World of Warcraft: Current Year


Silver Baronet of the Realm
what time exactly was this going on in Germany? I got the impression that very few people were actually bored at gamescon, but plenty of people were tired.

also, I know it's not going to happen, but it's interesting that hfc is the last raid of WoD... we know that they've been working on legion for a while... they announced the beta in this year. are they pushing for a release in the Q1 next year?


Molten Core Raider
You bros are some salty, cynical cunts. They're Blizz, and this is WoW. What were you expecting?

There was any number of announcements in the reveal that would make fans of the game excited about this expansion, but the vast majority of you want to nitpick and predict the death of an 11 year old game. Hey no shit, Nostradouche; people who've been playing the same thing for 11 years are gonna be ready to play something else. For the rest of us, this expansion is full of fan service and neat features.

Some of you are starting to sound like Dumar. Let that soak in.
Pretty much.

New class that people have been wanting since release...check.
PvP and PvE finally getting fucking different skills and progression...check.
Alternate advancement to just leveling and Artifact weapons...check.
Emerald Dream that people have wanted since release...check.
Trim down followers and make them more meaningful...check.
No fucking garrisons or shipyards...check.

And everyone is like...Meh

WTF. Cynical cunts doesn't begin to describe it. I get it, WoD was ass and people feel burnt, but if you can't get a little hype for this expansion it's probably time to stop worrying/posting/playing WoW and find something else to do. But who am I kidding, some of you guys are still crying about shit that happened in games over a decade ago.


Murder Apologist
what time exactly was this going on in Germany? I got the impression that very few people were actually bored at gamescon, but plenty of people were tired.

also, I know it's not going to happen, but it's interesting that hfc is the last raid of WoD... we know that they've been working on legion for a while... they announced the beta in this year. are they pushing for a release in the Q1 next year?
q1 2016 would put it about 18 months out from WoD so that would make sense. Honestly, November wouldn't be too shocking.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
what time exactly was this going on in Germany? I got the impression that very few people were actually bored at gamescon, but plenty of people were tired.

also, I know it's not going to happen, but it's interesting that hfc is the last raid of WoD... we know that they've been working on legion for a while... they announced the beta in this year. are they pushing for a release in the Q1 next year?
6pm local time, so probably the last stop before going home for most of the people there...


Vyemm Raider
Pretty much.

New class that people have been wanting since release...check.
PvP and PvE finally getting fucking different skills and progression...check.
Alternate advancement to just leveling and Artifact weapons...check.
Emerald Dream that people have wanted since release...check.
Trim down followers and make them more meaningful...check.
No fucking garrisons or shipyards...check.

And everyone is like...Meh

WTF. Cynical cunts doesn't begin to describe it. I get it, WoD was ass and people feel burnt, but if you can't get a little hype for this expansion it's probably time to stop worrying/posting/playing WoW and find something else to do. But who am I kidding, some of you guys are still crying about shit that happened in games over a decade ago.
Hey i cant explain it either - perhaps its because its built around something we feel we've done before? Im all for the new class, but even i cant explain why its just not as exciting as it looks on paper. In the end if my peeps get it i likely will too, but im likely going to quit until xpac time like most others - i cant see myself doing WoD until the pre-xpac events start.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Pretty much.

New class that people have been wanting since release...check.
PvP and PvE finally getting fucking different skills and progression...check.
Alternate advancement to just leveling and Artifact weapons...check.
Emerald Dream that people have wanted since release...check.
Trim down followers and make them more meaningful...check.
No fucking garrisons or shipyards...check.

And everyone is like...Meh

WTF. Cynical cunts doesn't begin to describe it. I get it, WoD was ass and people feel burnt, but if you can't get a little hype for this expansion it's probably time to stop worrying/posting/playing WoW and find something else to do. But who am I kidding, some of you guys are still crying about shit that happened in games over a decade ago.
Yeah I was pretty happy with what was announced. PvP progression reminds me of SWTOR (bunch of other games from what I'm told too) and will probably compel me to give a shit for the first time in years.

One thing not on your list that I really like is the re-emphasis on dungeons, which, you know, used to be the lifeblood of MMOs.

My two reservations so far are: shared lockouts (fuck alt heroic split runs for mythic progression) and further ability pruning (many specs are barren and boring already in terms of game play).


<Bronze Donator>
Trying to remember, but wasn't Burning Crusade's beta only about three months? Guess it wouldn't make a December release impossible, maybe still unlikely but where there is a chance...


Molten Core Raider
Hey i cant explain it either - perhaps its because its built around something we feel we've done before? Im all for the new class, but even i cant explain why its just not as exciting as it looks on paper. In the end if my peeps get it i likely will too, but im likely going to quit until xpac time like most others - i cant see myself doing WoD until the pre-xpac events start.
I can totally see not wanting to play until the expansion. Another 6 months to a year with what we have isn't all that appealing. I also completely understand the burn out people have, I mean it's been 11 years, you are bound to get tired of the same formula.

