World of Warcraft: Current Year


They mentionned at Blizzcon 2014 they were working on the tabard tab but that it was more troublesome than anticipated (no good solution for the tabards with effects on the wearer), so I don't consider that a broken promise. But we get it a_skeleton_03, you are cynical and jaded, no need to keep following up on news that you're 150% certain won't happen or will be tainted or will be on the cash shop, etc...
Not cynical or jaded at all, just realistic.

Played this game since beta 3. I didn't leave WoD with a bad taste in my mouth like some. They did a fine enough job with it. You won't quote me bitching about it. I tuned into the expansion announcement with high hopes. I was underwhelmed.

System changes like tabard tabs and transmogrification aren't expansion features. Those are system upgrades. You can tell that it shouldn't be discussed as an expansion thing if it works universally with all expansions. They have been advertising failed features for a while now and are phoning it in for this expansion it looks like. I am sad, not cynical.


Golden Knight of the Realm
You guys who keep calling us negative nancies, know that my beef is not really with the announcement but rather the silent treatment when it comes to the content drought that we're all expecting until this is released. I already got bored of 6.2 as it felt really shallow so I'm not subbed at the moment. With how horrible things have been going lately I would have wanted more focus on how they would, you know, get us content faster rather than just 1 hour of HYPE HYPE HYPE BUY NEW EXPANSION! You just wait, soon they'll announce the "get your free overwatch beta if you subscribe for a year!" deal similar to what they did in MoP. I can just feel it

This is why I'm cynical, I don't think things will be different at all. Q1 2016, so February-March, I think is way too long to go with the current patch.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Transmog should be done like GW2 does it - collect every skin that exists if you want to, no space required. Honestly I was baffled by the (new to me) transmog mechanics when I picked WoW back up because it was so limited compared to GW2 at that point.


Vyemm Raider
You guys who keep calling us negative nancies, know that my beef is not really with the announcement but rather the silent treatment when it comes to the content drought that we're all expecting until this is released. I already got bored of 6.2 as it felt really shallow so I'm not subbed at the moment. With how horrible things have been going lately I would have wanted more focus on how they would, you know, get us content faster rather than just 1 hour of HYPE HYPE HYPE BUY NEW EXPANSION! You just wait, soon they'll announce the "get your free overwatch beta if you subscribe for a year!" deal similar to what they did in MoP. I can just feel it

This is why I'm cynical, I don't think things will be different at all. Q1 2016, so February-March, I think is way too long to go with the current patch.
I'm sure I'm in the minority, but the pre-expansion lull of a few months is the part I prefer in the expansion cycle. It allows me to do all the content I didn't have time to do because of work/family commitments and gives me enough good gear to be able to blow through it more easily. Also gives me time to finish the achievements I wanted (sometimes from previous expansion, meta-achievs, raids...) and some of the stuff that was on the backburner for ages (collecting some rare recipes, old mounts, wrapping up the archaeology museum in my garrison when flying is unlocked...).

In fact, as we speak I'm leveling my first Horde toon ever in 11 years, all because I'm done with Tanaan and only need a couple hours a week to run LFR for my legendary ring (once that's done I'm not doing LFR again until next expansion).. I'm glad to finally have time to do some easygoing stuff without having to raid raid raid or clicking 7 garrisons all the fucking time. That's one thing I won't miss about garrisons for sure, but the easy gold was good while it lasted hehe.

Anyway.. I'm happy about it and I hope we'll get everything that was shown and more. I understand some people are cautious or that it's too little too late for some but it's expected from a 11 year old game, it cannot retain the subscribers like it once did, but for me, with my limited play time and the style of gameplay I'm looking for, it's right up my alley and I could go on with it for decades.

As for GW2 transmog, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what WoW Legion is going to do. You know Blizz loves taking ideas that work elsewhere!


Golden Squire
Only played WoD for a month before losing interest. No flying annoyed me, so since you said it was available now, and I looked it up....they locked that shit behind reputation grinds (among other things that at least made a little bit of sense)? Hahahaha, never change Blizz.


