World of Warcraft: Current Year


Agree, mostly cause it seems really fun.

I love some of the leak ideas but a good chunk of them have been "leaks" for every xpac since BC. I just can't wait til gamescom.


Potato del Grande
Not to be contrarian, but the Dalaran quest, while awesome, wasn't tied to the legendary cloak (it was a story quest from the 5.1 patch), the BG portion of the cloak was universally hated (well, universal except for you apparently), and the Timeless Isle was such a minor footnote in the cloak quest series that it could be completed within (literally) an hour of the 5.4 patch releasing. The Timeless Isle portion was just a few timeless coins and killing all 4 celestial world bosses, right?

Anyway, I agree that they did a much better job of handling the welfare legendary with the cloak. It seems like they tried to emulate the experience with the ring, but the quests and lore seem so shallow and shoehorned.
Ah sorry about that, since you did it all at the same time it was part of the entertainment of the patch content - I was mistakenly talking about things like the World PvP area and Isle of Thunder etc.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Ah sorry about that, since you did it all at the same time it was part of the entertainment of the patch content - I was mistakenly talking about things like the World PvP area and Isle of Thunder etc.
While the ring might be invisible, it's on-use effect certainly isn't. You get BIG. Definitely feels more fun to have than the cloak.


Bitch about MoP Lore all you want, but it is heads above the shitty Orclords of Orcnor. Sure, the raids have been great (for the most part), but I have zero care for anything that happens to/on ALT Draenor. None of the NPCs (other than those that we brought with us) matter.

Wrathion was a far more compelling quest giver/lore figure than Khadgar is or ever will be.
I'd agree with most of this, but Khadgar was the best part of the questline. I mean, lines like "Ordinarily I wouldn't ask you to assault a fortified moving train - ah, no, that's not true. This is exactly the sort of thing I'm going to need from you. All the time. " are a major step above what we normally get.



I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I kinda feel like the bigger picture goal (subscription retention aside) for Legendary quests is just a mechanism to keep the numbers queing for LFR up over a longer period of time. I'm surprised they haven't introduced a resource sink to reset your chance for tome/stone drops for the week letting you run again (but no loot).


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I kinda feel like the bigger picture goal (subscription retention aside) for Legendary quests is just a mechanism to keep the numbers queing for LFR up over a longer period of time. I'm surprised they haven't introduced a resource sink to reset your chance for tome/stone drops for the week letting you run again (but no loot).
That would burn me out for sure, and it doesn't let them stretch out subs for an extra month or two while people collect their bear asses.


The only thing I 'wish' for a new expansion is something they are not likely to add.

Paragon Levels/AA/Path of the Titans/Whatever you want to call it. Give me a reason to do dungeons, to continue advancing my character outside of Raids once I hit max level.


Its not quite a year since Warlords released and I still feel like the entirety of WoD is just a Caverns of Time content patch. I felt like something was really happening in Mists of Pandaria, probably because every bit of it was something fresh and new, but with Wrathion's quest to tie it all back into the larger narrative.

WoD has never felt 'real' to me. The whole thing is just a retelling of Warcraft wank fest with way the hell too many orcs. I will give them some credit for fleshing out the Dranei and making them seem like a much more viable part of the overall story, but after Shadowmoon is done the rest of the Draenei contribution can be boiled down to Yrel making a cameo appearance in a cutscene.

Khadgar got a shave and a haircut and turned into a grizzled badass, which was also nice as it sets him up as a good neutral Mage now that Jaina has gone batshit insane, but I still have a stronger feel for Lorewalker Cho than I do any of the featured NPCs in WoD.

My only hope is that the entirety of WoD was just a gap-filler as they worked behind the scenes on something truly epic that was going to take more time to get right and that we will see such a thing RELEASED later this year. There is no way this game can survive another 12+ month content gap, especially with the current content as the pinnacle.
I agree with all of this.

The actual production quality of WoD wasnt bad, but the design decisions doomed the xpac. Looking back, as soon as we found out that the capital cities were scrapped as a location where players congregate(a last minute decision, mind you) in favor of Stormshield, that should have been a real eye-opener.

Also, I hated from the start, the fact that we are in some alternate universe in WoD. That is just lazy story telling. It disconnects the player from the already well established lands and their history.


<Bronze Donator>
Warlords was definitely that, "Fuck Titan is scrapped, we need some hot garbage to keep these guys paying for a sub until we can make a real expac". I originally looked at the MoP idea as kinda lame for WoW, before I actually came back and playing right before 5.3 release... Miss MoP now quite a bit. Not saying I enjoyed it like I did WotLK, but it was a really solid expac.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
MOP had that rolling daily at level-cap. That alone is superior to everything non-raid at WoD level cap.


what Suineg set it to
It would be interesting if someone found a cure to undeath. There could be a ton of storylines revolving rebuilding Lordaeron, people like Sylvanas grappling with how to rejoin the world, trying to save Bolvar and destroy the Lich King entirely, etc.


Vyemm Raider
Dwarves and Gnomes storyline involving the Titans, if not the Dark Below then even another planet would work.