Yeah I was pretty happy with what was announced. PvP progression reminds me of SWTOR (bunch of other games from what I'm told too) and will probably compel me to give a shit for the first time in years.

One thing not on your list that I really like is the re-emphasis on dungeons, which, you know, used to be the lifeblood of MMOs.

My two reservations so far are: shared lockouts (fuck alt heroic split runs for mythic progression) and further ability pruning (many specs are barren and boring already in terms of game play).
I didn't even think about the dungeon re-emphasis.Ifthey follow through on that promise that has the potential to be a bigger impact on the quality of the game than anything I listed. We also next to nothing about the Order Halls, which could bring all sorts of interesting things to the table. Being community oriented instead of a solo experience like garrisons already has me more interested in them than anything in this last expansion.

As for your reservations, I think I'm on the worst server cluster in the game. We don't have a single guild that has even killed a Mythic boss and our highest world ranked guild is #3608 on WoWProgress and only 10/13 Heroic. Horde, where I am is even worse, at #5077 and 8/13 Heroic. I gave up on raiding when Blizzard dumped me here from my last servers merge. I'm not paying their rip off prices to transfer my full roster of characters either, which is why I was hoping they'd get rid of factions completely. Ability pruning is something I've been thinking about quite a bit, though, I played my Enhancement Shaman and my Fire Mage this morning and you could limit both of them to the ESO hotbar and they wouldn't play any differently really. I get that skill bloat got to be a problem, but there is a healthy balance between too many and far too few, and Blizzard went way overboard with their pruning.


Clearly, the way they will get people into dungeons is by making it required to level your Artifact weapon.

Want Talent #04, Timmy? You must complete 10 Dungeons! #05? 25 Dungeons! NOW EVERYONE WILL ENJOY THEM! FOREVER! *Cue cackle*


Trump's Staff
This might be the first WoW expansion since WotLK that I come back for.

Demon Hunters? Fuck ya.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I guarantee you they've been working on this expansion probably even during beta of WoD.
Why do you think Wrathion was showing us that fel meteor scene? People expected it to be for the 6.x series, but, given Blizzard's production pipeline, it was for this instead. We haven't talked much about him, but my guess is that he'll be back on the scene (or rather, behind) for this expansion. Lair of my Earthwarden Dad, here I come.
Am giving up on the storyline. There is more timeline / alternate universe shit here than in a bad star trek episode.
Uh? There's no alternate history or anything in here. We're back on the main timeline and present, and the only thing that comes out of alt-Draenor is Gul'Dan, thanks to Legion fishing him out of the wreckage that was Archimonde being pwned in the Citadel.

If you refer to Illidan's re-appearance, he spent those years frozen in green carbonite after whatever Hero dropped him in the Black Temple (what, you thought he was dead? those Wardens don't believe in death penalty, apparently).


Vyemm Raider
Why do you think Wrathion was showing us that fel meteor scene? People expected it to be for the 6.x series, but, given Blizzard's production pipeline, it was for this instead. We haven't talked much about him, but my guess is that he'll be back on the scene (or rather, behind) for this expansion. Lair of my Earthwarden Dad, here I come.

Uh? There's no alternate history or anything in here. We're back on the main timeline and present, and the only thing that comes out of alt-Draenor is Gul'Dan, thanks to Legion fishing him out of the wreckage that was Archimonde being pwned in the Citadel.

If you refer to Illidan's re-appearance, he spent those years frozen in green carbonite after whatever Hero dropped him in the Black Temple (what, you thought he was dead? those Wardens don't believe in death penalty, apparently).
Yeah, the official website states that Maiev dragged Illidan's corpse back to the Vault of the Wardens so his soul could be imprisoned in a crystal to finish his eternal sentence, and most of his Illidari were imprisoned as well. Besides, Illidan was a demon when he died, so it makes sense he was never completely gone, since demons regenerate unless killed in the Twisting Nether.

As for Wrathion, it seems to me also that he is going to end up having a larger role in this expansion, maybe not as the new Earthwarder but considering we are going to lose several big figures, I think he'll show up a lot.

Only thing that makes me go "Hmm" is Xavius. In the lore, he was a servant of Azshara who became the first Satyr thanks to Sargeras, but then when Suramar fell into the sea during the Sundering, he and all the other highborne were "saved" by the Old Gods (now known to be N'Zoth).. then he was put in charge of the Emerald Nightmare by N'Zoth who controlled him from the Rift of Aln (deep under the Broken Isles).. But now his model on the Legion website clearly shows Old God corruption (looks like a mix of Sha corruption and he is sprouting proto-wings on his back, almost looks like General Vezax-model, in fact it uses the same skeleton and animations).. but he's back to serving the Legion? I mean, it makes sense that this guy is the biggest opportunistic dick in the world, so he'd switch sides often, but I can't imagine that the Old Gods would be happy about him returning to his former masters now that they powered him up..


