World of Warcraft: Current Year


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't mind the legendary ring quest all that much to be honest. It could be.. more fun than GO COLLECT 10 BEAR ASSES since people have been complaining about bear asses quests for the longest time now, what makes you think a legendary questchain should be nothing but that? I guess at the end of the day no matter what they're going to be grindy, but the first half of the chain was awesome imo. Dungeons, exploring, Garona, etc.

I like the lore and story around it, I like the item itself, but eh?

However I don't know why people passionately hate it. I see a lot of people complaining because they have alts they don't want to do it on, and to me that's sort of a good thing. It's a fucking legendary item. This isn't Diablo 3 (yet), they shouldn't be handed to you at all.
Honestly the legendary has been pretty non grindy for me. Most of what you need is gained by stuff I would be doing anyways. Also once you have completed one major stage with one character all your other characters gain pretty significant boosts in the drops they need so banging it out on a couple characters is not that bad. Currently I am at like 13 tomes doing nothing but LFR and I have not even done the three weeks for this week yet so I should have legendary about the time the final LFR wing goes live which would be about right as I am assuming we have to kill the end guy to complete it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The MOP cloaks felt legendary. Just equipping them made your dps go ape shit, it was awesome.
The ring is basically a 15% dps increase. So power wise, definitely a legendary. The way you obtain it and that every single player has it does not feel legendary.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Everyone had a MoP cloak too. Those absolutely did not feel legendary to me, just mandatory.
To me, getting super lucky with RNG and rolls didn't make Sulfuras, Thunderfury, Warglaives, Thoridal, or Valanyr (Ulduar) feel legendary. The power they gave was legendary, but their acquisition certainly didn't feel "legendary." Those old school legendaries were neat because they were rare, but it sucked when I got my Shadowmourne while the 4 other plate dps were told nope because the components were too rare. The 2nd guy was about 3/4 finished with his when Cat launched.

I like their new approach to legendaries. Despite what some of you guys think, not everyone has the cloak or ring. Acquiring them takes dedication and effort. It may not be ball bustingly difficult, but it's a completely optional side quest that gives you more of the story of the world should you choose to do it. Of course it's mandatory if you're a high end raider, but so is anything else that gives you an edge. LFR, Normal, and Heroic were not tuned around everyone having their legendary ring.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Acquiring them takes dedication and effort. It may not be ball bustingly difficult, but it's a completely optional side quest that gives you more of the story of the world should you choose to do it. Of course it's mandatory if you're a high end raider, but so is anything else that gives you an edge. LFR, Normal, and Heroic were not tuned around everyone having their legendary ring.
Nope, nope, and nope. It is a welfare legendary. It requires little to no effort, you just gotta show up. The old parts don't even you require you to run LFR anymore except for a specific boss kill. Also, it is not optional at all. A lot of pug groups are starting to make players link the legendary ring in order to be invited to the group.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Doesn't it take rolling through LFR once a week? That's dedication and effort?
How far did you get in your legendary ring before you stopped playing?

Nope, nope, and nope. It is a welfare legendary. It requires little to no effort, you just gotta show up. The old parts don't even you require you to run LFR anymore except for a specific boss kill. Also, it is not optional at all. A lot of pug groups are starting to make players link the legendary ring in order to be invited to the group.
Do you think you need a welfare legendary to start your own group?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Do you think you need a welfare legendary to start your own group?
Move those goalposts!

It isn't required because I can start my own group without one!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Move those goalposts!

It isn't required because I can start my own group without one!
Sorry, I guess I'm slow. Your complaint is you can't join a group because you don't have a welfare legendary (but everyone else does), and you hate the welfare legendary (that you don't have) because it takes no effort or dedication. Now we have unconfirmed reports that you can't form groups without the welfare legendary?

Blue plz rspond.


Ssraeszha Raider
I'm not sure how him being able to start his own group changes the fact that a lot of pugs have the ring as a requirement.


Tranny Chaser
I can easily see PUG people who won't join a non-legendary group because it would be seen as just that much less likely to be run successfully or efficiently.


<Bronze Donator>
Something akin to EQ epics would be nice. Something that didn't require "no-effort-needed" time gated bullshit, but wasn't also majorly based on luck. Quel'Serar's/Delar, the Rhok'Delar, Benediction and items similar to those were all really cool. Something similar to those but maybe even more powerful.

Obviously the legendary ring is that, its just so fucking boring and there is no style to it. Game just lacks style now, too scared to not be balanced and shit.


2 Minutes Hate
I guess its dedication to playing boring and tired content and the effort of not clicking the unsub button (or uninstall button if you have infinite gold).


Potato del Grande
The legendary cloak was epic because the quest line was directly tied into the plot (murder all Blood Elves in Dalaran!? YES.), varied (PvP area, PvE bell hunting, daily island) and interesting (Black Prince voice acting was great). Ok with a bit of raid grinding after the fun quests. Then everyone got a different cloak and a different final quest so it wasn't all identical.

The ring you collect some bear asses, grind the raids and then the result is invisible. Worse idea possible. I didn't do the second and third parts so maybe I'm wrong.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
The legendary cloak was epic because the quest line was directly tied into the plot (murder all Blood Elves in Dalaran!? YES.), varied (PvP area, PvE bell hunting, daily island) and interesting (Black Prince voice acting was great). Ok with a bit of raid grinding after the fun quests. Then everyone got a different cloak and a different final quest so it wasn't all identical.

The ring you collect some bear asses, grind the raids and then the result is invisible. Worse idea possible. I didn't do the second and third parts so maybe I'm wrong.
Not to be contrarian, but the Dalaran quest, while awesome, wasn't tied to the legendary cloak (it was a story quest from the 5.1 patch), the BG portion of the cloak was universally hated (well, universal except for you apparently), and the Timeless Isle was such a minor footnote in the cloak quest series that it could be completed within (literally) an hour of the 5.4 patch releasing. The Timeless Isle portion was just a few timeless coins and killing all 4 celestial world bosses, right?

Anyway, I agree that they did a much better job of handling the welfare legendary with the cloak. It seems like they tried to emulate the experience with the ring, but the quests and lore seem so shallow and shoehorned.


Bitch about MoP Lore all you want, but it is heads above the shitty Orclords of Orcnor. Sure, the raids have been great (for the most part), but I have zero care for anything that happens to/on ALT Draenor. None of the NPCs (other than those that we brought with us) matter.

Wrathion was a far more compelling quest giver/lore figure than Khadgar is or ever will be.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, generally speaking I find them pretty entertaining too. The South Seas one is the most compelling, but the likelihood that it's legit isn't very high, imo.