World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Something about Wrathion and that bronze dragon that dies in Nagrand dickin around trying to prepare for the legion or something. Possibly fel corruption
If you didn't read the novel,War Crimes, yup, you missed the whole stuff and only got a glimpse of that in a couple of Nagrand quests. I know they say they use various media to tell their stories, but in this case, you completely miss everything if you don't go outside of the game itself. Which is bad.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They're a good thing tbqh. Something to pursue and a reason people will queue for LFR the entire expansion cycle.
The current implementation is bad though because it is so alt unfriendly. Unlocking it on one character should unlock a quest to kill X boss(es) to gain the ring on other characters. You don't get it for free but it takes away the time gating element of all the collections.

The main problem is the ring is so incredibly overpowered, it is basically a required item.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I like how they forgot to tell us why the fuck Garrosh was ever even brought into the past in the first place.
You didn't read the out of game bullshit novels that tell half of their fucking story these days.

Basically Wrathion was like "You faggots didn't unite after you beat Garrosh like you fucking should have, and since you can't stop fighting over a farm in the middle of nowhere you still can't even speak the same fucking language. So now I have to push Garrosh to create an army that can at least TRY to stop the Burning Legion invasion THAT IS COMING. Again, you guys are faggots for not combining the horde and alliance, and Garrosh will destroy an entire alternate universe in the process, but you guy are faggots...LORELORELORELORELORELORELORE"



Potato del Grande
If they really can go 1 expansion a year or say 1 expansion every 15 months then having only one major mid patch content drop is probably okay but you have to prove you can hit those marks before people are going to be confident.
They have said this for the last few expansions now and it always ends up being the usual 2 years. I think that Blizzard are weighed down by the culture they work with, which is very insular and formulaic. I've seen a few things which point to this, for example Ghostcrawler now working for LoL and saying in an interview that he didn't play any games other than WoW while working there, or the Blizzcon Diablo 3 item design panel hinting that they have like 6 fat neckbeards sat around all afternoon designing one item.


Lord Nagafen Raider
We initially thought about continuing the burning legion storyline and having them invade azeroth, but we took care of that in a novel you can all buy for $29.99

Turns out after Yrel defeated Archimonde and gave Garrosh a blowjob, Green Jesus showed up and knighted Grom, slapped Yrel on the ass, dove through the green portal, pulled out his green jesus cock and slapped Sargeras in the face with it. The explosion from the massive Orc Cock Collision caused Sargeras to explode. Green "Thrall" Jesus then walks back through the portal, gg.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
okay, you know what, this forum has spoilers god damnit, I didn't invest 10 years into this game to be spoiled in 20 seconds.


Toe Sucker
I don't know what the expansion could be that could bring me back to wanting to play this game at all. Maybe an official progression server up to WOTLK? or a vanilla server.. neither of which is even related to an expansion.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't know what the expansion could be that could bring me back to wanting to play this game at all. Maybe an official progression server up to WOTLK? or a vanilla server.. neither of which is even related to an expansion.
Today and today only YOU can pre-purchase our new LEGACY SERVER account for a small sum of $99.99(including a monthly subscription fee of $29.99), this includes alllllll major content patches up to 3.0, 0 in game support, and a bunch of buggy ass shit we'll never fix!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
New expansion will introduce Burrowing Mounts. Move underground at 50% of walking speed!


Toe Sucker
Today and today only YOU can pre-purchase our new LEGACY SERVER account for a small sum of $99.99(including a monthly subscription fee of $29.99), this includes alllllll major content patches up to 3.0, 0 in game support, and a bunch of buggy ass shit we'll never fix!
Take my money Kotick!


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you didn't read the novel,War Crimes, yup, you missed the whole stuff and only got a glimpse of that in a couple of Nagrand quests. I know they say they use various media to tell their stories, but in this case, you completely miss everything if you don't go outside of the game itself. Which is bad.
Yes I can see adding stuff outside the game to add on to things but literally if you just play the game and did not get the novel you have no clue what is going on and never really do. Nothing gets any explanation and you have to just shrug and go whatever.


Potato del Grande
Common sense expansions:
Nazjatar/Emerald Dream Old Gods based.
Portal Worlds/Argus Burning Legion based.

Probably won't be those then.
How about a phased invasion of Azeroth by Burning Legion AKA Cataclysm 2?