<Bronze Donator>
Clearly, the way they will get people into dungeons is by making it required to level your Artifact weapon.

Want Talent #04, Timmy? You must complete 10 Dungeons! #05? 25 Dungeons! NOW EVERYONE WILL ENJOY THEM! FOREVER! *Cue cackle*
That and they could make it where LFR wouldn't drop better gear than dungeons, that'd be a simple fix.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
This is how I feel as well, and not just looking at WoD in its current state right now, all the things they revealed about WoD when they announced it even seemed semi underwhelming compared to this. Garrisons were a huge selling point for me but those didn't seem to have turned out as planned. Assuming half of this content isn't cut, this is shaping up to be one of the few expansions I'm genuinely interested in since cataclysm.
Imo WoD looked similar and promising before release and during the first few weeks - the problem was that alot of it was lackluster, had no depth and they didnt exactly burn the midnight oil to fix things. Legion might sound good but if they continue to half-ass it like they did WoD it will be just as mediocre in the long run. That's just my impression as someone that enjoyed the start of WoD but didnt even come back for the patches because meh.


First expansion I'll buy collector's edition of.
Why though? Buying the expansion sure not the worst ever I am just done with them but automatically jumping into the CE without any knowledge of what pet/mount will be in it? Because that is all that will be in the CE. Kind of tired of their "collector" status there. Especially when you can just do that upgrade in your account at any time for the last few expansions.

Pretty much.

New class that people have been wanting since release...check.
PvP and PvE finally getting fucking different skills and progression...check.
Alternate advancement to just leveling and Artifact weapons...check.
Emerald Dream that people have wanted since release...check.
Trim down followers and make them more meaningful...check.
No fucking garrisons or shipyards...check.

And everyone is like...Meh

WTF. Cynical cunts doesn't begin to describe it. I get it, WoD was ass and people feel burnt, but if you can't get a little hype for this expansion it's probably time to stop worrying/posting/playing WoW and find something else to do. But who am I kidding, some of you guys are still crying about shit that happened in games over a decade ago.
This is my stance on your checklist.

New class everyone has been wanting since release? I don't want them, never did. I didn't want pandas either, I found that whole thing stupid. When pandas did come out they were mediocre at best. You expect different for demon hunters? Just because fanboys wanted it for years means that we should do it?

I didn't watch the part about pvp/pve but are they 100% different skills across the board? No overlap?

So some specs get a weapon everyone cares about, other get some made up weapon that didn't exist and has no story and nobody gives a shit. It sounds like you keep one weapon the entire expansion. Where is the fun in this part?

Emerald dream was supposed to be bigger than an instance or two. Back then people were wanting it to be an expansion. Once again just because some people are thrilled about it doesn't mean the rest of us care.

Followers, garrisons, and shipyards. You are honestly saying that getting rid of failed projects is something to be excited about? That isn't how you sell a new expansion by saying that you don't have to do the old stuff. Here's the kicker though. They will have to completely nerf the rewards from garrisons or make the new stuff reward so much better or people will still be "forced" to log into their garrison to generate gold. They even have a second hearthstone to make it convenient. Can we even delete that thing?

We don't have to be cynical cunts to not be in love with this announcement. At first glance it has some good stuff and it has some tired and rehashed concepts. Remember all the things scrapped that were announced this far ahead of an expansion. There are things announced yesterday that might never see the light of day.


Vyemm Raider
My favorite feature so far, and it's only a cliffnote at the bottom of the Legion website :

"We're improving the transmogrification system, allowing you to collect item appearances and save your favorite outfits without sacrificing precious bag space."

Fucking finally!


My favorite feature so far, and it's only a cliffnote at the bottom of the Legion website :

"We're improving the transmogrification system, allowing you to collect item appearances and save your favorite outfits without sacrificing precious bag space."

Fucking finally!
Like the tabard collection they have been claiming was coming any day?


Vyemm Raider
a_skeleton_03_sl said:
Like the tabard collection they have been claiming was coming any day?
I don't remember them saying it was coming any day, they said they were working on it but that it was more troublesome than anticipated (because a lot of tabards have clickable effects or teleports). I'm confident we'll see it soon enough. One of my favorite features from WoD was the Toy Box that helped me save sooo much space, so this change to transmog will be most welcome, and since I'm not a cynical asshole I'm quite hopeful we'll see it actually in the game.

My only worry is that there may be a limited number of slots you can save gear for, and that would mean I can't do what I always wanted to do and collect every set for every class out there hehe.