1. Contact via Ethereals(Azeroth going to war and travel through the Nether is basically war profiteering and highly profitable to The Consortium) to another world created by the Titans. Some lesser Titans and their creations are currently fighting a war against the Burning Legion, but are slowly losing because the Curse of Flesh has decimated their ranks of Iron Dwarves and Clockwork Gnomes.

2. Looking to make allies and to learn more about the origins of the Dwarves and Gnomes, the Alliance and Horde go to war against the Burning Legion once again. Although they are trying to help the Titans, all cursed creatures of flesh are exiled and rejected, despite the enormous setback this causes in the war.

1st raid tier: The forward fortress of the Burning Legion is the marshaling point for their advance to take over the newly discovered world. Azeroth's forces assault it to try and earn the trust of the Titans, as well as break the offensive.

2nd raid tier: The recent outbreak of the Curse of Flesh on the new world cannot be stopped, but exploring an infested Titan structure that houses the body of a young(relative to them) Old God and destroying it will break its control over the new flesh and blood Dwarves and Gnomes.

3rd raid tier: With the front line against the Legion a stalemate and doubts about the nature of the Curse of Flesh, a schism forms in the Titans' ranks. Some accept their fleshy brethren, while others adamantly reject the warped creations. The leader of the hardliners must be removed or convinced that unity and acceptance is the only way to stop the Legion.

4th raid tier: Final assault on the Legion's last fortress. They cannot be entirely cleansed from the world, but the war machine can be stopped, and with vigilance, the remaining pockets can be stomped out as they arise.

- Other storylines would include some Titans accepting the Curse of Flesh, and reporting to their superiors(possibly causing a schism).

- Another undead army(the Burning Legion has conquered millions of many Lich Kings have they made to overrun other worlds? Have any of these other undead tyrants broken control? What if there are worlds populated entirely of undead(Could totally rip off Games Workshop more and mimic the Necrons lol).

- What are all these Orcs and Trolls doing on this new planet that has never been mentioned in the lore before, and how did they get here? Also, why is Thrall in charge AGAIN? Dammit Blizzard, this expansion was supposed to focus on some Alliance races for once!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I hope we don't get 4 raid tiers in a single expansion again, but other than that, I like your concept. I've enjoyed pretty much everything they've given us titan-related.


<Bronze Donator>
Uldaman, Uldum, Ulduar etc... Always fucking loved the lore behind the Dwarves & Gnomes & their tie to the Titans. Old Gods & Titans are always a good combo. So tired of fucking orcs, Thrall, and fucking Trolls. Boring shit. Horde expac idea is old & tiring as fuck.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This could be the expansion to drop factions.

If so you heard it from me first.
Ehh...I highly doubt they'll ever do that. Goes against the whole "Warcraft" theme they've spent so much time on. I mean, think about how many resources it took to code in not being able to speak the same language...or that farm in Arathi...or the anything else there's no reason to fight over.

the whole two sides thing is great on PvP servers, but I'd love for PvE servers to be like it was in EQ. Ogres grouping with elves, etc etc.


The only thing I 'wish' for a new expansion is something they are not likely to add.

Paragon Levels/AA/Path of the Titans/Whatever you want to call it. Give me a reason to do dungeons, to continue advancing my character outside of Raids once I hit max level.
I would love this, but what would they reward with an AA/paragon system? Adding a neat portrait that you can change wouldn't mean much when people can just pop an addon on themselves. Maybe special Titles or cosmetic items or toys?

I don't think they'll ever add a system that adds more stats past gear because it would feel like an absolute requirement, but seemingly they have to add something more other than: Level 100 (273) or the system would be pointless. I wouldn't mind some kind of AA but they have to be careful with what they reward it with at this point IMO.

Maybe some sort of sub classes? Who knows.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I won't commit to predicting that they would *never* do an AA system, but the likelihood is about as small as there never being another Orc raid boss. Like it or not, WoW is a product, and Blizzard is a business. They have said time and time again that they expect subs to churn and be cyclical. They purposefully keep barriers to re-entry for returning players low for this very reason.

Case in point, I just started gearing out my hunter for mount farming. With a few thousand gold and a few minutes I was able to take his 630 crafted gun and make it a 705 crafted gun - a war forged mythic BRF equivalent weapon.


WoD is easily the worst expansion by a long shot.
Psst. You spelt "Cataclysm" wrong.

I figured out what the absolute worst part of WoD is, though. It's that the levelling content itself varies from slightly above average to some of the best stuff they've done so far...but then you reach L100 and the rest of the expansion deflates like an undercooked souffl?. I mean, youknowBlizzard can do better than this because you've just finished playing through stuff that is an order of magnitude better than the crap at cap. Then the first patch is a nothing patch, the second one is a pale copy of the Timeless Isle, and then welp that's it seeya~

E: It also goes to show that Blizzard needs to ignore the playerbase more. No, wait, listen - people bitched and bitched andbitchedabout Mists: There's too many dailies, running the same dungeons again and again is boring, who cares about fantasy China or new ideas we want Warcraft back it's supposed to be orcs vs humans, we want old-school AV back, etc, etc, etc. And WoD delivered on every single one of those complaints. It's the Monkey's Paw Wish of expansion.