World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I did a check on INPI (French IP office), but their front base is only updated during Friday. Anything registered in the afternoon or after wouldn't show until end of week. But no Council of Glades registered by Blizzard EU yet.

Also missing in the "hoax" reasons is that the IP number "allocated" to the Council of Glades is the one for Warlords of Draenor, the guy simply copied the page and changed it, and forgot to change that.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Best thread on mmo champ:Just Warlords Things¯\_(?)_/¯

Warlords of Draenor having only one content patch and it being its last patch.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Killed the first 5 guilds I was in.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Announce Grom as final boss JK IT'S ACTUALLY ARCHIMONDE
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Delay launch raids and increase their ilvl to create a new tier.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Ability Squish was used as an excuse to simplify / dumb down the classes even more.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Make faction capitals that are unique but don't use them.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

every fight is sleepmode for 8 min and last 2 min is a shit show on acid
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

"We don't want you playing Demonology"
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

NO Flying ever...............okay flying is back
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Good guy blizzard giving me lots of time to play awesome single player games again.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Give mages and hunters raid CDs only to take them away within the same expansion.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

6.2 is not the last patch!! 6.2.x is now on the PTR introducing things that were meant to be in 6.2, but we ran out of time even though we've been working on 6.2 since November last year.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

"Invading" Tanaan Jungle with a single, unarmed transport ship, killing 2 - 3 NPC's and running up a road.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Slaughtering your lore, just as you slaughter the orcs.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Adding shipyard that has like 2 missions worth doing a week.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Making new character models, full of clipping and glitches.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Obnoxious devs with lowest possible understanding of "player desire" and "gameplay" and "actual content" running, once most beloved gaming company for many of us.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Tried to murder an entire race and turn their bones into a road; got off scot-free.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

2/3 of semi-hardcore guilds on server died because of removing 10-man mythic format. Your guild died too.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Tried to start a war and conquer an entire more advanced and populated planet when I can't even conquer my own planet AND start a war with the evil overlords of the universe all at the same time because some random Orc who said he was from the future told me to do it.
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings

Calling your customers 'cynical' after 30% quit
?\_(?)_/? #JustWarlordThings


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That really did sum up what ranks as the worst expansion. The good news is that many other games are being tried because this one is just boring. It makes me wish they had never put in the time tokens but they had to do it or the investors would have seen the truth of it all. This way they can still say "Some Million" are still playing despite that many have stopped.


<Bronze Donator>
I just recently reached a point where it wasn't worth the 24k gold to play the game. Figured I was at least better off talking to the walls in my house than logging in for 10 min every other day and see stuff that is not my last two pieces of Dreadnaught on the BMAH.

Once guys in the guild that had 5-10 alts with raid gear, farming 250 mounts achieve weekly, some even being pet battle whores turned off their sub (which I hadn't seen them ever do)... figured it was about that time.


That really did sum up what ranks as the worst expansion. The good news is that many other games are being tried because this one is just boring. It makes me wish they had never put in the time tokens but they had to do it or the investors would have seen the truth of it all. This way they can still say "Some Million" are still playing despite that many have stopped.
I'd personally still rate Cataclysm as worse, but purely because the 90 - 100 content in WoD was better than the 80 - 85 in Cata, but it's pretty sodding close. It's like the Live team was asleep for a year, or something. All the people who bitched about MoP look bloody stupid about now though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'd personally still rate Cataclysm as worse, but purely because the 90 - 100 content in WoD was better than the 80 - 85 in Cata, but it's pretty sodding close. It's like the Live team was asleep for a year, or something. All the people who bitched about MoP look bloody stupid about now though.
Just because something is shittier doesn't mean the other thing wasn't shit. I still think this is because they must have moved a ton of people over to Titan and then to Overwatch to salvage that clusterfuck. They have been playing catch up ever since. If they can get this next XPAC out in a timely fashion then the transition to more XPACS faster and less content patches will be a huge bonus for the players. That's a huge fucking if though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Reading that thread, a signature catched my eye:

Another thing that gets me is the general chat when inside the Garrison. It totally reminds me of every prison film I've ever watched. The prisoners confined to their cells are talking to each other through the walls. Their chat is mostly pointless, vulgar and revolving around stuff they'll do once they get out. This is EXACTLY the content of every Garrison chat I've ever had to tolerate.
Oh, I loved MoP. Pretty much up there with vanilla and wotlk in my opinion.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'd personally still rate Cataclysm as worse, but purely because the 90 - 100 content in WoD was better than the 80 - 85 in Cata, but it's pretty sodding close. It's like the Live team was asleep for a year, or something. All the people who bitched about MoP look bloody stupid about now though.
I would agree cata was just a mess. This expansion if they can actually get another one turned around without a year + gap actually is not bad. My biggest problem is most of the stuff after the initial release of the expansion was either stuff already done in beta for it or a zone that was already there and one raid. That is pretty meager extra content for an expansion if they can't turn the next one around fast.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Reading that thread, a signature catched my eye:

