World of Warcraft: Current Year


Blackwing Lair Raider
Pirate stuff sounds fun on paper, but in practice, traveling by boat is sooo tedious. The novelty of 1k needles was nice the first time. I never went back there again though.
Archeages boat stuff is pretty fun so there are ways it could be done that would be fun.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Surprised Blizzard hasn't implemented some sort of AA yet.
AA are a huge barrier to entry. Both EQ1 and EQ2 both have to give you AA or make the first thousands(!) of AA on a HUGE experience multiplier. If you recall, Path of the Titans was going to be WoW's AA with the WotLK expac, but they scrapped it because they didn't want to dissuade people that hadn't been playing the whole time from picking WoW up again.

And of course now they've gone full fucking throttle in that design direction with hard gear resets every expac (technically they've always done this, but w/e) and soft gear resets every new tier, free level 90's for expac purchase, etc. They know for a 10 year old game the best thing they can do to keep sales high is reduce/remove barriers to entry.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
The legendary ring is the closest to AA the game currently has and it is pretty hated.
That's a pretty good analogy.

I think AA was so popular amongst us EQ vets because it was an extrinsic, tangible reward for our time and investment in the game. It seems to me that this is where modern WoW struggles - making players feel rewarded for doing the activities they love. AA (or gaining experience after max level) is one route, but there are others, as well.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They are currently struggling with non-raid content. If you don't raid, the game doesn't provide you with much.


By the time I complete the ring via LFR it will be time to release the next expansion, thus nullifying any purpose to this thing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The thing is will WoW survive at the same levels without some of that more time consuming and engaging content like a new class? I think most the people I know still playing it are still there out of sheer laziness in canceling the sub. I can see people just not caring for another WoD/Cata expack of world redefinition and ok, grindy content. Surely the price of adding things like a new class is less than losing a couple million subs?
What do you mean time consuming? At best it takes a week to max a new class from zero in some random purple gear, at worst a month. Content consumption is way too fast, too easy, too braindead and thus completely uninteresting, except for a few activities at level cap. They pushed for this bullshit, every year a little bit more and now they have to eat their own shit-sandwich. Ohhh people are done with your xpack in 2 months? News at 11, you fucking idiots. Edit: Blizzard Idiots, to be clear.


I don't mind the legendary ring quest all that much to be honest. It could be.. more fun than GO COLLECT 10 BEAR ASSES since people have been complaining about bear asses quests for the longest time now, what makes you think a legendary questchain should be nothing but that? I guess at the end of the day no matter what they're going to be grindy, but the first half of the chain was awesome imo. Dungeons, exploring, Garona, etc.

I like the lore and story around it, I like the item itself, but eh?

However I don't know why people passionately hate it. I see a lot of people complaining because they have alts they don't want to do it on, and to me that's sort of a good thing. It's a fucking legendary item. This isn't Diablo 3 (yet), they shouldn't be handed to you at all.


2 Minutes Hate
I liked the quest before you just had to do the LFR every week just to loot your stones and you had to do that for a month or two (whatever it was with Garrison drops). After that it wasn't legendary it was follow the retard. I never looked in to it, but wasn't the Warlock quest thing from the last xpac really challenging? Why can't we have something like that for each stage of the ring instead of tying it to grinding a current raid tier?


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I guess at the end of the day no matter what they're going to be grindy, but the first half of the chain was awesome
It's a damned if you, damned if you don't. If there is absolutely no time gating, then you will have a fringe of people who are going to get their legendary ring within 2 days, then come and loudly complain that "there's nothing else to do!", creating a false impression. Despite having stuff to do yourself, hearing that there's nothing to do tends to make you feel like it's true (damn groupthink). And if you have time gating, some people are going to complain about "artificial gating" (like there was anything "natural" in a game that has been designed by a bunch of devs).

The big problem here isn't the raid gating. It's the random base. In Highmaul or Foundry, every boss did put you closer to the ring, and some did advance you more than others because you got lucky and triple rune or stone or whatever. So, you got happy feelings when you have 27 runes instead of 9. Here, you can be unlucky, and have nearly zero progress during a week, and through absolutely no fault of yours. And the "damn, no Tome on that boss - AGAIN" is not something you want your players to feel. Bad design.


2 Minutes Hate
I don't believe in the groupthink theory you have. High end folks in WOW have been finishing dungeons/raids for years and you still have a large base of people pet battling and doing achievs and raiding through hardmore 2nd tier raids far into the expansion.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I liked the quest before you just had to do the LFR every week just to loot your stones and you had to do that for a month or two (whatever it was with Garrison drops). After that it wasn't legendary it was follow the retard. I never looked in to it, but wasn't the Warlock quest thing from the last xpac really challenging? Why can't we have something like that for each stage of the ring instead of tying it to grinding a current raid tier?
Too much work, also no window licker would ever get his legendary. Warlock quest was, aside from the initial farming for the tome, very much run here and there and listen to lore, some funny parts (drive your eye of Kilrogg in Black Temple) and the last fight which was way too hard for most warlocks. It took even me a considerable amount of trial and error (at low item level), but in the end it was very satisfying, much more than cloak or ring (which I don't have because I quit during BRF, but I guess I could still complete).

I don't really think any of the legendary items is very legendary, first because they become outdated extremely fast, secondarily because they are just random weekly rolls of dice to see if you get a piece of the prize.


Molten Core Raider
I don't really think any of the legendary items is very legendary, first because they become outdated extremely fast, secondarily because they are just random weekly rolls of dice to see if you get a piece of the prize.
The MOP cloaks felt legendary. Just equipping them made your dps go ape shit, it was awesome.