World of Warcraft: Current Year


<Bronze Donator>
Ele shams are fine I just thought the class was incredibly boring. Very, very simple rotation. Zero utility. The only thing even slightly difficult about them is they're a turret class so you just need to know when movement happens in an encounter.


what Suineg set it to
IMO fuck new races, new classes are at least interesting. The race BS is exciting for 10-15 levels. There's nothing wrong with more races but they are the same "tier" of content because of animations story etc yet provide basically an opportunity for a $25 Dolezal for most players instead of a whole new set of three trees to master over an entire expack cycle.


Lord Nagafen Raider
IMO fuck new races, new classes are at least interesting. The race BS is exciting for 10-15 levels. There's nothing wrong with more races but they are the same "tier" of content because of animations story etc yet provide basically an opportunity for a $25 Dolezal for most players instead of a whole new set of three trees to master over an entire expack cycle.
I'd find new class more exciting if they could balance the ones they already have, which they can't.


2 Minutes Hate
All the classes are balanced for the most part. Your balance issues all reside in a 10% swing in performance in the high end raid game.

Who cares about super balance. Just make fun game play.


Blackwing Lair Raider
They are probably about as balanced as you are ever likely to get short of making a single class. If there are any differences from class to class there are going to be situations where one performs a bit better at that job. They seem to do a pretty good job of bumping performance if something is clearly under performing and you can take any spec to a raid and work with it. If you are doing bleeding edge content under geared then you may min max a bit but overall its not necessary.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Therein lies the problem. I raid at a "higher" level, albeit slowly this tier waiting for the rest of my raid to stop licking balls, but that 10% swing is huge in my everyday gaming. Not only is it infuriating that classes like BRM monk can run wild for so long, but they have also destroyed what used to be fun PvP.

I agree that they need to make fun gameplay, but this like the ShitYard do not bode well for the direction they're going.


The most fun I've had with any class was when they were at their LEAST balanced. PoM Pyro mage, original DKs, Ret/Prot pally in early WotLK, Disc priest in Cata, Enh Shammy before lava lash.

Fuck your balance, make the game fun again.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Agreed. And having shitty classes creates a natural habitat for the hipsters and terrible players to dwell in where they can blame their mediocrity on class design and/or pat themselves on the back for doing well because "people just don't understand how to play this class right, unlike my special snowflake arse."


Lord Nagafen Raider
From a strictly tanking point of view I realize that there has to be some sort of something that makes each tanking spec different. I get that, really.

But when you have some abilities that are just blatantly OP as fuck and other specs have abilities and cd's that are mediocre in comparison it's just a real shitter.


Potato del Grande
The most fun I've had with any class was when they were at their LEAST balanced. PoM Pyro mage, original DKs, Ret/Prot pally in early WotLK, Disc priest in Cata, Enh Shammy before lava lash.

Fuck your balance, make the game fun again.
A big part of me not resubbing for new patch and doing FF14 instead was the Pandaria era Disc Priest atonement healing being destroyed for "balance". Just make the other healers as good or have equivalent super gimmicks, rather than make everything boring.

I hardly played Cataclysm either because they destroyed the TBC Shadow Priest health/mana batteries. WHY.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For shadow priests, because they moved to bring the player, not the class. Now, whether that was a good or bad change is up for debate. I think it was a good change in theory, but they went too far in homogenizing the classes.


what Suineg set it to
The only time I really consider coming back between expacks is when they make a major revamp of a talent tree that piques my interest. On the same level, if they offered new 'skins' IE dark iron dwarves or something, would I want to resub? Meh. I dunno, I guess I find the gameplay interactions of a new (or overhauled) class/spec far more interesting than cosmetics and a few racial skills. Part of it is 'newness' the other part is 'break it first' sort of thing. From someone who has been in top 10 guilds, without wanting to put in the time anymore, a little burst of investment into 'the next new hotness' gets you back up there - I've typically always been in the top of new classes each time they've been released because it's fun being at the forefront once again for a little while.


Vyemm Raider
They have a poll up asking what your favorite WoD dungeon boss is. I actually felt kind of bad that I could barely name the dungeons much less the bosses. It's not like I didn't run them either, I just haven't run them since that first month. I can still tell you my favorite dungeon bosses from BC and WotLK though. It felt like those dungeons directly let into the raids with their back story and lore. You actually knew why you were killing raid bosses. Hell, even with the journal I don't know how most of the WoD raid bosses fit into the story.

I know there were a lot of things not to like about the way dungeons were a forced part of the game back then, but I wish they could find some reason to at least occasionally go back other then these fake rep weekends.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I loved MoP dungeons. I thought they were the best dungeons the game has ever released on a level of fun and repeat-ability. I am also not a big fan of sprawling dungeons with tons of trash in WoW. In Skyrim type games, all in though.

I could not say much about the dungeons in WoD. There really isn't a reason to run them, even when you hit 100 (especially now). Also, orc exhaustion is real.


<Bronze Donator>
Really enjoyed the dungeons in WoD, but as stated there is absolutely no reason to run them. They could really do themselves & players a service by making dungeon gameplay actually worth a shit again. Know multiple people who say they'd resub if they had good dungeons to do on the weekend.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Let's see: There's Ner'Zhul, the giant man-chicken, Warlord Zaela from UBRS, the train bitch that throws spears, the boat gronn, teron gorefiend...that's all of them right?