World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Well, the upside of faster expansion releases is faster iteration on ideas like the garrison, timeless isle, etc. Unfortunately, it could also go the way of CoD where there's not much wiggle room in the schedule for innovation because actual development needs to happen as fast as possible to meet the ambitious deadlines.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
If they follow their pattern, we'll at least get a new race. A new class is definitely more exciting though.

If it is indeed a South Seas expac, what race could we get? Naga wouldn't work because they can't wear pants or boots. Ogre maybe? We've already got trolls and goblins (the two predominant races in the seas afaik).


I'm hoping for a new class right now, or all classes having a 4th spec I'd be cool with.

South Seas.. who knows. I doubt Naga will ever be a thing (even if I wouldn't' care about pants or boots). Assuming Murlocs weren't eradicated in that part of the world, maybe Jinyu? Those dudes were on Pandaria and advanced a fuckton and became more humanoid. Could be another Neutral race. I wouldn't finally mind ogres either, I'd love to play an ogre mage holy fuck.

Honestly, one thing I really loved from garrisons were bodyguards. And to a lesser extent, followers. I think they went overboard on the follower missions but I liked having a bodyguard following me around.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Fuck it, I'll go all in. I think there's a 0% chance the next expansion is a continuation of this alternate timeline.
The only bit that's coming out of Draenor is going to be alt-Gul'dan. 80% chance we're going to see him as a Legion toady again, 20% he's "kept for later" in the fall 2016 expansion.
It was also heavily suggested that garrisons will not be in the next expansion.
The next iteration on Garrison idea would be Guild Halls. But they still haven't figured out what they'd do with it, and notably what the players would do in them.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I can't WAIT to play against Orcalon the Orcwatcher, the sixth guardian of the vaults of wintergrasp. Maybe the next expansion will take us to the real orc homeworld of Orctopia?
If they follow their pattern, we'll at least get a new race. A new class is definitely more exciting though.

If it is indeed a South Seas expac, what race could we get? Naga wouldn't work because they can't wear pants or boots. Ogre maybe? We've already got trolls and goblins (the two predominant races in the seas afaik).
Wouldn't the next expansion be about the Burning Legion again given the ending of WoD?


That's a very good chance, yeah. That doesn't mean that can't be going on during our Azeroth where we would go see the South Seas. I'm not saying that's what the expansion will be, but I mean, if the Burning Legion decided to finally actually invade Azeroth we'd still be keeping up the same fight that we currently are in Draenor.

The thing is, Archimonde says "Gul'Dan.. you made a pact!" and then sends him flying into that portal which I assume is the Nether, and then Archimonde dies once more. On Draenor.
Furor himself on twitter confirmed that..

"Archimonde is a demon whose demon soul is anchored to the Nether. The Nether transcends all realities. That is all"
So I would fully expect to see Gul'Dan and possibly even Archimonde again at some point in WoWs lifetime. Whether it's next xpac or 3 xpacs from now is up in the air, but I'm sure it will eventually happen.


Potato del Grande
They took the really cool can't be killed Dreadlord plot twist and gave it to all demons so we can fight them ALL again. Since we have already fought every demon of note except Sargeras, we get a bunch of rehashed boss fights and storylines. Lame.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm hoping for a new class right now, or all classes having a 4th spec I'd be cool with.

South Seas.. who knows. I doubt Naga will ever be a thing (even if I wouldn't' care about pants or boots). Assuming Murlocs weren't eradicated in that part of the world, maybe Jinyu? Those dudes were on Pandaria and advanced a fuckton and became more humanoid. Could be another Neutral race. I wouldn't finally mind ogres either, I'd love to play an ogre mage holy fuck.

Honestly, one thing I really loved from garrisons were bodyguards. And to a lesser extent, followers. I think they went overboard on the follower missions but I liked having a bodyguard following me around.
I am guessing a new race. New class maybe it really depends as the class balancing in beta takes a LOT longer than most of the other parts of beta and I would sacrifice a new class to get the next expansion out in a timely fashion.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm hoping for a new class right now, or all classes having a 4th spec I'd be cool with.

South Seas.. who knows. I doubt Naga will ever be a thing (even if I wouldn't' care about pants or boots). Assuming Murlocs weren't eradicated in that part of the world, maybe Jinyu? Those dudes were on Pandaria and advanced a fuckton and became more humanoid. Could be another Neutral race. I wouldn't finally mind ogres either, I'd love to play an ogre mage holy fuck.

Honestly, one thing I really loved from garrisons were bodyguards. And to a lesser extent, followers. I think they went overboard on the follower missions but I liked having a bodyguard following me around.
I would love less followers but more interactions with body guards. Flesh the body guards out more so you want to use them and feel more tied to them. Right now my follower feels like a fat cow that stops me from looting things and thats about it.


2 Minutes Hate
Maybe they are itching for cash so they're going to put out less "balanced" games. They may have gotten better at their retarded balance and iteration processes and put something else in. Who knows. They work slow as shit though.


Potato del Grande
New class maybe it really depends as the class balancing in beta takes a LOT longer than most of the other parts of beta and I would sacrifice a new class to get the next expansion out in a timely fashion.
This is just Blizzard's inefficient design methods.

FF14 had a new class in a content patch and THREE for it's expansion.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is just Blizzard's inefficient design methods.

FF14 had a new class in a content patch and THREE for it's expansion.
FF14 also has a more fluid class system than wow and if one class is somewhat broken for a bit and needs patching you can just flip to a different class while the devs do their thing. Wow has less wiggle room than what FF14 has in that regards.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
FF14 also had to be burned to the fucking ground and started over, don't give them too much credit.


Molten Core Raider
Alternaverse dark portal actually leads to The Nexus. New hero of the horde Jimmy Raynor saves WoW.


2 Minutes Hate
New expansion has a third faction. But you have to get 10 alts to level 150 and every faction in the game to exalted before you can play it.