I know, Hoyber is a good player and was the MT in a server first vanilla guild. His warrior has ashbringer and all that shit. When demo was the god spec, he did great. This is the first expansion he's raided with us on his warlock so I think he just hasn't had much practice with destro of affliction yet. He's been improving though.


Vyemm Raider
The way it's supposed to work, is one person of each "class type" hits the ring and it procs the cooldown on all of them. So if I'm tanking and I hit my ring, it procs both my ring AND the other tank. If a dps hits HIS ring, it procs them all, healer does it and so on and so forth.
Ok so then its bugged atm, b/c 1 ring rules them all! Quite literally.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah. Based on those logs maybe he just doesn't realize how big of a deal Havoc + Shadowburn is or how much of a DPS increase it is to focus on AE packs that really don't make a huge difference in the overall fight. His boss damage is fine all around.

I'm in a similar position. Guild had me switch from Shaman to Warlock in the middle of BRF (I wanted too as well, Ele Shaman is boring) and by the end of that tier i was rocking demo pretty well. Just a learning curve with specs I've never touched before.

Doing pretty well with demo now I just end up looking bad compared to this other guy that always plays Aff. He's not only one of the best Aff Warlocks I've ever seen but just one of the better overall players too. Only fights I top him on are the obvious destro ones like Iskar and Socrethar. He just kills it with Aff otherwise.


I might actually be joining a friends raiding guild for the first time since.. early wrath. They don't really need another holy or prot pally so I'm considering maybe a shaman. Why is everyone hating on ele shaman so much lately like everywhere I look? Is it that bad? wtf. I see some ele shamans wrecking shit in dungeons and LFR but obviously those aren't a really good thing to base anything off of.

I'm sort of sad though, I've put so much work into my paladin but the only spec I really enjoy on it is healing, which I mean I've been playing heals in MMOs since vanilla beta lol. But.. so many reps grinded out and achievements and gold. I feel like I'm leaving so much behind just starting a new character on a new server. Ehhhhhhhhh


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ele shaman wreck add fights. They are elite on Assault, Kormrok, Xhul, Iskar, Mann, and Archi. Solid on Kilrogg, Council, and Soc. Weak on single target or low add fights. They are in a pretty good place post hotfix buff this week.


Well, only one way to figure out if I liked them or not and go and level one. I'm probably just going to end up healing or back playing my paladin within a few weeks, but fuck it. Changing it up a bit.