Just to revered, which is pretty easy now with the new zone that unlocked. Flying isn't even out yet for some reason or another, they're apparently still testing it on PTR even though there's almost nothing at all wrong with it and never was.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Only played WoD for a month before losing interest. No flying annoyed me, so since you said it was available now, and I looked it up....they locked that shit behind reputation grinds (among other things that at least made a little bit of sense)? Hahahaha, never change Blizz.
Outside of one rep it takes about 2 weeks of dailies to unlock everything for flying. It is really easy. Not to mention those dailies let you buy 695 gear.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>


<WoW Guild Officer>
Didn't see this mentioned:

As an example of class changes, the Survival Hunter 'spear' Artifact was brought up. In Legion, Survival Hunters will be a melee spec that utilizes a pet. To differentiate specializations, the developers will try to de-homogenize the classes. Further to this, Beast Mastery Hunters will fight at range with a pet, while Marksmanship Hunters will fight at range with NO PET.
Hunter weapon comments are back y'all.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You guys who keep calling us negative nancies, know that my beef is not really with the announcement but rather the silent treatment when it comes to the content drought that we're all expecting until this is released. I already got bored of 6.2 as it felt really shallow so I'm not subbed at the moment. With how horrible things have been going lately I would have wanted more focus on how they would, you know, get us content faster rather than just 1 hour of HYPE HYPE HYPE BUY NEW EXPANSION! You just wait, soon they'll announce the "get your free overwatch beta if you subscribe for a year!" deal similar to what they did in MoP. I can just feel it

This is why I'm cynical, I don't think things will be different at all. Q1 2016, so February-March, I think is way too long to go with the current patch.
I agree although q1 would actually still be a huge improvement in turn around time than they have ever done in the past its going to be a long slog till the expansion. At this point I sort of expect blizzcon to be the beta announce for it but even if so they normally do 6 month ish betas so you are looking at march april probably at the earliest. That would be a long slog of no new content in this patch but I just don't see how they are going to turn it around any faster than that.


So is there another class that requires a completely different weapon type when changing specs? This is about the hunter change.

Dual wield warrior and DK, rogue?, and PAL/WAR tank anything else?

Not saying it's the worst decision just curious how prevalent it is since my memory is blanking.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Didn't see this mentioned:

Hunter weapon comments are back y'all.
Given their comments about why the demonhunters only have two specs makes me curious if some other classes wind up getting condensed or more heavily differentiated. You get things like mages which makes a person wonder does any class really need three separate dps specs warlocks as well.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just to revered, which is pretty easy now with the new zone that unlocked. Flying isn't even out yet for some reason or another, they're apparently still testing it on PTR even though there's almost nothing at all wrong with it and never was.
Looks like the flight patch on PTR is a release candidate now so should be seeing that pretty soon. Really I was pretty surprised after looking at all the things you need for the unlock it really was not bad at all. My main was closed to finished or finished with nearly all the aspects of it already. Just needed to get to revered which is not bad at all with the 3 new reps and spent a couple hours gathering treasures and finishing exploring frostfire and bang achivement done.


Given their comments about why the demonhunters only have two specs makes me curious if some other classes wind up getting condensed or more heavily differentiated. You get things like mages which makes a person wonder does any class really need three separate dps specs warlocks as well.
Every pure DPS class should be distilled down to one spec and the ones that have weapon options should be a talent toggle.

If you want to be a dagger rogue you choose daggers as your level 10 talent or whatever.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So is there another class that requires a completely different weapon type when changing specs? This is about the hunter change.

Dual wield warrior and DK, rogue?, and PAL/WAR tank anything else?

Not saying it's the worst decision just curious how prevalent it is since my memory is blanking.
Well ret paladins use two handers exclusivly and prot and resto would use one handers and shields. Shaman are dual wielding claws/hammers/axes or in caster form mostly using staves. I guess it really depends how you want to define it but quite a few specs especially ones with melee use pretty different weapon types depending on their spec.


"This is the weapon you will use throughout the expansion. You will not get weapon drops in Legion."
is interesting to me. I'm assuming if this is the case and they want to emphasize on Artifacts, they have to take into account multiple specs. I hope it's not the case that I'm going to spend a bunch of time upgrading whatever holy weapon I get for heals as a pally and deciding I want to ret and having to do it all over with Ashbringer again.

Also kinda excited for this:
"It will be very important to see how the story plays out regarding Artifacts that come from characters like Tirion. No spoilers!"
"Classes will evolve in a number of ways in Legion. The development team is looking closely at the core fantasy for each class."

It really seems like this is the way they're going to bring classes back to feeling like they're the class you picked and not just dps3. I'm sure they'll still be homogenized as fuck, but it's exciting to have a class identity back other than "you cast some holy shit"


Molten Core Raider
So is there another class that requires a completely different weapon type when changing specs? This is about the hunter change.

Dual wield warrior and DK, rogue?, and PAL/WAR tank anything else?

Not saying it's the worst decision just curious how prevalent it is since my memory is blanking.
Death Knight
Druids (?)

All use different weapon types for different specs. The only classes that don't are pure casters, really. Wouldn't be unusual for Hunters to have to switch.


Yeah way more than I really remembered.

xzi brings up a concern I have as well. I put all this effort into my DPS weapon and then switch to tanking. How long is it going to take to catch up on that weapon? Are there going to be time gates?