World of Warcraft: Current Year


Tranny Chaser
I thought the pausing was so that the running interpretation into German could proceed.

So if they lost 1.6 million subs last quarter and they are seemingly more than two quarters away from release of Legion then how low are they going to get to before they feel that "re-up" bump? Following the trendline it would be around 2.5 million total worldwide by New Years...but I am sure there must be some minimal thresholding that will kick in somewhere along the way before resuming the downward curve after Legion.


Trakanon Raider
It sure sounds like "THROW EVERYTHING WE HAVE IN" to me too. Legion, Naga, Emerald Dream, Pirate Isles?

Honestly, aside from "Kill off the Old Gods and Titans", what dangling plot threads are left?


where did you get naga or pirate isles?
I mean the naga no doubt will play a part, but what?


I assume that the artifacts are their way of doing AA while still being able to reset each expansion, so you level up your sword rather than your character and then next expac it's either free unlocks or new weapons or whatever.

They could even remove weapon stats entirely and just let players scale with stats, rather than 200% melee damage or whatever. I assume that would make balancing slightly easier and make power curves more predictable, but I have no intention of doing the maths.


Trakanon Raider
I feel surv hunters are about to go the way of the beastlord w/ Melee+Pet wreckage. I dont see any other way for them to have a melee weapon as an artifact.
Unlikely, but they could use them as a throwing weapon/javelin like used to be possible in ye olde days


NeoGaf Donator
So two possible new melee specs?

Back to the pile!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Hey, maybe we'll get an expansion full raid fights that favor melee!

And a pony!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is blizzard even capable of designing a fight in which melee doesn't have to run in and out 30 times a minute?


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Demon Hunters can tank oh boy... oh 99.99999999% of all Demon Hunters went DPS? Didn't see that coming. XIllidanXx, Lollidan, IIIIIIidan, so many IllllllidanXXi's coming. /Yawn.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Am giving up on the storyline. There is more timeline / alternate universe shit here than in a bad star trek episode. Why cant they build up a new story regarding a new arch ennemy ever since Arthas died. I mean fuck, give me a week and ill create something more interesting with the fallen paladin who took arthas place on the throne.

Sure demon hunter sounds fun, but ffs, illidan again? What in the fuck. At this point the devs should just call J.K. Rowling for a clue. I just said that.


Vyemm Raider
For a while they were going too far out of their way to avoid inconveniencing melee. There are far too many fights where they just follow the boss around and occasionally cleave/aoe things because every goddamn mechanic only involves ranged. Like how for the majority of the raid The Butcher was a training dummy that sometimes hurt you.

Even in HFC this happens.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Holy shit did Bobby Kotick make them steal Prestige Mode from Call of Duty and add it to WoW? Well whatever I am sure they will sell a shit ton of copies at $60 because, "Fuck you! What are you going to do it about it? Pay me."


<Bronze Donator>
- They at least acknowledge class identity is an issue.
- Mentioned dungeons have been pointless, and they want to change that. Yet, they didn't elaborate.
- Class Halls keep followers, but for the most part garrisons look to be gone (thank god).
- Fuck shipyards, wack shit.
- Honor system has gone the way of FPS progression. I actually like this change, and the splitting of PVE/PVP could be AMAZING in terms of gameplay.
- Perfectly fine with the "Shadow of Mordor/modern RPG weapon progression system" with artifacts. The gear treadmill with multiple raid difficulties has killed any attachment to items, this will bring some back & adds an additional level of progression & lore.
- Demon hunter at least should have a unique intro "world" like DK's (which I thought was pretty cool).

All in all, being very cynical lately and not sure what to expect of its future, Legion looks like it could be pretty solid. Definitely see this has had a lot more work put into it than WoD ever had. Lore is still fucked, and to some degree it always has, but holy shit have they thrown in a ton of different possible scenarios with this expac. Emerald Nightmare, potential Old God underlines to the continent & raids (Suramar Palace aka Dire Maul Raid, etc... With its connection to Sargeras & the whole Pillars of Creation story hope this leads to a massive future Titan expansion. My body is ready for titans, and its the only thing that hasn't been fucked.

Beta later this year, with a 7.0 introduction later this year as well? Surely they are aiming to get this out by fucking March?!?!


I would love it if it were out in March. I am guessing more June/July to be closer to the movie. But that also puts us at a year in HFC. So we will see.