Oh, I loved MoP. Pretty much up there with vanilla and wotlk in my opinion.
The only knock I had against MoP was the huge gap after the expansion content was done for WOD but thats more a knock against wod being delayed than MOP.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm sad that MoP's introduction of the Participation Grind Prize Legendary is going to be standardized going forward.


Really enjoyed the dungeons in WoD, but as stated there is absolutely no reason to run them. They could really do themselves & players a service by making dungeon gameplay actually worth a shit again. Know multiple people who say they'd resub if they had good dungeons to do on the weekend.
There's not even a reason to run Mythic dungeons.. I love running dungeons, I really do. But there's absolutely no reward for it aside from the minor amount of gold that isn't enough to make me want to queue heroics unless the bonus satchel thing is active. But why would they release mythic dungeons and have them be 10 ilvl under the Tanaan items you can get when they're way harder than anything in Tanaan? Not only that there's NO new gear in the dungeons really. It's just a bump up upgrade. w/e though

I'm holding out on hope that WoD was just testing grounds for the future and blizzard has to know everyone has been upset with this expansion since like the 2nd or 3rd month in. They can't be completely oblivious to the internet hate-train based around this xpac. I still love the game but it's boring as fuck and I would never pay a sub again if those tokens didn't exist.


Potato del Grande
Oh, I loved MoP. Pretty much up there with vanilla and wotlk in my opinion.
MoP was superb other than Warlords making it's last patch be out for too long.

Cataclysm's leveling was garbage and starting dungeons too hard after class redesigns, it actually had new races and content patches though unlike Warlords. I'll go with Warlords being the worst since I never resubbed for a content patch.


Tranny Chaser
Its not quite a year since Warlords released and I still feel like the entirety of WoD is just a Caverns of Time content patch. I felt like something was really happening in Mists of Pandaria, probably because every bit of it was something fresh and new, but with Wrathion's quest to tie it all back into the larger narrative.

WoD has never felt 'real' to me. The whole thing is just a retelling of Warcraft wank fest with way the hell too many orcs. I will give them some credit for fleshing out the Dranei and making them seem like a much more viable part of the overall story, but after Shadowmoon is done the rest of the Draenei contribution can be boiled down to Yrel making a cameo appearance in a cutscene.

Khadgar got a shave and a haircut and turned into a grizzled badass, which was also nice as it sets him up as a good neutral Mage now that Jaina has gone batshit insane, but I still have a stronger feel for Lorewalker Cho than I do any of the featured NPCs in WoD.

My only hope is that the entirety of WoD was just a gap-filler as they worked behind the scenes on something truly epic that was going to take more time to get right and that we will see such a thing RELEASED later this year. There is no way this game can survive another 12+ month content gap, especially with the current content as the pinnacle.


Blackwing Lair Raider
MoP was superb other than Warlords making it's last patch be out for too long.

Cataclysm's leveling was garbage and starting dungeons too hard after class redesigns, it actually had new races and content patches though unlike Warlords. I'll go with Warlords being the worst since I never resubbed for a content patch.
Yup MOP had a new class and a new race and was a pretty huge questing areas with good content additions over time with some fun raids. It also had a very cohesive theme unlike cata and it was a very beautiful area. The only mild knock against it was WOD got delayed 6 months so it had a really big content gap at the end that got people burned out but the expansion itself and the patches for it all seemed pretty good.

If they really can go 1 expansion a year or say 1 expansion every 15 months then having only one major mid patch content drop is probably okay but you have to prove you can hit those marks before people are going to be confident.


Vyemm Raider
I like how they forgot to tell us why the fuck Garrosh was ever even brought into the past in the first place.


Molten Core Raider
I'm sad that MoP's introduction of the Participation Grind Prize Legendary is going to be standardized going forward.
They're a good thing tbqh. Something to pursue and a reason people will queue for LFR the entire expansion cycle.


Molten Core Raider
I like how they forgot to tell us why the fuck Garrosh was ever even brought into the past in the first place.
Something about Wrathion and that bronze dragon that dies in Nagrand dickin around trying to prepare for the legion or something. Possibly fel corruption