World of Warcraft: Current Year


Vyemm Raider
I feel surv hunters are about to go the way of the beastlord w/ Melee+Pet wreckage. I dont see any other way for them to have a melee weapon as an artifact.


what Suineg set it to
Well fuck it, might as well be excited until they take the cover off.

Also about time, Turalyon.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Video Games level of goodness is directly related to the amount of jumping involved.

Except wildstar, somehow that one managed to suck despite having all the jumping.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I have a feeling it'll be awesome, like heroic leap, until they realize it's awesome...then they'll make it usable on flat ground, never uphill, and rarely useful...because it's fun.
Like during open world PvP in Vanilla beta and you could punt people off the top of towers in Thunder Bluff?

Or the best ever, which was a bug but they should have left it in... Hecular's revenge and being able to spawn about 50 level 40 Hecular's which would cause a Southshore apocolypse?

Man those were hilarious.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Maybe they'll start the expansion with Single Jump, and then you can do a bunch of Demonhunter achievements to unlock Double Jump in 7.3, so that it doesn't ruin the incredibly vital jumping puzzle experience.


Golden Knight of the Realm
"See you in beta later this year" means Release date: fall 2016

Character Boost?immediately raise one character to level 100
- You thought we would lower the price? Think again

Demon hunters
- What niche are these to fill exactly? What fantasy are they providing that fury warriors, monks, rogues, frost death knights and enhancement shamans aren't already providing?

This expansion announcement, to me, just seems like a "shit has hit the fan, throw everything we've got that they've asked for into the box and hope it goes well"

I'm still very skeptical


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Maybe they'll start the expansion with Single Jump, and then you can do a bunch of Demonhunter achievements to unlock Double Jump in 7.3, so that it doesn't ruin the jumping puzzles.
You have to be level 107 minimum and unlock "Island Hopping" to be able to train it - costs 15k gold. Double jump in the expansion only! Until you hit 110 and you need to quest to use doouble jump in all the other areas by training the following per area. For Vanilla: Train "Hippity Hop Hop", BC: "Fel-Hop", WOTLK: "Cold weather hopping", MoP: "Kung Fu Jumping", and WoD, "Hop on right out of here"


Lord Nagafen Raider
Like during open world PvP in Vanilla beta and you could punt people off the top of towers in Thunder Bluff?

Or the best ever, which was a bug but they should have left it in... Hecular's revenge and being able to spawn about 50 level 40 Hecular's which would cause a Southshore apocolypse?

Man those were hilarious.
LOL. I was leaning more towards how they left heroic leap un-fucked for a week or two at the start of WoD. You could leap anywhere and everywhere, now you can't even leap down stairs. Stairs for the christs sake.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
LOL. I was leaning more towards how they left heroic leap un-fucked for a week or two at the start of WoD. You could leap anywhere and everywhere, now you can't even leap down stairs. Stairs for the christs sake.
You'd break your ankle.


Vyemm Raider
"See you in beta later this year" means Release date: fall 2016

Character Boost-immediately raise one character to level 100
- You thought we would lower the price? Think again

Demon hunters
- What niche are these to fill exactly? What fantasy are they providing that fury warriors, monks, rogues, frost death knights and enhancement shamans aren't already providing?

This expansion announcement, to me, just seems like a "shit has hit the fan, throw everything we've got that they've asked for into the box and hope it goes well"

I'm still very skeptical
Ending of your comments are kind of how i feel - So much pushed into 1 expansion. I honestly fell asleep during the presentation bc it was so fuckin drab. Seemed like Furor was being coached bc he was pausing so god dam frequently and after him i thought it would pick up a bit......wrong.

Anywho woke up and read up but nothing really tickles my fancy besides i can now be a rogue and a tank on demand. If the overall combat style is similar to rogue i will likely play that if i decide to get the xpac. Almost sounds like a rogue and demo lock had and confused child who didnt know his place in the world.


This expansion announcement, to me, just seems like a "shit has hit the fan, throw everything we've got that they've asked for into the box and hope it goes well"

I'm still very skeptical
be skeptical all you want but we all thought, and I assume Blizzard thought, that WoD was going to be a success. I guarantee you they've been working on this expansion probably even during beta of WoD. It being a "shit hits the fan lets add EVERYTHING" isn't that probable to me. But I wouldn't doubt at all if the colossal fuckup that was WoD swayed the way this expansion has been being developed, without a doubt. But it's not like this is a sudden spring up out of nowhere idea, they've probably had this shit planned since Mists.

Either way, I'll play it cause I never learn my lesson. I'm not as hype as I usually am, but maybe that's for the better cause if it's a letdown then.. eh whatever. But if it's somehow amazing, well fuck that's rad


Golden Knight of the Realm
be skeptical all you want but we all thought, and I assume Blizzard thought, that WoD was going to be a success. I guarantee you they've been working on this expansion probably even during beta of WoD. It being a "shit hits the fan lets add EVERYTHING" isn't that probable to me. But I wouldn't doubt at all if the colossal fuckup that was WoD swayed the way this expansion has been being developed, without a doubt. But it's not like this is a sudden spring up out of nowhere idea, they've probably had this shit planned since Mists.

Either way, I'll play it cause I never learn my lesson. I'm not as hype as I usually am, but maybe that's for the better cause if it's a letdown then.. eh whatever. But if it's somehow amazing, well fuck that's rad
I'll most likely pick it up because there's always the novelty aspect of leveling, playing with old gaming friends etc but I'm not holding my breath for the staying power any more